Just makin suuuum burritos here

Just makin suuuum burritos here

did you shit in your pan?

wow epic trolle, m8

Thats gonna be one soggy burrito

So you're happy with how this food looks?

The pepper strips are ridiculously out of place in a burrito. Also you need to cook that liquid off, big time. Post results, so I can have a rib hurting laugh - I need it.

Just get some corn tortillas and spoon some of that slop in each one.

Make some of that yellow orange Mexican rice on the side.

I know you kids likes em extra sloppy

>hardshell tacos


What happened here?
Thats not a burrito!
Show pic of burrito, Op or Kys

I hope you guys feel nice inside that op is cry now.

looks a little watery bud

also the peppers are a little long

but hey, i'm sure it tastes great ;^)

Wouldn't this be fajitas with ground beef instead of a burrito due to the way he's cooking the ingredients together like that?

That would be insulting to shit calling that burrito diarrhea.



Where is the burrito that was promised?

Assuming you're not shitposting how the fuck do you expect ground beef in a pan to look?

There sure as fuck shouldn't be any liquid in the pan. OP isn't browning the meat, he's boiling it.

OP either added a bunch of liquid, overcrowded the pan, or had the pan on too low of a heat. Or perhaps a combination of those three.

Not like a water slop of shit.

Nice counter op, i can smell the poverty from here

These guys are right. If you overcrowd the pan, the meat will draw out it's juices, and boil in them. You don't want this to happen for ground beef, or steaks. Take the time to saute your veggies with a pinch of salt to draw out the moisture. Add beef in batches.

Sorry that's not entirely right. It's based on how long your different veggies take to cook. Onions take a while. I'd add the beef after they drop their water content. Peppers not quite as long. Garlic at the very end. Only let garlic cook for a couple minutes before taking it out of the pan or adding sauce/stock etc.

Ideally you would cook your veggies seperately since they have different cooking time than the meat. Trying to cook it all at once would be silly.

If it were me, I'd start by browning the beef. In batches if needed. Once the beef was done I'd set it aside, then cook the veggies in the same pan the beef was cooked in. The moisture from the veggies will help deglaze the pan and that gets some extra beefy flavor into the veggies as well. Once the veggies are done you can then combine to make your filling.

fuckin ramsay over here trying to complicate making a burrito

not him but cooking ground beef first by itself is the way to go my man, don't be so lazy

bumping for this

Yeah that'd be ideal. I was drunk in parking lot this morning and couldn't think it through too good.