and that's a good thing
And that's a good thing
Other urls found in this thread:
Daily reminder
i mean, this is obviously what diversity is all about
>caring about what sandniggers think
No amount of Jew iq studies will change the fact that the world has been built by whites
get off my board. /pol/ is that way
>mom, someone wrote a blog post about muh white race bawwww
wrong board m8, this is
>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance
How do I short the white race?
Burgers spell like retards
Kek has spoken
> /pol/ still falling for their own false flags
long soybean futures
Thats not true at all but will let it slide
Bad joke sorry
Why do Jews make it so hard not to think they are evil
wrong board
sage all replies and report
I just plain hate niggers
Yeah lol imagine the world without white people. It would be a literally a fucking jungle.
At least the Dan Schneider thread was timely. This has no place here. Anyone that wants this content can visit pol where this same image of a three year old article currently has its own thread.
who gives a shit about white people
I bet you don’t give a shit about food either, until there is none. Dumbass nigger
oh right because only white people can produce food
kill yourself already cumstain
It's literally every fucking time isn't it
He says smugly, in a room full of things white people invented on a network designed by white people
Kys (rice/curry)nigger
Niggers in africa are literally starving to death if they dont get gibs from white nations.
Well, that was a shocker.
Name me ONE famous scientist in a hard science field (so no economics and psychology) that ISN'T Jewish.
Just face the fact. Society has been build by Jews.
White people are to Jews what niggers are to White people.
>White men all want to fuck Jewish women like pic related.
>White men whine all day how they are oppressed by Jewish people just like Niggers whine how they are oppressed by white people
>White men claim that the progress in society was actually secretly done by white people and Jews just stole their history from them just like WE WUZ KANGZ niggers
Do you really blame Jews for wanting to genocide whites like you want to genocide blacks? White people are just a parasite claiming welfare to Jewish people. They build the businesses and economy while white people are just leeching off of it and chimping out every couple of decades stealing all the wealth the Jews have created.
It's time to swallow the true Red Pill and realize that white people are barely better than niggers.
on a board invented by japanese people kek
who cares
I love going on Veeky Forums and seeing my brothers share in my hatred of kikes.
Since when is Veeky Forums this redpilled?
Niggers are supported by whites. When's Schlomo going to start sending whites welfare checks and paying for them to go to college? Take a hike, kike.
Wow, I never thought about it that way. I'm changing my name to something-Stein now.
>producing anything but an increase in crime levels
who dis
>White men all want to fuck Jewish women like pic related.
I fucking love Jewish women. Jesus Christ why did you have to get me going on this.
Then why is there only one Jewish country and why does it rely on white people to exist?
Face it, Jews are a race of parasites. You win prizes and earn money through in group preference and nepotism. Your people have been kicked out of every country they’ve ever inhabited. For this very reason.
>all the people ITT who actually think this is a real article
Holy shit could you retards be any more gullible, no wonder you guys fall for so many pajeet scams
Even if this is a troll article there are plenty of people who think this way.
If white people are so good then why are white people only 10% of the global population?
By your logic niggers and pajeets would be the superior people.
The reason why Jews only have 1 nation is due to white people chimping out throughout history.
Every time Jews start to build up a society and generate a lot of wealth white people have to shut it down one way or the other. Communism in Russia, Fascism in Germany.
Strict regulations and welfare in the US. How come that Jews are ALWAYS the elite in all these societies even though they were disconnected from each other?
It's because there's a 30 IQ point gap between Jews and white people.
Jesus I hate arguing with kikes
Jews used clever manipulation and weaponizing humans against one another for their benefit. They destroyed minorities' lives and then flipped the script. Now minorities are getting special treatment and white people are being accused of putting them down. They create the illusion that white people owe minorities now. They've dumbed down minorities. White people are not as easily manipulated as blacks.
It's some fucked up shit they've done. They're building up blacks in Africa with XLM to bring them into the new age. Get them out of Africa into big cities and let them breed with whites.
God damn I hate fucking jews.
Biz is officially a /pol/ony
no seriously, why are we getting the /pol/ bait catalogue on Veeky Forums now? Its not even trying to make it related to the board anymore
I don't think a single Jew has depression. I've been reading all sorts of Jewish books like "Business Secrets of the Bible" and everything they do is based on helping others; for example it is worse to be an orchestra conductor because you barely help society, vs being a doctor or engineer because you do help society. Plus the irrational confidence that things will work out because God loves you. Plus the traditional beliefs of not fucking donkeys and being monogamous. Also they are really into giving to charity. I read in another thread the best way to get wealthy is giving money away because somehow it comes back to help you. Heck, that's one of the first verbs you learn on Duolingo for Hebrew, "give."
I am sad I will never be a jew, and enjoy all the benefits and culture of it. I'll bea selfish greedy degenerate NEET.
Because people are losing money and racist right wing opinions always correlate with bad economic situation.
Everyone is liberal when rich. But when resources get scarce people become tribal.
The solution would be if these people stopped being leaches of society and get a fucking job.
it's satire sure, but this is the sort of shit we're seeing crop up on stuff like vice or the guardian.
Every fucking time
>White rich slut from German descent finds out she has 0.02% mexican/indian/nig in her after some retarded over expensive dna test
and shes been fucking some Raul for a while
>Next day: Kill all whites
Get the fuck off Veeky Forums with this dumb shit.
Careful with that truth density, your post almost turned into a black hole.
>who was Tesla?
>who was Newton?
>who was da Vinci?
>who was Darwin?
>who was Einstein’s wife?
What do I win Alex?
The time to short whites was 1964. Now it’s time to short (((cultural Marxism)))
>believe all non jews are literally slaves
Yeah jews sure are altruistic
yeah, and the world pretty much sucks
This is the same logic that would deduce a parasite being superior to its host.
after you, (cave)nigger
Daily reminder is the other way.
"Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on . Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect."
Reported. saged.
>butthurt kike detected
>30 point IQ gap
>Mouth breathing illiterate detected.
Which bit of fuck off don't you get?
You should have some history lessons user. Tesla was a direct Jew, Newton had Jewish blood. Da Vinci is famous because of his artistry and didn't contribute to actual science. He was more of an engineer.
I give you Darwin, although you could argue that it was a discovery and had nothing to do with intelligence, just him logging a lot of data that coincidentally revealed something revolutionary.
I was going to add some to the list but I think you've already educated the retard enough for one day.
>lowest level of violence and war
>rapidly declining poverty
>increasing lifespans and health
>democracy and free markets spreading
What are you complaining about son?
The part where I was supposed to give a shit, you hooknosed rat
>be fearful when others are greedy
Tesla’s father was an orthodox priest you mouthbreather.
>any trace of jewish blood = 100% jewish
technically that makes me a kike as well then, good to know.
>X, and why that's a good thing
> he believes propaganda
Fucking this.
It pisses me off when some famous person has a Jewish great grandmother is automatically considered one of (((them))).
Jewish Ashkenazi hold most of the nobel prices despite being less than 0.01% of the world population.
Your graph doesn't matter since only the extremely high IQ like Einstein, Von Neuman etc matter for societal progress. And those are 100% Jewish.
I believe empirical evidence. Feel free to show me data that contradicts mine.
Well its only fair
Tesla spoke to a jew that one time, that makes him technically jewish right?
Keep in mind you're arguing with a guy who doesn't know his tenses so I wouldn't waste too much time on this.
All in blacked
>lowest level of violence and war
Russia vs USA
>rapidly declining poverty
Nope there would be no cheap labor anymore so price of products and services would skyrocket and wages would plumet as most high-paying jobs aren't economically viable anymore due to lower demand
>increasing lifespans and health
No Jews and Asians to make progress in medicine anymore so the medical world would stagnate and lifespan would reach a limit after initially rising a bit
>democracy and free markets spreading
No Jews to properly guide white people through free markets anymore. Every person on the market would aim for Cs in highschool and choose the easiest courses in college which is probably art-related. Economy stagnates as there are no true innovations anymore.
What a white utopia!
Do you realize how many civil wars are happening in Africa? The Middle East and in a few years we'll be at war with China.
>Declining poverty
The world was far more financially equal 2000 years ago.
Again, before the modern western diet people didnt require a dentist and we didnt have a slew amount of diseases we do today from salmonella because of bad farming practices and diabetes
None of us live in a true arthenian democracy, where we get to prove our worth to society. We got idiots like you who can vote so I fail to see the positive in that.
Don't bring the European man into this equation, it was the (((christian))) menace that destabilized the world even further in the name of their jewish god
i agree. the sooner whites stop spending their time stepping on each other to climb the business ladder the better. we need to be acting tribal like the niggers do if we are going to survive this next century.
but this is unironically true
you may not think youre under their direct control but having literally ANY jewish heritage, even having someone you know have jewish heritage means they can directly take control of every aspect of your existence and use it for their goals.
the jewish cabal is ltierally all powerful, they already have the technology to go to other universes and are currently winning the war vs the strongest interdimensional force to exist in any timeline solely because of how evil and powerful they are. to oppose the jew is to oppose the literal devil
Fuck off I'm fucking ashamed that I have inferior white blood mixed with my superior Ashkenazi genetics.
You should Cherish every little drop of Jewish genetics you have. It sets you above everyone else.
(((kikes))) (((on))) (((Veeky Forums))) (((wow))) (((what))) (((a))) (((surprise))) (((!)))
Collectivism and tribalism is only possible in homogeneous countries. Good luck with that in the greedy US
This is a pol Outpost now.
We do have the heaviest bags.
>Daily Mail
Pilpul gets them hated and killed over and over again but they are so evil they can't stop to save themselves.
White people also have the most talented chess player of all time.
why is this thread still up?
>Attacking the messenger because you have no real rebuttal.
fucken checked
Henry Ford did more for societal development than all those kikes combined.
built by whites, engineered by jews