Why kill the lobster before it hits the boiling water?
It would die pretty soon anyway and I don't think it can feel pain the way humans do.
Just for show, doing the right thing, I guess?
Why kill the lobster before it hits the boiling water?
It takes a second. Why not just kill it, in case it does feel pain?
Truth be told I've had a hatred of lobsters since I was a kid, I learned how cruel and evil they can be at a young age
If your going to steam it whole, just chuck it in the pot, but if you're going to break it down while raw, might as well kill it first do it doesn't fight you back.
Tell me about this tramatic experience user.
Because I'm not a faggot pussy ladyboi.
They snapped my pee pee user T_T
Haha, benis
You must be a very sad person to posture on the internet like this.
I saw a lobster in one of those tanks I felt a sort of kinship to the creature and I engaged it in a mental conversation, at first things seemed calm as i gazed into it's eyes and it seemed to relay calm messages to me but quickly it seemed to be disturbed, it became very violent and harassful in tone and vibrations and I saw how evil this despicable kind of animal was, I ran away from that tank and I told my mother we had to find somewhere else to eat, luckily for me we ended up at a Wendy's where I enjoyed my Kid's Meal that had Felix The Cat toys back then
This all happened one night after Karate class at Naama Karate
The tail curls up if you boil them alive.
maybe it was disturbed because it knew it was on death row
It curls up if you boil them dead too.
You can easily address this by straightening out the tail and sticking a skewer or chopstick down the "vein" before cooking them. That keeps the tail straight. You can then pull the skewer out for serving.
This post touched my heart.
have you ever tried talking to plants?
watching gordon ramsay take apart a lobster is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen
David Foster Wallace has a very delightful essay about the ethics of boiling a lobster alive. Don't let Veeky Forums hear you talk about it though, unless you like shitposts.
You are surely jesting ... ad infinitum
Man I wish the PGOAT's face wasn't melted, but I think it was.
I know your memeing but I used to do this same thing with lobsters and fish whenever my mom took me to fish stores as a kid
Killing them is a lot of effort and mess when you can just hypnotize them.
Using DFWs work for virtue-signalling that you're clever makes him roll in his grave please cease your trash memery
It's mostly a just in case thing since we won't ever know for sure whether or not the things can feel pain like we can. Not worth the chance of causing needless cruelty if it's easily avoided.
I'm not going to get into a week-long ""debate"" about whether or not stupid animals can feel pain, but personally I feel like it's an extremely primitive and simple sensation. Even if they don't have the same mental trauma afterwards that people and other mammals do, the initial pain could very well still be there, so why risk it?
>I'm so hardcore I intentionally torture animals
We're all very impressed.
He was cremated
>I don't think it can feel pain the way humans do.
Just because you decide to make something up doesn't mean it's a fact
Like most critters they taste better if their end is sudden and unexpected. Less stress hormones and such...
I don't think you know what that term means.
The first half of that post sounded like the birth of a lobster-themed villain.
Issues: the post
I had the same thing but with one of the guards in the red jackets and the huge black hats at the Buckingham Palace
Yes because real men and icons of masculinity like Clint Eastwood make animals suffer. You have no idea what masculinity is.
What a sad warped view you have, this website has rotted your brain.
severely underrated
Because I'm Asian
The fuck are you on, user
I prefer the taste of food that died in anguish
Here in Australia if you boil crabs live they can tear their own claws out which lets after into the shell and ruins the taste a lil.
Just turn them upside down and stick a knife under their genderflap
becuase he doesnt even cook
I cook shellfish alive routinely, what's so special about lobsters? Besides the fact that they are rubbery and awful? Do they "deserve" to be killed by a blade instead of being boiled for some reason? I honestly don't get it.
came here looking for a comment like this
I agree with you
>came here looking for a comment like this
Oh lord. Have you not noticed that the one overriding thought on 4chin is a lack of empathy for anything living?
Nigga if you even visit /b/ you'll realize that people have a soft spot for animals
Because we aren't chinese.
Lobsters are evil. They deserve their fate.
Thats because /b is full of faggot underage b&s and reditors
I routinely torture/sexually abuse animals and I dont post that shit on b cos noone appreciates it anymore
Gotta use le old deepweb to find those with similar interests
I hope someday we kill you and all your chink countrymen.
Faggot you aint gonna do shit little pussy
Dumb question, Veeky Forums, but bear with me.
I live somewhere that doesn't have wild lobster, so whatever live lobster are available are probably days or weeks old. Is there a diet I can feed the lobster to give it a better flavor and make it less tough to eat? I can find an aquarium pretty easy.
This. Lobsters experience and react to stress like other organisms. Animals that had high levels of stress before dying taste worse than others that had low stress.
Why potentially ruin a good meal because you weren't assed enough to just put a quick knife in its face?
If it's alive then that means it's "fresh," also most lobsters are wild caught I think, so they come with all the impurities from the ocean anyways
But I've heard of people catching river fish, keeping them in their bathtubs for a few weeks while feeding them hot dogs and the fish coming out a lot better so ??? idk
lobster on its own is so overrated. it's just a platform for butter or something like bernaise. not complaining. also lobster bisque is great.
lobsters dont feel pain
I got the idea from watching Ramsey catching snails in his backyard, then feeding them carrots so they had all the crap out of their systems. Dunno if I'd use hot dogs but as long as somene's tried it...
I always kill my food as quickly and painlessly as possible.
I take no pleasure in causing pain, suffering and terror. Killing is purely mechanical for me and devoid of all emotion. I am dead inside when I kill. I feel no emotion or remorse. I choose not to inflict suffering. I am not a animal lover.
It's a respect and ethical thing to me.
All animals that I've killed could feel pain. I can see it in their eyes and their movements. I can feel it as the life leaves their body. Why prolong the suffering?
I have spent my life in the Bush and on a farm. Animals are much more intelligent than most people would believe.
There is a higher mental plane. Our senses become dull in the modern civilized world. You do not truly know yourself the laws of nature or what you are until you spend a couple of months alone in the wilderness.
You can communicate with animals when you are in this heightened state.
It is not like having a spoken conversation. More like projecting feelings and emotions. It's a very primitive thing.
Probably because you are either autistic, Asian, or both. A swift suicide will fix your problems
I liked this post.
Funny enough it is more humane to kill by boiling. Some people do that knife between the eyes thing but a lobster has 5 neural clusters throughout the body rather than a single brain...so it actually prolongs suffering. Chill in fridge, then boil. Most humane because lobsters are poikilothermic so the cold slows metabolism then the heat kills before they can really perceive anything for long
Fuck you, I toss them in live while watching re-runs of Trump winning the presidency. heil Hitler
All these "consider the lobster" folks never seem too upset about eating oysters alive.
>the lobster screams in the boiling water
You're right because you're shitposting and lying
how do you know?
Emotional women on suicide watch.
Lobsters dont fell pain. Additionally the sound of them boiling isnt a scream but gas escaping. The most humane death is to just throw it into the pot
Oysters don't have anything remotely resembling brains.
Humans dont fell pain. Additionally the sound of them incinerating is a scream but purely reflexive. The most humane death is to just throw it into the lava flow.
die slowly nigger
you're actually retarded, animals with simple nervous systems, like lobsters, snails and worms, do not have the ability to process emotional information and therefore do not experience suffering
never had any lobster, but something similiar, just making sure those river crawfishes are alive before throwing them into boiling water that has salt and dill in it
Scientific research would probably disagree with your assertion that lobsters only have simple nervous systems and don't feel pain. You're correct about insects, though.
Apparently the method that causes less trauma is freezing briefly, rather than boiling fresh. This is how I tend to do it, I just assumed it was similar to when shooting game, if you wound an animal, rather than killing it outright and it runs in a state of panic, causing increased lactic acids and adrenaline in the tissue, it taints the meat. I certainly do not care about the well-being of a crustacean I am about to it, but if it purportedly causes the meat to retain better qualities, I'll do it.
Then stab the damn thing and save yourself the 3 hours freezing it
>they can tear their own claws
>Lobsters dont fell pain
they know their getting a knife through them or theyre in boiling water, but its not pain.
>Lobsters dont fell pain.
Those are wasps.
those links don't support your statement.
I've noticed a tendency lately for people in an argument to just spam random links and hope nobody is going to read them. they just go LOL SCIENCE WHY DO U HATE SCIENCE CHECK OUT THESE LINKS STUPID ANTIVAXER and declare victory
then the backsliding begins when you call them out and they try to either change the subject or resort to more personal attacks like calling their opponent an anti-science or a liberal or something
Hot water softens the rubber.
Absolutely pissed, steaming lobster crawls out of the pot.
They like to anthropomorphize anything they can and they have a harder time with oysters and clams
People who knife lobsters before cooking are basically furfags whether they can admit it to themselves or not
I mean, you can't prove Lobsters don't feel pain any more than anybody can prove they do....so if you are an empathic person in general it would seem not a stretch of the imagination that somebody would just rather take the safe route and NOT have a 50 50 chance of committing torture and animal cruelty on their conscience
yes they do, link one explains the operation of a lobsters nervous system. Link two explains they feel a sensation as well as stress but do not feel pain
ive noticed a tendency lately of people to not actually read the links
>Take lobsters.
>Place them in water in pressure cooker.
>Spice water and turn it on.
>Listen to them cling around in the pot, it's starting to smell good..
>Is there a diet I can feed the lobster to give it a better flavor and make it less tough
No, but you can stop overcooking it like a midwestern housewife.
Well if you're going to go there, how about keeping them in a pile in a small glass box heaped up in conditions far worse than any third world prison, their antennae breaking off and getting trampled on and overpowered by other lobsters? Transporting them home out of water in a suffocating plastic bag, getting tossed around and being unable to see? Tying their claws with rubber bands so they're immobilized?
Oh, I guess you can make up for it by driving a knife through its head instead of boiling it. Somehow, via a mechanism unknown to ordinary people, but is certainly not a fallacy of anthropomorphism, you've worked out that one of those options is, for some reason, not only substantially less painful for the lobster than the other option, but also that doing so absolves you of everything else you did to it up until the end.
But sure, I'm the one with no empathy... you are actually completely serious, right? Not just acting like a silly person for your own entertainment and that of others?
No they don't, neither of them make a conclusive statement about how they perceive damage to their bodies you mong. In fact they specifically say it's unclear.
maybe it's just because I grew up fishing a lot, I don't see fish or crustaceans as things that can feel pain. I'm sure they can, but it just seems like a stupid thing to worry about
I wish someone would kill me in case I feel pain
I felt that state when our family dog leaned on me while I was petting it. She was on her olden days and a tumor had grown inside her neck, seemingly forcing her to eat very little. In only six months she went from healthy size to a skele-dog.
That moment was seizing. It's like she knew it was coming ineventually. We both knew she wouldn't live for long. It was a moment of acceptance. A week later dad took her to the vet, and.. you know. End of story.
Did you give her the D?
you know you can remove tumors..
>Dog has tumor
>kill her
>dog breaks its leg
>kill her
>dog has a cough
>kill her
>dog is healthy
>kill her anyway
Hello ATF agent.
What the hell are you talking about? Are you one of those dumb hillbillies who still hasn't gotten over one of those incidents where an incest pederast polygamist got blown away (and rightly so) by the feds in like the 1990s?
oh, boy. Something tells me you might be