Have you ever been to a Michelin Star or award winning restaurant?
Was the price worth it?
Have you ever been to a Michelin Star or award winning restaurant?
Was the price worth it?
Sure, all the time. "Worth it" is a loaded question. Obviously it is to me otherwise I wouldn't do it. I also eat at cheap places, quite a bit more frequently. Your idea of a good restaurant experience may differ from me. Michelin one-star and up (with a few exceptions) lean towards the fine-dining end of the spectrum. This makes some people uncomfortable because they feel they are expected to put on a performance and obey "the rules". Often, the courses are smaller and it's assumed you'll eat several. Often there are words on the menu you don't find at Applebees. Sometimes these aspects of the meal become such a preoccupation that it ruins the whole experience for people who have anxiety or who are just unfamiliar with it and are uncomfortable in new situations.
Yes, plenty. Total waste of money, I'd rather dine at my local McDonalds then go to any Michelin starred restaurant.
t. Michelin star chef
Pretty good impersonation of a michelin starred cook but you fucked up when you said "chef", a real michelin chef would have said something about muh authentic hole in the wall or "what my grandma used to make"
He said he was a michelin star chef not an Italian man.
It was good, don't get me wrong, but it was about 3x what I'd expect to pay for than what I actually got.
You've never been to one that isn't in the uber-rich district, have you?
99.999% of them are just good hole-in-the-wall coks.
If you're not shitposting as I highly suspect you are, please enlighten me on what you find so repellent about Michelin starred restaurants. Culinary pretension notwithstanding, there is solid merit in holding your food to a high standard of quality; you are what you eat, after all.
I've been to a Michelin-starred restaurants in Chicago. It was more of an interesting experience than an "omg this tastes so good" kind of experience.
>Have you ever been to a Michelin Star or award winning restaurant?
Was the price worth it?
Yes, but only because it was free.
The restaurant was called Wing Lei. It's at The Wynn in Las Vegas, and the casino comped the meal. Food was good, but it didn't blow me away.
No, I've tried but I'm black so it's a dice roll if they let me in or not.
I've been to The Inn at little washington, which was recently awarded 2 Michelin stars, however I ate there 2-3 years ago before they were awarded the star (it wasn't awarded before simply because Michelin only picked this past year to come to Washington DC)
Good food for sure, certainly not "worth" the price in terms of what you're getting in raw ingredients, but it is a good step above pretty much any restaurant most of us will dine in. Everything is obviously fresh and prepared for you, good flavors from what I was having, but menu changes constantly.
For two of us I think we dropped ~$570 including drinks and tip.
>"Worth it" is a loaded question.
This. The only times I've had a disappointing experience at a Michelin starred joint was just before those places lost a star. Tom Colicchio's Craft was notable for this in 2006.
Bottom line is that if you take the whole restaurant experience into account the Michelin guide is usually a decent standard. If you only care about the food and are willing to dispense with plating, decor, service and the wine list you can eat as well in most cosmopolitan cities for an order of magnitude less than places with Michelin stars. But the cheaper places might not cater to the expectations of your haute bourgeois associates. That's why the Guide is still relevant.
I went to Jiro's and I thought it was awful.
I went to Tim Ho Wan in Kowloon once. It was worth the 7 american dollars it cost.
I'm not sure I'd enjoy eating and having Jiro stand there watching me. It's like opening a gift when someone is expecting a big reaction, except you pay for it
I went to Tim Ho Tons in Vancouver once. It was worth the 7 american dollars it cost.
What is Veeky Forums's thoughts on this guy?
Seems like a case of diminishing returns, something that is a product of nature and human hands can only be so close to perfect, and this man has put aside much of his life for that pursuit. It's interesting to me that some could call him a dedicated artist while others might see him as an obsessive egomaniac.
I went to the French Laundry with my girlfriend at the time and it was amazing.
Everything was beyond perfect.
The attention to detail was insane. Everything is scrutinized.
>some could call him a dedicated artist while others might see him as an obsessive egomaniac.
There really isn't a difference.
I've been to some one and two star places in NYC
1 star: Breslin, casa mono, del posto, jewel bako, semilla, nomad,
2 star: aska, aquavit, ko (3 times), Soto
Some were more worth it than others. My fiancé and I live relatively frugally so this is what we enjoy doing. If you like food the restaurants are always fun and interesting experiences than anything else. I thought the food at ko and del posto was the best, while the sushi bars were cool but slightly unsatisfyig and the Nordic ones were the most "interesting"
Is it really necessary for it to be 10 years to become a sushi chef?
No. Japanese must be massive autists and are obsessed with Karate Kid tier redundancy
There was a price on the menu at a 1 star mountain restaurant in the valley I was skiing once. 35€/40€ for a 3 course meal with wine was pretty good.
Probably not? But I would also argue that a katana probably doesn't need to be folded a million times and I doubt that would fly over well with the nips.
I went to Narisawa in Japan. Easily the best meal I've had in my entire life. It was something like 8-10 courses and everything was amazing, even the bread.
Food was worth it for a special occasion but the cheapest wine was 100 a bottle and nothing great at all.
Also the steak was served with a sauce for all those faggots on this board that said a good steak should be some super plain mess with just salt and pepper. Can't remember if it was Kobe beef or not since theres actually a few places that have cows of that tier and Kobe isn't even top anymore.
Heres the menu, the steak is what they're known for and they serve it all year round and we opted to sub out the duck for the steak
Katanas are folded 20-30 times at most.
>Have you ever been to a Michelin Star or award winning restaurant?
>Was the price worth it?
Yes and yes.
You'll be surprised, a lot of Michelin star restaurants are actually reasonably priced and not ridiculous unlike perception.
I have been to several in London, you usually have to reserve quite a bit in advance but they are well worth the experience.
is milk pork like milk steak?
>You'll be surprised, a lot of Michelin star restaurants are actually reasonably priced and not ridiculous unlike perception.
You seem to have confused Veeky Forums for egullet or something
Veeky Forums will explode with outrage and start screaming for minorities and women to be thrown in the gas chambers if Chipotle raises the price of a burrito by $0.75
I don't think a $39 lunch is "reasonably priced" by the standards of your average millennial NEET
Went to Tim Ho Wan in Hong Kong, best dumplings I have ever eaten but it is always insanely busy.
I've been to 3 Michelin star places in Chicago. 1 star I don't think is worth it. 3 should be for big special occasions, the 2 star restaurant I went to really thought me how important different ingredients can come together, how small ingredients and bursts of flavor can change everything, and textures can go a long way when you incorporate extremes
>Essence of the Forest
Please tell me this isn't like that one dish from that fancy Tokyo restaurant where the chef prepared actual dirt from a field so you could experience the "unique flavors" of the different soil strata.
I don't live close enough to any city here in the US where they give them out. Closest would be LA but I have no reason to go there.
nice, i also loved that place, the steamed stickyrice in the leaf was the best
Most Michelin places I've been to have been like 70 euros for a seven course meal which is entirely acceptable desu.
What if its a "foodie" millennial
Yeah, I went to Tim Ho Wan. I thought it was below average.
I've had dim sum in places all over the world across a span of decades, so it's not like I'm bringing my pleb Amerifat LOLunoChinesewatuknowboutdimsumustupidbignose tastes to bear on them. I have an educated fucking dim sum palate here.
A couple of the things were 7/10, most were 4/10 or 5/10, but their "signature" pork buns were at best 2/10, probably less. The "meat" inside was mush, and they crusted the outside top with what was apparently sugar. WTF? Seriously? Sugar on barbecued pork buns? Maybe in the sauce, but crusted on the outside? Chef should commit sudoku for coming up with that abomination.
On the one hand, up until the "Singapore chicken rice" thing, Tim Ho Wan was the cheapest Michelin-starred place on this planet, so I suppose it's hard to say that I didn't get my money's worth. On the other hand, I could have gone to half a dozen other dim sum places in the immediate area and gotten better food for roughly the same price.
In Europe, the U.S., and probably Japan, the Michelin stars may mean something, but in Asia (at least outside of Japan) they seem to be stunts.
Powers of 2. Ten folds is 1024 layers, 20 folds is 1048576 layers, 30 is 1073741824 layers.
I don't think they go beyond a dozen or so folds. From what I remember of that old movie they showed in 7th grade science class, the swords have thousands of layers, not hundreds of thousands or millions or billions.
The mains are plenty enough for a meal. If you only ate the starter and dessert then yeah its not enough but I find the mains just as filling as in average restaurants.
went to one recently for my bday. was not worth the price, no.
I like to save up my GBP for a trip to a Michelin starred place and have the tasting menu once in a while. Best place I've been to was L'Enclume, £120 for a marvellous 18 course meal which was absolutely worth. Went there three times over the course of a year when I was working in the area, it was that good.
That sounds really interesting.
I've been to Din Tai Fung at like 3 different locations in California and HK. I think it was worth it, the quality of the xiaolong bao is so much better than in any Chinatown or ratty dim sum place.
Who are you kidding you passportless flyover, you've never even been to Benihana
I didn't pay for it but I wouldn't
I'm a cheapskate
I imagine the perfect sushi would be orgasmic but rice and fish can only taste so good. For the amount of extra effort, it couldn't be more than marginally better, and most people wouldn't care. I'm still happy just getting buzzed on sake and eating Pink Lady rolls.
>For two of us I think we dropped ~$570 including drinks and tip.
No thanks.
>flyovers calling other people flyovers
nice try
I live in the Mission District, flyover
It's a neighborhood
You wouldn't feel safe here
Yeah, it's gone up in price as well, the current menu is $345 per person if you're getting a wine pairing.
Really, no restaurant food is worth the price. You go there to be served so you can seem like you're an important person, and to give people a reason to leave their homes once in a while.
That, and people are losing the ability to cook, so they're relying on take out.
Absolute gold
Yeah, this. But you were too gentle. These restaurant patrons are sheeples.
>Veeky Forums will explode with outrage and start screaming for minorities and women to be thrown in the gas chambers
how is that a bad thing?
Yep 2-3 times a year I like to go all out on a dining "experience", its fun if you treat it like a special event rather than just a meal, that way the whole rehearsed theatrics of the staff is easier to accept.
Pic related was from a few weeks ago, the bill came to $750 with a couple cocktails, was it worth it? Yeh I would do it again.
Couldnt recommend it to everyone though, there is a fair bit of wank about it that would put some people off.
$750 for the two of us
>at a casino
>in las vegas
Yeah... free for them maybe.
Yeah i've been to that sorta place too
>Two Hundred and Eighteen Dollars Per Person
With Paired Wines: Three Hundred and Forty Three Dollars Per Person (Beverages, Tax, Gratuity not included)
I think you might have skimmed an article incorrectly but maybe are thinking of the same place
The entire meal built up from rustic looking to perfection. Some of the bread they bought to the table was dough, that baked in a very hot rock at the table. The snake was cooked in its skin and for guest who wanted to see (my wife didn't) they brought out a perfectly coiled but now totally black snake skin. But the snake on a plate looked great and you would have had no idea without reading the menu. By the end, the desserts on the cart looked too perfect to eat.
Essence of the Forest did look like dirt on the plate, twigs, and other thing. But everything was edible, it was real food prepared like that and it was just food as art to take you aback. And it was delicious. But the thing was through out the entire meal every course was better than the last and for us since it was our first Michelin experience everything was better than anything comparable we'd had. And that was from a 2 star place. I can only imagine a 3 star place.
Yes. I blow my money on things I like. Holidays, drugs, booze, fine food, hookers (occasionally), music festivals, vidya, massages, etc. What's the fucking point of having money if you're not gonna spend it? Fine food is just another good thing on the list
>Tim Ho Wan
Went when it was just a little hole in the wall in Mong Kok
worth it and pretty cheap
It's never a good idea to waste perfectly good pussy. Throw all the nignogs and spiggers and yids and camel jockeys into the gas chambers that you want to, but spare the mongs and slavs and Euro/Amerifats.
t. Trump supporter that gets mad when people call him racist
Been to 3 or 4 1* places, and a 2* place.
Varies, generally the lunch menu is very reasonable and well worth the money.
some of the 1* places (to which I've been multiple times) are better than the 2* place I ate at.
so they blast you with amuse bouche? i like that.. i think the amuse bouche is such a fucking great way of expressing what the restaurant can do.
it lets the restaurant show off what it can do in a few bites to build hype for the rest of the meal.. $750 for two people after all was said and done isn't "over the top" as far as industry standards go. in seattle, i paid $315 for just myself at Altura for a 9 course menu with pairing (and cocktails and extra courses/pairings were comped because of where i cook at here in seattle) and i would absolutely do it again.
there are places in DC where i know for a fact that it's easy to spend $1200 for two people (jose andres "mini bar" comes to mind), but $750, if it was all realy good, for probably almost 4 hours of entertainment and being completely catered to is totally worth it in my opinion.
>Was the price worth it?
The food might be but desu the wine that takes like 2/3 of the bill is never worth it.
restaurants don't make shit off of food, once labor and materials are factored into the cost of the food, there isn't really much of a profit margin.
wine gets marked up 4x AT LEAST, though. liquor as well.
Overrated. It was his son that got the Michelin star not him. Somebody actually did a review on his restaurant and it is no different than other high end sushi restaurants. He also expects you to fuck off after 30 mins of being there. So, not only are you paying more but you can't even enjoy it.
>the cost of a restaurant should be the cost of the ingredients
Uhh, you kids realize rent for a decent location can be $200,000+ per month?
If you don't want to spend more on food than absolutely necessary for survival, you can eat at home.
Usually folded 15 (32768 layers) or 16 times (65536) anymore and the japs found out that the steel would have less carbon and would be softer
Wife has a reservation in a few weeks. Hope dude is still alive.
Haight and Ashbury reporting in
Wife went once. They dropped the truffle as they were shaving it. She still laughs about it
>mfw they never let me in
How're his California rolls?
He's a weeb meme
Oh Anonsan, prease to eat ma sushi lice. Rook so good hahaha
>gets nuked again
Ive been to a few 3 hats and a few 2 hats (and one of those 2 hats is a family friend so we used to go 2-3 times a year for 15+ years).
The most notable difference is the presentation of food and the skills of the waiter. It is beyond comparison.
However, in terms of food, there are lots of standard restaurants that serve the same or almos as good quality. Maybe my palette is not sophisticated enough.
Did you tip?
Been to a few, its definitely worth it but its more like an event like going to a theater rather than just having a meal. Its great too if you dont research the menu and get surprised by whatever you are served. Drinks are fucking expensive though, so I usually just have a couple glasses of wine.
>food is theatre
Lel, no. Food is not art. It does not endure. Foods are carbon based substances humans consume so at the highest level, they can continue to produce art.
Presentation "artistes" are selling an idea to an extremely ignorant and gauche, albeit nouveau riche, segment of the population.
Man I sure am glad I'm not so egoistic and self-centered I think I can tell other people what art is.
That said, you completely misinterpreted what I wrote, you idiot. I was only saying that it is an event that doesn't occur very often. At no point did I say food = theatre. You are dumb.
>I didn't do nuthin'
>like going to a theatre rather than just having a meal
Nice try at damage control, faggot.
>spending lots of money to literally shit it out 10 hours later
You could've gone skydiving or something
Holy fuck you are such a fucking cock smoker.
The world is genuinely worse for you being in existance, seriously just end your life, you know no one will miss you.
lol you guys are so upset that I'm enjoying myself. Are you too poor to afford a nice meal?
Sick burn brah
>make a legitimate argument about presentation faggots.
> only argument presented against me is you're a cocksmoker.
Makes sense. Never change Veeky Forums.
>California rolls?
What does smoked cock taste like? Is it a cuisine? Like an Indonesian rooster or something?
>When you're a billionaire but you take the subway just so you can crop dust the peasants
old ass dude puts fish on rice
white people have an aneurysm over it
I know that this food stall has been getting attention and thus is reddit, but has anyone eaten at Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice And Noodle? I'm fascinated with extremely cheap Michelin Star food.
the movie's not about fish and rice user it's about the joy of dedicating your life to something and completely mastering it
Have you been to singapore? Places like that are in every neighborhood, most of them are very good. That said it does not deserve a star, the only reason they got one is that the michelin guide is trying to add false "diversity" by adding random street food. I love street food but it is not what the michelin guide is for, and furthermore there is no shortage of refined fine-dining style asian food in asia. They're just too retarded and racist to go looking for it.
If it takes your whole life to master a knife and to purchase top quality fish, you deserve to have fake manufactured joy. I'll bet he goes to sleep thinking "at least I mastered SOMETHING", because it's not impressive or hard.