What does your country/region call fried cheese, and how is it prepared/served...

>when OBSESSED yuropoors get BTFO

Greece doesnt count because they dont have enough money to even eat. Spain? LOL. And latin america fries everything in pork fat.

Canada here
Aside from poutine curds we have deep fried motza sticks

what's wrong with spain?
>patatas bravas
can defintely make the case for best cuisine in the world, it's certainly my favorite

how could i forget about jamon iberico shiet

because it's not as good as prosciutto di parma

>Fried cheese
Delete this

Poland, esp. southern Poland.
Grilled "Oscypki" with cranberry.

It's smoked cheese made of sheep milk. The smoked outer layer forms a "skin" that is much more immune to melting than the inside, so they are molten inside, chewy on the outside. Cranberry is a little odd extra but it goes surprisingly well with the taste.

If you mean frying, as in immersing in oil to let them soak twice the calorie value at no taste benefit, nope, we're not amerifats.

Only criminals deep fry cheese, but in France we have Camembert / Brie pies, oven-roasted

If your oil is at the right temperature for frying, almost none absorbs into the food and it crisps the outer layer, usually bread crumbs or batter, and steams the inside. The same as fried chicken. If you are getting oil soaked foods from frying, you are doing it completely wrong.