Anyone familiar with the Bulgarian property market?

Anyone familiar with the Bulgarian property market?

I want to buy a €5000 farmhouse with at last 7000m2 of land

Do any anons live in Bulgaria and can help me find somewhere?

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Hello my name is Dimitar come help me milk goat

bup i' curious as well

Shit, you got me interested too. Please accept this bump.

I've been looking at Bulgaria for awhile. You can get cheapest by the beach or in the mountains. The land seems expensive though and you can't get citizenship so only 6 months a year there

>some western faggot buys property in Bulgaria from a sneaky Slav thinking they are making a great investment
>gets flight to see property
>turns up and there are packs of gypsies roaming around all over your """""investment"""""
>sneaky Slav uses your money to get a penthouse in Sofia and fuck prositites all day while you are left bagholding his grandpas gypsy farm

I’m an eu citizen so I can stay forever. Anyway bump

I'm a Bulgarian, ask me specific questions. I don't mean to scare you away but there are a lot of rural low pop locations where all sane people have left for the city and the only ones that remained are ethnic minorities with little affection for foreigners.

I’m looking in northwest and I want a big house with lots of land. A renovation project

You'd have to be a fucking retard to buy property in Bulgaria. Find an Eastern European country that isn't overrun with gypos.

Im not scared of that. Just want an extremely cheap house

Find me a house for €5000 anywhere else then

You want to go live up in Montana region? You've been there already though right?

If you go closer up to the Danube river close to Vidin it's pretty nice, but driving there from Sofia is like driving over a road that's suffered heavy bombing in WWII and never been repaired.

check out Somalia, land is a steal

I cannot tell you what would be a fair price (but I guess I can ask people who would know). You can definitely find a property to match your needs and I doubt it'd be costly if it's a rural area. But is right. If you want to be a part of some community you'd have to be careful, I have relatives in the countryside who became very good friends with a british neighbor and there would be a lot of other welcoming places but you'd have to scout things out first somehow.

You can find houses in Ukraine for cheap. Plus the country is beautiful and the women are unbelievable.

Yes but Ukraine not being in the EU is a problem. It would be useless to me as I wouldn’t be able to reside there

That's true, fair enough. Latvia/Lithuania could be the solution then. Both populations are declining so I imagine housing is cheap.

No I’ve never been there. I’ve lived in Vietnam for a while so I’m used to third world driving conditions.

Basically I don’t speak Bulgarian so can you search the local property websites for me? I’m looking for literally the cheapest large area I can buy.

I want to turn it in to a kind of eco house so I will need a large area for solar panels. Also if there is a stream on the property even better.

The dwelling should be to renovate. Preferably solid construction

Yes Lithuania is cheap if you want to live in an apartment. But I’m looking for house with land and Lithuania is a lot colder than Bulgaria. At least there I am very close to Greece, Turkey etc and there’s sunny beach in bulgaria

You're best bet is to identify a couple of areas, find a local representative and get them to go and talk to the Mayor in the areas you like.

The real estate market is not like western countries.There's not much of a culture of selling properties and land, certainly not through online channels.

I know there's an expat estate agent on the cost for brits, they may be able to give you some contacts for the NorthWest. They'd also be able to talk you through the legalities of moving

I'm an expert, I watched the Soothouse video

Some options around though:

You'll get cheaper prices if you go there with a local and negotiate

I have been thinking of this too but am concerned by the experience of a friend who bought a flat there (at a ski resort). A local crime family wanted to buy the whole complex so they sent a guy to talk to them and they basically threatened to kill their whole family if they refused to sell. The guy had a handgun lol. Spooky shit.

This happens at ski resorts and the beachs. No one cares in the rural countryside, there's no money to be made from forcing people off land in the countryside

Hey hey hey OP, you pay me in shitcoins and i can go on the spot and livestream .

Also I would recommend to check utilities, water electricity and these old house do not necessarily have those ! Or there is some catch that you need to pay 10 000 leva to get electricity.

There is literally 100 way to get fucked over. You get what you pay for.

The problem with the gypsi niggers is, because of the EU it is currently illegal to shoot the damn things. We hope we would be able to ship them to germany as they like brownies.

Thanks, I have contacted this site

These are all way too expensive. €7000 is my absolute budget

Here. Economically depressed region where houses go from 5000-8000 euros.

Goddamn Germany and their artificially high levels of euro and bureaucracy which makes it impossible to develop any healthy businesses because they would be a competition to their companies exporting to the new EU member states are the main cause of entire ex commie Europe being a demographic death spiral.

Attached: Slavonia.svg.png (1024x991, 214K)

Delete THIS

Fuck off. I hate western europeans and dotn want them to move there.

€7000 will buy you a used dildo.

in BG the is a problem with build permits. If you buy a land, and if that land was not qualified as build land, you need to re qualify it.

Then pay for project to be done. Then bride the fuck to approve it.

BG is not a free country. When people hear you are a foreigner they will make everything so , that you will need to bribe them.

Get a house that has utilities in order and everything. look for a foreclosure , there are some, especially if you can wait. there public bids.

Currently on my way to Bulgaria if any anons would like to help me househunt leave your contacts in this thread

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stay poor then. your choice

>€5000 farmhouse
This can't be real right? I earn that much in one month.

There's plenty of houses you can get for that much in rural Bulgaria. Probably struggle to get the amount of land user wants, but housing, yeh sure.

Did I mention I will pay you for interpreting for me

yea village house is that much, you need to do renovation obviously.
Anything outside the capital is dirt cheep.