Potted meat

Who actually buys/eats this stuff? I see it on supermarket shelves sometimes.

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camping food. it's good on crackers or toast.

Eat them with rice


Best kind of food to have in your winter emergency box in the car.

I make Labskaus with canned corned beef.

That looks disgusting as fuck.
Pic related is the only meat in a can that's actually goat.

People who grew up during the depression and/or wartime rationing who are nostalgic about their youth.

I get it. I don't really like 90's pop/rock but I listen to it sometimes because it reminds of listening to the radio at my first job, and despite having to be subjected to Natalie Imbruglia 8 hours a day, it was kind of a magical time in my life.

Why wouldn't someone just get spam instead? OP's can looks suspect

i like to make my own

i'm still tweaking the recipes but i've done a decent pulled pork and different variations of briskets

might do tongue one of these days

Dogs and Scottish people

I was eating this and anything else that didn't require much (if any) chewing after getting my wisdom teeth out.

that could be used as a fleshlight

That stuff is worse than cat food.
I agree with whoever said it exists only for people over 60 who had a lot fewer choices and find it difficult to change old habits. Nobody in their right mind would say "oh, hey look at this, I'm new but I really could get into that, I think Ill buy a 12 pack!"
Acceptable canned meats include Spam, hash, and tuna/sardines. "Potted meat" is not invited.

mostly niggers, but I do know a construction company owner who eats vienna sausages (probably because he buys them for the niggers and doesn't want to let them see him eating beef tenderloin)

Don't forget deviled ham. Shit's good

my hillbilly parents bought this and made sandwiches with it when I was a kid. it's not the worst thing ever but it aint good either, comparable to pretty much any other junk food like bologna or lunch meat.

No need to repeat yourself mate

I enjoy the stuff as an homage to the shit I used to eat when I was poor as fuck. I remember eating this out of a tortilla with a little hot sauce as the world's shittiest quality burrito.

It's salty and tasty, but only a bit of it.

Although, when I was a kid, I thought dog food looked appetizing, so it's probably why I still find meat slurries tasty.

Deviled ham can come too.
But this shit is a very poor implementation of pâté, which can be good, but not in this form.
An example of doing it right is pâté de foie gras. Made from fatty goose liver.
The can OP posted is pâté de CAT FOOD
and my cat turns 360 degrees and walks away.

>360 degrees and walk away

I will always love that reference

whenever i go to the store i always buy 1 single can of a random ghetto meat thing. some are surprisingly good. the canned chicken hotdogs were my favorite so far. the congealed grease surrounding them is extremely off putting though

I fucking love the chicken version of this stuff. It's fantastic on pumpernickel bread.

my cat will similarly not eat these

I swear to you that I don't actively look for opportunities to post "steve don't eat it" links

but people just keep posting the exact foods he reviewed and asking "who eats this?"
