What are some foods to help suppress testosterone? My psychiatrist and doctor say that they want me to ease into my transition and they don't want to give me the hard hormones just yet.
What are some foods to help suppress testosterone...
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cummies and bleach
kill yourself tranny shitposter, keep eating your fast food and swilling your pharma-pills, then wonder why you are such a fucked up mess
Also the McChicken for me, the best fast food sandwich.
I don't eat fast food. We don't get any within an hour of the farm so we do without.
what gets me about Veeky Forums is that people know full well threads like these are garbage and yet they still play in it
i just want to look at good food
God damn, kiddo. Instead of being rectumragnarocked why don't you chug bleach? Stop being a cuck and either make a thread you want to see our ignore stuff you don't. It isn't difficult.
As if you wouldn't just google this LUL, fatty food will help guys produce estrogen tho. GL if ur 4real.
>hard hormones
if this isn't bait, which it is, your doctors are cucking you
And soy. Sage for cancer.
Try googling foods high in estrogen. Believe me you don't want strong hormones all at once. I took the lowest strength birth control and it still fucked me up.
just drink loads of beer
it contains quite a lot of estrogenes
Faggots love soy and avocado, go figure.
Soy, how can you not know this already?
But not fermented soy.
Just drink a LOT of soy milk, VitaSoy is a delicious brand you can find at Asian Supermarkets, the wheat flavour is the best. Also, chocolate, coconut, and other flavours I don't bother trying.
You should also try using lotions and shampoos with lots of tea tree oil and/or lavender oil it - I read this medical paper where that was attributed as the common cause to a bunch of boys growing breasts - but if you are already a grown man, it won't have that effect on you.
Word of warning though, soy depresses sexual appetite, so prepare to fake it if you are in a relationship and don't want it to tank.
> My psychiatrist and doctor say that they want me to ease into my transition
In addition to physical effects, the reason they want you to ease into it is because A LOT of people who said they meant it and wont' regret the change, end up regretting the change.
Gender is a social construct after all, I'm cis female, I wonder if I was a boy as a little girl, before I figured out I only wanted to do some stereotypically boy stuff (and my mother was telling me, girls don't do that). So you should think about whether you just want to be a feminine man before you do the big chop. If you haven't yet, go to a Drag Queen show.
>Just drink a LOT of soy milk,
Drinking soy milk is also a good way to get menstruation flowing, for girls who get bloated and menses pain because it's not flowing, hot soy milk and a hot bean bag placed on the belly helps.
Outside of the menstrual period time though, fellow ladies needs to be warned and be aware that large consumption of soy CAN mess up your menstrual cycle (make it start too early, it happened to me), so save the soy binge for when the start of your period is supposed to be.
>I took the lowest strength birth control and it still fucked me up.
>I was using a “low dose” birth control pill when I experienced my worst side effects - anxiety, depression, flu-like symptoms, frequent UTIs, headaches, and chronic fatigue. We have since discovered that these same “low dose” birth control pills actually hold a higher risk of causing a life-threatening blood clot than higher dose birth control pills
sleep less, eat low fat and low cholesterol (since testerone and other important hormones are made from cholesterol) maybe also low protein to get a skinny fat female look
licorice (real stuff, best taken in tea form for purity)
peppermint (also best in tea or high quality extracts)
avoid zinc (seafood and greens)
avoid most fats and eat low protein
going vegan (fruitarian) temporarily, will help you a lot, especially if you eat low calorie at the same time.
>menstruation discussion on a food board
Thx, I was thinking about fasting today and now it will be easy!
This meme again.
Soy's phytoestrogens can actually help decrease the impact of endogenous estrogen. They are a weaker strength estrogen that can occupy the cell's receptors, blocking the stronger "natural" variety.