>It's January 1st 2019
>LINK isn't $1k
>Veeky Forums is eerily quiet all day
It's January 1st 2019
nah it'll be 1k EOY in 2019, 2020, and so on. when link reaches 1 cent they will be all gone
Nigga if link is anything over 100 do u th8nk people would be mad
I bet they'll be just as loud in OP's scenario but any reference to 1k eoy will be met with 'every sane man knows it was a meme, the project is still good and memes mean nothing'
It's 5k
All the neets have left to bang their Asian waifus
The nolinkers shout coulda shoulda woulda
And bcashies were eternally BTFO
it'll be pretty hard to say the project is still good when it's STILL 30-40 cents
That's cause it dipped from 1k to 900 overnight as legions of biztards cash out 5% of their stack for a year long debauchery party around the world. Naturally all nolinkers had already kys, there was no more need for gloating on the 1st Jan 2019. Only active thread on Veeky Forums is a stock market general and ironic worshipping thread
They will still be parading with comparison of ETH charts to counter that argument, the delusion knows no bounds my friend
>It's January 1st 2019
>LINK is $0.17
>Veeky Forums have new favorite shitcoin to make fun of
link 1000$ eoy
If link gets to be even 1 USD it would surprise me.
>it's January 1st 2019
>link has just crashed to a mere $300 USD.
>linkies pink wojacks fill the board.
>no linkers bask in the glory fueled by their suffering screams
No, us linkies won't shut up when it hits 1k EOY
Link is $100 because 1k was a meme
Everyone who bought link are in yachts and have no time for biz
we're gonna buy the board then shit all over it.......oh wait.
link 1000$ eoy!
The year is 2025.
I woke up at exactly 6:00. I need no alarm clock. Two women woke me by sucking my cock. I gave 0.000001 LINK to each of the women as a tip. Three women helped me into the shower, all while caressing me and drooling at my ChainLink wallet. They also came instantly after seeing my balance.
I left my 50 acre mansion and got in my gold-plated 2030 Lamborghini Murcielago (custom made for me after the dealer saw my LINK) and another one of my bitches was waiting in the passenger seat. She was in the car all night, because she couldn't sleep without me having penetrated her. She hopped on me and started riding my dick while I squeezed her tits and drove with my knees. In a whim, I arrived at the gym. I threw the bitch off me, and she quickly returned to the passenger seat, where she would sit until I got back. When I got out the car, I flexed. My bulging, huge, muscles ripped my Gucci shirt off, and six women lined up. We had an orgy, which didn't last too long. Each woman climaxed when my cock came within five inches of her pussy, and went into an eternal state of euphoria after seeing my ChainLink wallet. I came, and transferred .00000000001 LINK to each of the women.
After benching seven hundred kilograms, I squatted nine hundred kilograms. I started doing my 100 laps, but I got a phone call. It was a conference call with nineteen supermodels. They orgasmed after hearing my voice. My bitch in the car was getting lonely, so I went back. She sucked me off as I took the drive back home. I left her in the car, transferred .000000001 LINK to her, opened the diamond-encrusted knob and went inside.
I’ll cum hard if LINK is still 40 cents EOY when btc is at $1000 and ETH $50
>The year is 2025.
>I left my 50 acre mansion and got in my gold-plated 2030 Lamborghini Murcielago
What would cause banelink to raise high at all?
>Veeky Forums is eerily quiet all day
Have you seen Veeky Forums without the linkscum spewing their braindead maymays?
It's a much better place.
>Giving million-dollar tips to whores
2030 is the price of a Lamborghini Murcielago in Link tokens in the year of our lord Sergey 2025 trenchbrain.
>summer pic
i never thought linkies can survive that long
Accumulate brah
For you
The best argument for LINK:
There are people who own 200 LINK. That means they’ve spent 70 USD. how are they so rich? Because they make smart investments. Check and mate.
World is a perspex carpark. Crypto is irrelevent survivors scrambling for food.
Damn, Sergey's really gone off the deep end.
holy fuck user do you even know how to webm. super ultra giga slow motion is never ever fucking ever ok.
stupid sped
Don't forget the dropshipping threads
heads up, assblaster got literally everything wrong and was outed as a horrible larp. He was the no. 1 value proposition for link and without that it's just another shit coin.
he predicted loads of stuff correctly, including the current state of the market and larger amounts of volume flowing into link.
He called the top within a week. Congrats, but it's meaningless. More importantly every link-related scoop or prediction was wrong. Starting with one of his first claims that porting to Go was a surprise and big setback for sergey. What assblaster didn't realize was that sergey was on record (in a video) discussing the plan to port to go as early as February 2017, when he says they're definitely doing it. Assblaster, like many others took it as fact that this was new when rory said it again in November. Not to mention other bullshit lies, like binance listing link against their will despite screenshots proving binance sent people to the slack to ask, and CZ's multiple tweets about how they require permission to list new coins.
It's fine link is good without link kind of, but assblaster was 100% larping wrt information about chainlink, even if he understands crypto market sentiment as a whole well.
He's the guy who kept saying "Muh ETH vs LINK 6 month moon comparison"
You too would hit him if given the chance