Guess what I got
a bag of garbage no self respecting human being would ever consider eating.
A trip ?
It's tendies.
Sorry, OP you're on the wrong board
Munchies always delivers for his fans!
looks like crap, m8
It's Orange Chicken!
A fan of Munchies asked Munchies to get it for this Episode, it was very powerful stuff!
First time Munchies has had Orange Chicken!
So it's some kind of Chinese takeout involving fried chicken drowned in a sweet sauce? Pig disgusting.
It was pleasant but you're right, it was very sweet!
Munchies almost couldn't finish it!
I experimented with the White Balance and accidentally removed my name with this one!
Full of HFCS mate.
I totally don't get the very sweet savory food thing. I get how a little sugar goes with spicy and/or sour food, but sweet for its own sake in savory dishes puts me off.
You both have fair criticisms, it's probably more tolerable for Chinese people!
We don't eat Orange-sauce chicken. No such thing. There's only dried orange-peel that's used as seasoning to provide some sweetness. That gatorade sauce looks disgusting man.
Satanic trips confirm American Chinese food for shit.
It's probably a Westernised dish!
Any recommendations, my Chinese friend?
What you recommend (if it's reasonable) shall be on the next episode!
>putting hot food in a sealed container
How else could Munchies take it away without getting cold!
Stop using exclamation points. Fucking loser
*exclamation marks
Sorry, was being a mong.
It can be either one
Please don't be mean to Munchies!
you're not bring cute, just severely autistic
Product: Orange Chicken
Location: Generic Chinese Takeaway
>Rating (Taste)
>Rating (Price)
>Rating (Average)
£5.50 (Approximately 6.84 USD as of today)
Thanks for tuning in!
That concludes Episode #4 of 'Veeky Forums with Munchies'!
See you next time :)!
Just eat a sandwich. Americanized Chinese food is too oily and salty, plus the portion of rice they give is a lot of carbs. Not very tasty, not very Chinese and not good for you.
Munchies will take on your advice.
Don't talk in 3rd person next time you come back
Munchi-I mean I will take on your advice! I mean advice.
I recommend not doing this again, OP.
Why are you samefagging and being mean to Munchies!?
Because you're a fucking loser
This. This whole thread is embarrassing.
Nice blog op send me a link to your MySpace so I can subscribe to it
Who is this faggot? Did some reditor stumble across that dollar faggots thread and think "oooh, il make myself a hilarious alter-ego and become famous around here".
Couldnt even think of a decent name or identity lmao absolutely pathetic. Thank god I can filter this cunt
What's wrong with me that I actually feel a little bad for this autistic retard
You faggots are making me go soft
>Guess what I got...
Put into my filter?
This is very authentic, great thread
>Rating (Average)
Shouldn't average be like, 3?
sorry your thread didn't go so well but ill tune in next time guy
You expect decent or even remotely good Chinese food for under $7? Lel.
Mandarin or terayki chicken on a cup of rice isn't bad for you. Every Asian person I know eats rice every single day and not one is remotley chubby. My neighbor talked to me when I was drunk one night (apt complex) we talked about food, he said moderation is key. You can indulge once in a while but control yourself to not over indulge or over eat. He said if you feel crappy after eating, you ate too much. He brought me some duck and rice and some sauce a couple weeks ago, never had duck, but damn whatever sauce and seasoning they used was bomb. I typically dislike most Asian people (they do questionable things in the world and eat very questionable things, but I don't mind the cool nice ones who actually socialize and not just stare at you and mumble in their launguage.