How many anons are going to kill themselves when these tokens moon and, despite all the shilling, they never bought any?

How many anons are going to kill themselves when these tokens moon and, despite all the shilling, they never bought any?

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Chainlink best coin for buy 2018 sirs look for buy many chanlink and have good money

It's going to be worse.

it's going to be like Ethereum. Where tons of anons here bought 1000s of ETH. But they all started selling at $5 and $10. Or panicked when it crashed from $22 to $7.

Same with Veeky Forums. Most of us hold LINK and REQ. But almost none of us will get rich even if our current bags are worth millions in 2 years time.

Why? Because people here are panicking shitheads with depression and will sell due to fear and panic or when a point is reached where they have "a lot of money" so they cash out.

I saw this happen with ETH and experienced it myself. Sold 2500 ETH for ~100k

I set a minimum exit target at 1MM with stoploss at 80% after that and exit when it hits it. May be 800k, or 8MM..

>Sold 2500 ETH for ~100k

Does that keep you up at night?

What keeps me more up at night is the fact that I had more than a million in December and barely 200k right now.

Not making the same mistake again I'm going to hold both REQ and LINK long term my goal is December 2021.

And yet we all should have Tethered up at the height of December pump, or should have we just held tight all the way down? There comes a point where it's much wiser to take some damn profits rather than listen to the HODL meme. Sell at the top, buy back for cheaper once it corrects, then hold until it surpasses ATH. Sure not everything follows this set pattern but don't get fucking greedy.

I used to hold triforce but that proof of caring bs from quantstamp is gay as fuck...

I am way too retarded for that and I know that when I sell REQ and LINK are going double digits in 2 days.

Dont care if it hits 10, i can still sell and still be a multimillionaire. nice fud. eoy 1k

I don't even know why people sell for such low amounts. Selling for $5k or $10k isn't going to change your life dramatically so why not just hold and ride it??

I have link and req and don't think either will ever moon in the way you guys think.

Kek. TFW you could have had $500,000 in hard cash, that'd net you enough to live in if well invested, AND the same amount of your meme tokens right now. Fucking brainlets, man.

Does anyone here unironically hold QSP? There's literally 0 reason why would it have a fucking token. I'm not even fudding, just mocking you.

just for ease of mind

t. 3k in crypto, -3k on the bank

>put 500 bucks into some shitcoin
>the shitcoin does a 20x
>yeah, I think I'll just le hodl xDDD

Does anyone here have an exit plan?
Mine is as soon as I receive 500k with less than half my LINK stack I pull out, then let the rest ride profits.

obviously i'm not talking about shit coins like digibyte, but projects that have actual promise

No one cares that you’re a brainlet. Literal shit has mooned harder to higher prices

No matter what coin you're holding, if you don't hedge by selling part of it after it does a 20x, you're a moron.

Can anybody tell me what's so special about REQ? I read their website a bit, but it's all vague and full of buzzwords, kinda like Sam Hyde's 2070 Paradigm Shift, same as any other coin out there

Even worse... Proof of Hodl

I'm actually just going to be laughing my ass off while my bitcoin gains value and these shitcoins are still worthless.

TL;DR. It wants to be the accounting standard of the world. And got adopted by the biggest accounting company in the world yesterday. That should be enough to buy it now.

However they also are a platform and have $30 million USD budget to fund Dapps on their protocol while they also want to be a payment portal for online stores where you can pay with any fiat/crypto you want for a fee that is less than 1% of Paypal's fee.

So basically they have 4 "real uses"

1: Accounting/auditing/Invoices this branch is guaranteed to succeed due to the pwc partnership and is enough to buy REQ even if everything else fails
2: Financial Dapp platform (ETH but for finance) this has a medium chance of success
3: Request Development Fund for Dapps build upon Request Network. They have 30 million which could kickstart a couple dozen high quality Dapps, if only one of these succeeds it would instantly validate Request Network. Low chance of success per app but due to lots of apps being made the chance that at least one will succeed is moderately high.
4: Payment portal for ecommerce. People having the ability to pay with whatever they want and the merchant receiving whatever they want has some uses and the extremely low fee compared to paypal might make stores adopt it. However I consider this a low chance of success due to lot of competition in the field but who knows.

All-in-all. Their accounting potential alone could make their market cap into the multiple billions. If they succeed in all 4 fronts they would be the first crypto with a trillion dollar marketcap. But I don't expect them to achieve all their goals.

Yeah, something needs to replace QSP in the triforce, it really doesn't compare at all.


>What is QSP?
>How does it work?
>What is the point of the token?
>What is the theoretically highest value the token can have based on the underlying economy?

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>everyone hates it but knows it will be a success

It's a very niche coin but it does have its place in the market.

But most people in crypto buy it because of the eventual potential of it being world changing. LINK and REQ both fulfill this but Quantstamp tries to look for bugs in crypto/smartcontract code and that's it. Maybe oracle code in the future as well.

Real use and market that they are going to corner for sure. But it won't be a multi billion marketcap market.

So the investment will lose to opportunity cost of buying REQ/LINK

Oh, it's going to be a (((success))) alright!
Pick something else please.

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So you can check your smart contract before deploying it right? Sorry if this is a brainlet question, but I know you can't stop a contact once it's live or whatever it's called

It's a good job I didn't listen to the shilling. All three are at a rock bottom price now!


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