So I’ve got about 47 10mg percocet, 48 2mg xanax bars, and another script of percocet (30) coming in a week. Be real with me Veeky Forums, will I run out of happiness before the next bull run? The strategy is to ration until my folio is back where it was before I needed drugs to cope
So I’ve got about 47 10mg percocet, 48 2mg xanax bars, and another script of percocet (30) coming in a week...
Other urls found in this thread:
Sell it all for the small 300
Buy a mix of the top erc20 tokens
Sell the 15x coinbase pick
I hope you die cold turkey
percocets, molly percocets
chase a check, never chase a bitch
How are you even ordering opioids and benzodiazepines by the way?
Aren't you paying shitloads of money to get them illegally?
If you don't feel like going to a psychiatrist you can try self-medication with St. John's wort 300mg 3 times a day, combined with CBD oil/pills 50mg in case of acute anxiety.
It works fine and is a lot cheaper.
Note that if you do later decide to see an actual doctor you should always mention that you use St. John's wort to prevent drug interactions.
A friend of mine sells me his bi-weekly percocet prescriptions and sometimes I trade them for prescriptions of Xanax, but I try to keep both handy. I see a psyc already and am prescribed Klonopin which I take every day so I don’t neck someone with a rosary
Oh, look! DRUGS! You are very cool, dude. WEED! LMAO.
What the actual fuck.
What's his diagnosis?
oh look another unwitty unfunny edgy /b/tard
Don’t actually know, but he says the percs don’t help him
And what is your diagnosis?
Why are you using two types of benzodiazepines?
They're used for acute anxiety and for sleep disorders, but shouldn't be taken for more than a few days in a row if you don't want the effects to wear off.
If you take them for anxiety why aren't you getting an SSRI?
I've got an eighth of weed that should hold me over until the next run
glad I'm not fucked in the head any further
May be all fun and games now but don’t get too deep in it or you’ll feel worse than you ever thought you could.
Habitual drug users are chumps, plain and simple. I understand the compulsion, but keeping your shit together through other behavioral changes is strictly better.
t. ex poly drug abuser
I’m diagnosed with social anxiety, panic disorder and severe insomnia for which I am prescribed klonopin, clonidine, and mirtazipine respectively. Klonopin helps in the most subtle ways, where I can function socially without sweating or losing a temper. Clonidine is what they give people with panic disorder who are already taking a benzo, it’s an efficient sedative. I’ve taken SSRIs before for months to no avail, rather only negative outcomes with no benefit (Wellbutrin for two months then Celexa for three)
>drugs to cope
you are never going to make it.
Drugs are for fun, not to deal with your problems.
>I'm too self-important to be cognizant of the fact that others have physiological imbalances that require treatment with drugs
Okay, guess your psychiatrist hasn't made any mistakes then.
I still think benzodiazepines aren't very good for you. You can still ask your psychiatrist if you can try buspirone or pregabalin, they are known to work too.
Have you ever had CBT?
Wondering if you have a serious porn addiction?
>falling for the (((chemical imbalances))) meme
that shit that you saw on a commercial isn't science.
>physiological imbalances that require treatment with drugs
Literally fell for the jew once again i see, at some point in life you had troubles of some sort and the good friendly doctor just pumped you full of pills, now you wonder why you feel so shit all the time and why you always need an ever increasing amount of drugs on you to keep you functional at best and where my chemical balance went oh so wrong
I’ve been a regular drug user for quite some time and have felt coming close to dependence, but have been able to cut the pattern. I’ve come extremely close to OD’ing via morphine by accident and that’s when I realized, as I would take my one breath every 60+ seconds (respiratory depression), and weaving in and out of consciousness, that I was okay with dying. I didn’t drive myself to the ER, I only laid down and was ready to die. I didn’t obviously but it has enlightened me in knowing that I’m okay with death if I don’t “make it”
>muh diagnosis
you're one of those faggots who thinks they're a special snowflake because of the problems they made in their own head. the truth is, you're just a little fucking bitch.
justify it anyway you want fucking pussy.
i used to shoot up 4 grams of heroin, shoot up 3 grams of coke and pop atleast 5 bars a day when i was 19. I was on opiates from 12-19 been clean and sober since, (27 now) everyone i know that still does drugs are just big fucking crybabys that need to justify every little thing they do and they usually live with or off their parents in some way.
Fuck off soyboy pussy
There are no pills for autism unfortunately, but that's no reason to be jealous of people who actually have treatable disorders
>I’ve been a regular drug user for quite some time
>muh "OD"
>really a pathetic cry for attention
you're sound like a 16 year old girl
you're a walking meme
The gap between your understanding and accepted science is too wide. Just... stay trading internet memes
t. chem eng.
Are you in the medical field or a medical student by any chance? I actually tried Buspar for a month after the antidepressants but never noticed alleviation of symptoms. Never attempted CBT, although a friend has and only commented on its price tag. I do not have great insurance.
>4 posts by this ID
Here (You) go
Nice larp
Yeah, med student.
I guess your psychiatrist tried pretty much everything. CBT is the only thing I can think of that would have added value.
We generally try to explore all alternatives to benzodiazepines because of the dependence people get. I think CBT will help you and is definitely worth trying, but you need to be motivated to try it and sit it out. Is there any option to slightly scale up your insurance?
Well, good for you man. Your life's gonna happen and it will most likely be disappointing, but at least you aren't going to panic about death.
As of right now, no. Crypto was going to help me with that lol. I do believe that using therapy conjuctively with the right medication is the best route, but as of now my options for therapy are quite limited.
I see.
Well, to answer your question then, I do think you're going to make it till the next bull run with your current supply.
If you're afraid of running out, I think the CBD oil would be your best bet. It also indirectly interacts with your benzodiazepines to make them more effective.
Don't tell your psychiatrist a med student told you this, we normally shouldn't recommend drugs that cause interactions like this.
Thanks for the conversation, mate, and I appreciate the advice as well. I’ll make a shoutout thread next bull run with the same jpg. And good luck with your med track
Thanks mate, good luck to you too!
lol the joke is on you for saving that image to your hard drive
anyways, xanax will absolutely fuck your shit up in the long term
You WILL lose control of your life if you play around with it and get bit
Try kratom. I got off heroin and Xanax with it. Cheap, safe, not nearly as addictive, and most people claim it helps depression and anxiety (as long as you stay high obviously). Been on it daily for 2-3 years. Feels slightly stimulating love working out on it. Probably saved my life.
Maybe we should get you some fresh air, unprocessed food and exercise for a bit.
As someone who has actually gone through a terrible Xanax withdrawal, please do not make the same mistake I did. Even a quarter of those bars (0.25) a day/night will make your life a living hell when you try to get off them. Benzos are a nightmare I wouldn’t wish upon anyone.
Just bought 0.0132 BTC
Are there any drugs worth trying beside heroin and LSD?
None of them are worth it.
Which strain of Kratom is your favorite? Ive tried a couple and not sure which one I like.
What happens?
ket is a must in the starterpack
Bed ridden, no appetite, cold sweats, full body aches and restlessness, horrible night terrors, I even had these crazy lucid dreams, not the fun kind. I shouldn’t have done it alone in my bed I felt like I was going to have a seizure and die.
Take shrooms they will offer you a new perspective on things
>accepted science
Lol the same accepted science that teaches college kids that race is a sociological/optical illusion? Get the fuck out, retard.
How long does it last?
The pcp analogues are better than ket imo, lasts longer and require less so no bladder damage like ket. 3-meo-pcp, 3-meo-pce, 0-pce etc. Dissos are my fav, I usually play vidyas or ride my bike on them.
It can takes months to years for everything to go back to normal.
>rides bike on ket
Not ket but those analogues, just don't take large doses. You can't hole on a lot of them anyway.
Its like when I tell people I do better in competitive games when really watching the dosage.
Another great thing with this class of drug if how it would make me feel like a god the next day, crazy mental clarity and social skills. it would be like phenibut but way better.
This is essentially what they are trying to do withthose new ketamine injections for treatment resistant depression. This is due to the NMDA receptors regulation effects.
The way to achieve it for me was to redose once or twice when the effects dissipate so it could acumulate a little bit in the system.
Few weeks till I was walking about, after 2 months I was almost back to normal, had sleeping problems for months after due to taking it to fall asleep.
Try tianeptine...makes you very productive and totally cured my depression and anxiety in a pretty short time (try not to abuse the dosage as it's very addictive at high dosages, otherwise it's not). Tianeptine really changed my in limitless (of course on a much lower scale).
i actually kind of don't give a shit, but am always happy to indulge in skag. lost all my eth i bought at 35$ in cambodia, then again lost everything in vietnam, now am again sober and productive in taiwan looking forward to the next catastrophe.
how did you lose it?
smack and meff in cambodia, but above that was late 2-3 days with my visa and that's all the excuse they need to corner and squeeze you for your last penny.
same in vietnam, only more civilized and i have no excuse there, lol.
Anyone know any confidence booster drugs that aren't Meth or Coke?
How the fuck do i get Xanax prescribed????
Lol. Pathetic.
I'm tempted to buy 200M osrs gp and go staking, I can't fucking resist the sand casino lads
>retarded kids almost od'd on it a few months ago so its banned
Being an Auscuck is suffering.
Special K is amazing. Even at low doses. Sometimes I do key bumps and play chess. Somehow my strength improves dramatically, I don't really know why.
this user sleeps like a baby
People never took drugs to "balance" their chemicals 20 years ago.
Instead of facing your fears like a normal person you are relying on medication to overcome the issues.
I really hope you see the truth and stop taking these addictive (((makesyounormal))) pills so my healthcare cost can go down. Otherwise you will never make it
St. John's wort has been used since antiquity you absolute brainlet
48 bars for 300$? where the fuck do you live where it costs that little. thats like 1.5K in pills right there boi
St John's wort \= Xanax
St John's wort is not addictive, Xanax is
I overdid it with phenibut for a couple of weeks (every day or every other day for like two weeks in total) after using what I considered a therapeutic dose (250-500mg) basically once a week for about a year before then. A short time after I stopped o experienced a day where o thought I had the stomach flu—I basically got up in the middle of the night, vomited my guts out, went back to bed and woke up with chills, general achiness, the works. I still think it was probably the flu but I haven’t been able to sleep well since then (very slowly improving but still extremely poor). I wonder if I experienced withdrawal. Doesn’t seem likely as I wasn’t going crazy with quantities but t wouldn’t surprise me.
Still, I don’t think I’ll ever eat Taco Bell again.
what? people have been doing it forever. these chemicals have been around 20 years
St. John's wort is a MAO inhibitor.
When people talk about using drugs to balance their chemicals they often mean anti-depressants.
No sane person would think benzodiazepines somehow balance your chemicals, every medical professional tries to be cautious in prescribing them and only does so when other options have been fully explored, as you can read above.
The ancients did use a lot of alcohol though, which has a similar effect as benzodiazepines.
Best source?
If you do Phenibut more than twice per week you will experience the same cessation symptoms as with benzos.
The sleep problems are the most lasting symptoms for me. If you did phenibut for a year then it will prob last at least a month.
I see, I guess that's it then. Is there any way to use it without experiencing these symptoms? And does Tianeptine interact with Phenibut or compound this problem?