Oatmeal diarrhea

Hi, I started eating oatmeal for breakfast two weeks ago. But these last days I have been having problems with it(diarrhea). I stopped eating oatmeal for three days and stopped having those problems, while yesterday I ate oatmeal again and I had diarrhea again. So it's almost 100% the oatmeal. What could it be? Is it that it has gone bad? The oats had been in my shelf for at least a year, so maybe they are bad. But I'm not sure really. They taste good.,

Could be gluten
Try other gluten containing grains and see if the same happens

Oats don't contain gluten.

Could you take a few photos of the diarrhea?
Maybe describe the color, smell, texture etc?

Is it instant oatmeal packets or something?

They are produced in places with grains that do, so they are cross contaminated.

It wasn't really diarrhea but very soft shit, not 100% liquid though.

Like type 6

Lactose intolerance. Some people are fine with just milk, but have it bad after milk and sugar. I have like this myself, after drinking milk and eating something sweet it is almost guaranteed to have problems 4 hours after. Also it has quite accurate timing.

Well that could be, although I usually drink coffe with milk and have no problems

Jeez, oatmeal costs just a few cents a box. Throw the fucking stuff away and buy new oats, just to be sure. Might be the old stuff has grown some hard to detect mold or fungus, that stuff produces toxins, or insects have been at it.

The small amount of milk one adds to coffee is probably not enough to cause any problems.

Cook it in hot water. Honestly, oats are suppose to make you shit, its the healthy aspect of oats

This is a common effect of eating oatmeal. There's nothing wrong with you or the oats. The fiber makes some people shit profusely. If that isn't your thing, stop eating so much of it.

The gluten meme is over you stupid fuck

Making you poop is one thing. That's expected due to the fiber content in the oatmeal. But diarrhea? That's certainly not normal, and it's the opposite of what one would expect with fiber.

And yet it happens anyway. Dietary fiber can give you big giant logs or diarrhea. Too much can make you shit fast or make you save it up for later. It's one of those things that everybody has to figure out on an individual basis to achieve their ideal poops and poop frequencies. Diet, genetics, intestinal bacteria, etc. Complex stuff.

I eat oatmeal almost everyday & have no problems.
I use water instead of milk though

you might have an intolerance to eggs

that's kind of how it starts

try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears

>They are produced in places with grains that do, so they are cross contaminated.
The amount of gluten contamination would be super negligible. For someone with severe gluten reactions, it's something to worry about, but OP has not mentioned that.

What type of oats, whole, steel-cut, "old-fashioned" rolled, quick/instant? (Rancidity, while it shouldn't matter, is likelier to occur in whole/steel-cut than rolled). How much milk do you add, and do you sometimes consume that amount periodically on cereal or as a beverage without problems? Do you add butter or another oil? Any fruit, nuts, or other additions? Do you have toast or other accompaniments with it?

You are eating too much oatmeal and getting a fiber rush.

Cut your portion in 1/2.

I got explosive diarrhea from eating oatmeal every morning i shit you not

>house full of people,family visiting
>go take a shit

>eating oatmeal

You could have become gluten intolerant in some way. The protein in oats, avenin, is structurally similar to gluten. Coeliac disease causes your immune system to perceive gluten as a threat and produce gluten antibodies. You know when you get the flu, and you get better and then you have immunity to it, and then in the future you catch a strain of flu similar to the one you had before, but you have antibodies for that type of flu so you don't get as Ill. Its kinda like that for some celeacs- their immune system sorta goes 'hmm, kinda looks like gluten, I'll attack that too'. What you're describing happened to me just randomly one day, got tested and turns out its coeliac disease. I wasn't having symptoms from wheat products nearly as badly as oats...