By the end of this year miners will understand that a
coins lifetime is super low and that mining is obsolete!
All you fuckers are gonna but every GPU
you made inaccessible on ebay for 20$ and
all gamers will profit! That you guys so much for being
idiots and giving us almost free GPUs!
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
crypto can go down 99% and it will still be profitable to mine, you're fucked lad
also normies buying the new apple phone every year is driving up gpu prices more than anything
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
...Anonymous (ID: XLGzWNis)
03/27/18(Tue)12:35:14 No.8586675
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc.
More like soycucks
fucking gamers. Whole bunch of zombies with instant-gratification burned out brains. Incapable of seeing the big picture. GPU-PoW is a meme. The whole point of PoW is that the network can't be overpowered but if your coin only has .001% of the gpu mining market a nasty botnet can rewrite your whole chain.
All this mining craze has done is created a turbocharged industry for you silly little fuckers. In a years time you will have more powerful, cheaper cards than you would have had (if mining never took off) in 10 years. Sorry you allowance wasn't enough to buy a card for 1.5 years.
Anonymous (ID: 2LAA93pM) 03/27/18(Tue)18:34:47 No.8586662▶
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Anonymous (ID: XLGzWNis) 03/27/18(Tue)18:35:14 No.8586675▶
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Anonymous (ID: j9giO7cy) 03/27/18(Tue)18:35:44 No.8586682▶
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Anonymous (ID: 6ZBQusEr) 03/27/18(Tue)18:36:13 No.8586694▶
crypto can go down 99% and it will still be profitable to mine, you're fucked lad
also normies buying the new apple phone every year is driving up gpu prices more than anything
Anonymous (ID: b28E8F2v) 03/27/18(Tue)18:36:14 No.8586695▶
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Anonymous (ID: DjW/h89u) 03/27/18(Tue)18:36:21 No.8586699▶
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Anonymous (ID: ATXoNcz8) 03/27/18(Tue)18:37:38 No.8586724▶
...Anonymous (ID: XLGzWNis)
03/27/18(Tue)12:35:14 No.8586675
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
Anonymous (ID: lPvZNvVa) 03/27/18(Tue)18:37:47 No.8586726▶
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc.
Anonymous (ID: DuQfPoPN) 03/27/18(Tue)18:38:43 No.8586739▶
More like soycucks
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Anonymous (ID: fRU0d/Wn) 03/27/18(Tue)18:30:40 No.8586587▶ HAHAHAHA!
By the end of this year miners will understand that a
coins lifetime is super low and that mining is obsolete!
All you fuckers are gonna but every GPU
you made inaccessible on ebay for 20$ and
all gamers will profit! That you guys so much for being
idiots and giving us almost free GPUs!
Anonymous (ID: 2LAA93pM) 03/27/18(Tue)18:34:47 No.8586662▶Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobCatalog] [Top] 9 / 0 / 10 / 1 [Update] [Auto]
Gayming: The official hobby of reddit
While I appreciate the copypasta
>Reading books, exercise, learn how to code
But anons haven't you seen the revolutionary new Nintendo Labo. You can do ALL of that while still playing vidya.
Same post every year
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
At least soycuck has high T from lifting to balance out the soy consumption, is in shape, and a high salary
>high t
As a fellow PC gamer, why didn't you invest in Nvidia?
I made use of my passion by investing in the companies involved (as well as getting a career out of games development).
So what's your excuse user?
Go outside bro you are wasting your life on a useless hobby and gaining nothing from it. Read a book, exercise, learn to code, etc
I'm still making $$$$$$$
Wtf is this shit.
Some shit made for 10 year olds that manchildren are going apeshit over.
it isn't an April fools day joke either. Nintendo, much like valve, really know their audience.
Have fun paying taxes for rare CS:GO weapon skins and World of Warcraft gold in a couple years. The cryptocurrency community has made this possible for you guys as well!
None of this is true dumb fuck
I've cashed out six figures from an initial investment of the cost of a Titan X a couple years ago. Do you know how many video cards I can buy with that money?
>Buy all gpus for 600 each
>earn money mining
>no gpus on market so price is now 1500
>sell gpus and make more money