Do you ever complain in restaurants? its so embarrassing...

Do you ever complain in restaurants? its so embarrassing. I had a date a w guy who nearly made the waitress cry because he was such a dick.

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And yet you still took him home, didn't you

This is why we can't have nice things

I went to a gyro place and the meat was extremely salty. When we were done eating the waitress asked if everything was good, and I went out of my way to tell her as politely as possible that the meat was too salty. She still seemed insulted.
Now I don't bother, and just don't go there anymore.

Not usually. I did once though. I asked what oil they used to fry stuff in, because I have a severe allergy to nuts, and peanut oil causes severe anaphylaxis. The waiter said "I don't know." I was like "Okay, well can you please check?" And they got all huffy, went back, and came out and said "Soybean oil." So, all's well. Then I get my food, eat it, and have a reaction. End up having to go to the hospital because I nearly died, because she lied about it. Bet your ass I sued the fuck out of that restaurant.

No, I'm a coward.

Only if they get my order wrong, but I still be as polite as possible about it. Mistakes happen.

Nice. How much cash did you get out of it? Wonder if I can do that shit and make some profit.

Went to this place in Little Saigon to get balut, but was served just regular eggs. Girlfriend went to the counter to tell them in the nicest way possible that they weren't serving actual balut, but said their sauce was good. I love that woman.

>tfw you will never have severe food allergies

Not going to lie, still feels bretty good. Hope the lawyers didn't cost too much.

Mmmm hucow

Not much. I wasn't aiming to shut them down, but they paid my medical bills, and I got about $20,000 total. Enough to pay for me being unable to work for a few weeks because my head was the size of a balloon.
It's truly hell. Everyone talks about not being able to eat nuts or candy or sweets, but you can get around that.

What's the worst is that you will NEVER be able to just go to a store, and pick something up if it looks good to you. If you're at a friends house, you have to read the ingredients to see if something is safe to eat. You have to watch out for contamination on silverware/cutlery, you can't eat out as restaurants without being lumped in with those "ummm i'm allergic to onions teehee" faggots. It's truly torturous.

I complain politely, if I am brought a totally different order than what I asked for, find a hair in the food, have a dirty glass blah blah blah, I will politely ask my server to have it replaced because mistakes happen and that isn't their fault

It would take somebody being a tremendous asshole to me for me to rudely complain or yell at them....and even then, I would not have the nerve to sit there and still eat, I would leave and go somewhere else....if the service was bad enough to make me rude then I'm not paying them a thing, eating their food, or giving them the chance to fuck with my food

One time I was at a Chinese restaurant with my parents who are a bit older, it was a tiny place so if you were just talking normally pretty much somebody was gonna hear it, and my mom was talking about how she thought her duck was possibly not duck, dad was arguing with the barely english speaking waitress while he demanded tartar sauce despite her saying they didn't have it, etc etc....I hate eating out with my parents

I'd complain if there was something really wrong, but I've never had to.

Someone going out of their way to complain about little things, or feeling entitled to be rude to serving staff, is a huge red flag that they're a shitty person in general.

I'm incredibly beta when it comes to complaining in restaurants, so I usually suffer the poor service until they feel bad enough to make something free.

Fuck you expecting the world to cater to a genetic dud like you. You sued the owner of the restaurant because the waitress was some low iq kid who was making minimum wage? You should have been a man and went to the kitchen and asked the chef. You didn't really care if you died, probably because you realize you're a piece of shit. Fuck you faggot never enter my restaurant.

There are people who use the opportunity of having someone else in a subservient position as a chance to assert their will to a far greater degree than the situation requires. Sometimes it's a case of the person being too comfortable ordering others around. If you have a job where you're the boss of many people including a personal assistant who goes out everyday to get your hyper specific coffee and lunch orders you probably put serving staff at restaurants through their paces without even realizing it. Then there are the others who just enjoy being in a position of power for a rare moment in their lives and simply want to exert that power just to savor it. Those are the worst.

In what fucking world does a restaurant allow you to enter the kitchen and personally ask the chef questions about what oil they make fries with? I can promise you this was probably some randomly joe shmoe establishment and if OP tried to walk back there they would be like WHOA THERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING SON YOU CANT COME BACK HERE
You'd look like a fucking autist moreso

If you're hiring low IQ kids as your servers, and not teaching them your menu, you're a fucking failure as a restaurant owner.

I know the "parents create bad dining experiences" feelings, brother. My dad is the most stubborn, casually racist manchild who says retarded shit all the time and it is so fucking uncomfortable eating out with him. He is the kind of dude to order a well done steak, emphasis on well done, then asking for his fries EXTRA EXTRA CRISPY and will literally complain about any minor inconvenience and loudly say very rude things all the time. If we go to a chinese buffet near here sometimes, he has a slew of "I bet this chicken is rats hehehe"-type comments he says loud enough for the whole place to hear and it is the same kind of "quiet enough everyone can fucking hear you" environment.
He is my father and I love the guy but man, he is completely unbearable in public situations and it makes me want to hide my face in my hands how he acts sometimes.

Sounded perfectly reasonable to me, senpai. Maybe you're the faggot?

He didn't want to die. How is that the same as "expecting the world to cater" to him?

I look forward to seeing you on the new series of kitchen nightmares

Because he doesn't realize that some minimum wage, 16 year old girl going through puberty doesn't give a fuck about his genetic deformity and that she has nothing to do with the business itself besides being employed there. Image the business owner. He'll never hire someone under 30 again and young people will have even less jobs because the peanut allergy faggot didn't ask the chef or the owner or someone besides a fucking useless waitress what oil they use.
>b-but I didn't want to seem l-like an autist
You would rather die you fucking moron? You would rather take a trip to the hospital than walk into a kitchen? I mean, you should have been suspicious when the waitress didn't know and was acting like a bitch. You should have expected that she didn't give a single fuck that day if you died or not.

The world doesn't have to cater to him, but it does have to answer questions about ingredients honestly when asked.

You can develope alergies later in life. Ive seen it happen

It's because you ate it all you gibbering moron

Then stop going out to dinner with him..?

Is she vietnamese?

I'm going through that now, in the past two years I've developed three random allergies and I've never had allergies before in my life

I've only complained maybe twice in my life, and it was for things that were actually bad.
But I know people who will bitch over any little thing, and it's embarrassing as FUCK.
>go out to dinner with my brother and sister-in-law to one of the nicest restaurants in town
>she orders a drink (can't remember what it was) that came with lime slices in it
>she notices that one slice of lime is yellowed and has a tiny section of bruise on it, which is pretty fucking common with limes.
>literally has a shit fit, calls the waiter over, picks the lime slices out of her glass and flicks them on the table, demands a new drink, demands to not pay for drink, is rude and insulting to the waiter
>I literally cover my head with my menu until it's over
>then she bitches about how her dinner isn't any better than what she can make a home (which I don't believe, because I've seen her cook, she's pleb tier)
>once the agonizing dinner is over, I go to the bar and order a shot and call the waiter over and apologize for her disgusting behavior and give him extra tip, since she wouldn't my brother tip more than 10%.
>never go out to eat with them again.
Goddamn, my brother is so pussy whipped.

I think he's in the right man, you shouldn't let retards take orders, go find competent staff or teach the retarded kids not to be retarded, but somebody with a real allergy shouldn't have to go the kitchen and ask shit.

A waitresses job is literally to cater to people, are you retarded?

No, she certainly is not!
What do you take me for?



How do you find a kid who's trustworthy enough to not fuck up on something like this? People are so shitty. How does anyone start a business when everyone is so low quality and doesn't give a fuck if it's not their own personal things. It's not fair. Now I just have another thing to stress out about.

>mock Reddit outrage
You know where to go.


fuck off you will never own your own business. have fun wage slaving kid

>feeling this threatened by the possibility of a girl

For starters you can give them proper training and mentoring. Hire experienced supervisors who arent dicks and are approachable. Create an environment where they actually enjoy working, so they give a fuck if they get fired or not. And pay them a decent wage.

Also have the balls to fire kids with shitty attitudes, cause that shit will spread like cancer through your workforce

There has been a disturbing trend on Veeky Forums over these last few weeks where OP makes an obviously bait post implying HE is a girl for the sole purpose of stirring up drama. This is another one of those posts. And then when finally someone pops the question, they admit they are just gay. It's fucking obvious bait and these threads need to be saged and reported.

What made you think he was a girl. Op is a faggot

Ah, beg your pardon.

I know this is a troll post but in situations like these I also find myself blaming the victim more than the restaurant. Just think about it objectively. You have some meme disorder that kills you if you eat something 99% the rest of the population can eat no problem. You then go to a business that deals in food, primarily to the 99% of the rest of the population, in a capitalistic world where the employees are working for cut throat wages and often times are in that position because of lack of education/will power/luck etc....

Knowing you suffer from this affliction and being red pilled enough to know that virtually every single person in this world is a fucking moron, you actually make the conscious decision to trust this waiter/waitress with your life and then get mad when it doesn't go as planned?

In the context of today's society, I can see why the restaurant is to blame. But I would tell you the same thing I tell my friend who has a peanut allergy and got served some peanut ice cream bullshit at Friendlys once, you're a retard.

I used to work in a chocolate shop and had a woman come in looking to get some candy for her son. She said she wanted chocolate, but that her son had a DEADLY peanut allergy. I explained that all the chocolate in the shop was made on shared machinery, so there would be trace amount of peanuts in all our chocolate and recommended a local chocolate shop that had 100% peanut free machinery. She got pretty huffy and said
>well I mean.. trace amounts shouldn't do anything
I explained that EVERYTHING in our store had some amount of peanut cross contamination and that if her son truly had a DEADLY allergy that she can't in good conscious give him any of our chocolate. Cue her screaming at me for telling her what she can and can't buy for her son. She stormed off and I ate a peanut butter/chocolate truffle.

gay people exist. women definitely exist. it shouldn't be a surprise worth sperging out over by now unless you live in a basement

That's why I'm calling the guy out. He clearly either 1) doesn't value his own life or 2) was looking for a reason to sue anybody. If 1) he shouldn't ruin other people's lives by ignoring his own health and suing people, if 2) he's a piece of shit taking advantage of government regulations to sue some small business owner.

I have a friend with a peanut allergy and he pretty much never goes out to eat, which really sucks. But he isn't a retard and knows someone else being retarded could really fuck him up. That said, if you're serving food it's on you to be able to accurately tell a customer what the fuck is in it. You must be able to say whether or not a dish is vegetarian/vegan and whether it contains traces of allergens.

My sister got that tick borne illness that makes her allergic to red meat. Any fucking restaurant should be able to tell her whether something has red meat (even traces of the fat from it) in a particular dish.

>out for dinner with mom and her friend
>Middle of winter
>cold AF
>basically a blizzard outside
>get seat
>order food and have a few drinks
>mom's a bit of a wino and has one too many
>I've grown to ignore her slight alcoholism and just chalk it up to business as usual
>order food, eat, everything is fine, no problems whatsoever
>then the waitress comes up and tells us that the debit lines are not working, probably due to the fucking blizzard outside
>apologizes for the inconvenience
>mom get's all huffy and asks to talk to the manager
>waitress goes and gets him
>I tell her that she can just pay on credit
>she insists that if the debit line is down then so is the credit line
>manager comes over
>mom proceeds to bitch him out telling him that she doesn't have cash and is mad that they don't have debit
>manager apologizes and say that there is an ATM across the street, he offers to comp the service charge
>mom starts going off about how dare he force her to walk across the street in the snow
>at this point I'm just fucking pissed right off about what a douche she's being
>I chime in and ask , "Can you take credit?"
>manager responds with a "yes"
>stare at mom
>she backs down and admits she can pay on credit
>I'm so fucking embarrassed by her
>get up go to the bathroom see manager and apologize on her behalf
>she pays
>we leave
>don't speak to her the rest of the night and go to room right away when we get home

I would have just paid had I not been a penniless 14 year old at the time. But man oh man was I ever pissed that she was being such a dick to this guy.

the only time i complained was when they got my order completely wrong but thats only happened like twice.
if i order something and say like "no pickles" but they end up giving me pickles, im not going to cry about it. ill just deal with it.

though i have eaten out with some friends who just bitch about the littlest things. embarrassing as fuck.

i was at a work dinner and one of my co-workers just fucking bitched about the smallest thing. she ordered some toasted sandwich and when she got it she had them send it back because it wasnt toasted enough for her. she did this like 3 times.

who hurt you, user?

Bro its pretty common to not allow customers in the kitchen. Its considered a health hazard.

truly, a disturbing trend

Stop trying to steal my life, Steve.

>How do you find a kid who's trustworthy enough to not fuck up on something like this?

All she had to do was walk to the kitchen and ask the chef what oil they use. How fucking incompetent is your staff? It's easier than taking an order from a table of four.

You're pretty much implying you run the shittiest restaurant to ever open its doors to the public. Train your staff to know ingredients and have the ability to interact with their own colleagues, you dumbfuck.

2/10 for making me reply to your shitposting


Even if OP was a girl, she'd still be a faggot.

>allergic to red meat


It's real:

>Not spending time with your parents because they will die one day and you will never be able to spend time with them ever again
Like I said he is not really a bad person and I value the life he worked hard to give me but he is just an ass in public.
Sorry youre so autistic you'd rather disown your parents than put up with minor embarrassments


hmmmmm i dunno sounds pretty hard bro

sorry but im gonna call bullshit on this one. it's like that retard that came on here the other week saying his wife has a milk allergy. these are fundamental macronutrient staples of human biology. it isn't possible to be allergic to these things. it's just a liberal lie like fibromyalgia invented to get these women that are constantly complaining to shut the fuck up with their whining and complaining. i am willing to bet the ratio of these alpha-gal allergic people is also massively in favor of women, just like fibromyalgia (literally 9:1)


I agree that like Lyme it's a nearly perfect fit for attention seeking malingering types to latch on to. But like Lyme it's also a real thing that we don't yet fully understand. And unfortunately my poor sister has it.

Family complained a lot to wait staff when we would dine out during my childhood. It was embarrassing. Hate to admit i sperged and filled out a KFC survey (don't think they give a shit anyway, at least I hope not) since I had to wait 30 minutes for my trash tier food and they still forgot an item on a 3 item order. Don't forget the fucking biscuits, dude. Otherwise I don't usually say anything. Paranoid about cooks just clearing out their nose all over my meal.

Honestly, no.
Even on the rare coincidence when my meal was dreadful AND the waiter asks what I thought, I just smile and say it was good, then just don't go back.
Usually I regret it afterwards. I feel like such places probably need honest negative feedback.

Must suck to live in a country without paid sick leave

>Peanut oil can literally kill you
Maybe you were meant to be culled from the gene pool

you have no idea what you are talking about

Im glad you agree the existence of gay people is debatable

if you're allergic to milk or meat, you deserve to die. deal with it kiddo

Only once, but to be fair there was a cigarette butt in my fries

How is it that someone allergic to peanuts isn't cross-sensitive to another legume, the soybean. Neither is good, you idiot.

Just get insurance jesus christ.

>red pilled
stopped reading there. Peanut allergies are extremely common by the way you fucktard

It's only drama when faggots like you sperg out about it.

Yes and they're learning that they're perpetuated by yuppie nu parents who cater to little Jimmy's peanut allergy by not giving their own kids nuts

oh this guy again
milk allergy exists, and it's not uncommon. Hives and anaphalxsys aren't lactose intolerance, but a reaction to an allergen. I get that people confuse the two, but your assertion that the allergy doesn't exist is grossly defiantly contrary to actual science. If you were a rheumatologist you'd see that fibromyalgia isn't what you describe as an 80s understanding. It runs in families, among siblings and parents both, and the ratio is more like 4:1, not 9:1 "literally" as you say. And though it's a disorder of elimination of other disorders, which leads to some mythic proportions of theories, treatment is good enough clinical science for a host of other (not yet understood) disorders, such as bipolar depression. Responding to medication doesn't mean there's not science behind the disorder in the first place. We still don't even know the full mechanism of how Tylenol works for goodness' sakes. And, nitric oxide's effect on cardiac cells, and the drug viagra, were totally fast, recent, and even accidental discoveries that rewrote textbooks overnight. It would be highly ridiculous to take science back to the "Hysteria" explanation to describe Fibromyalgia by scoffing at it like a women's made up disorder. Get over yourself.

OP, anyone who mistreats people serving them has some maladjustments, and if on a date situation, or with people you don't know well, you can absolutely judge them on that. Keep your eyes open that it isn't just a personality quirk or that it was the waiter at fault. There's skill in effectively managing people to get your way, but there's absolutely some maladjustment in abusing people. I don't really complain in restaurants, but I have no issue making a request, asking for something nicely, or answering an honest question from a manager who checked up. I happen to know most people who speak up about anything do so to complain, not to compliment, I do a review on tripadvisor when things were great.

>not fat, not stick
>big tits

i like

Last night, as he was giving me a ride home from the airport, my father threw a temper tantrum at a Wendy's because our burgers took more than 3 min to come out. Emboldened by a sleazy biker hick demanding salt, my father told the teenager behind the counter that expected his meal NOW despite not filling anyone in on what he was missing exactly. Soon he was near tears and demanding that the manager return his money (but not clarifying the order which made a return impossible). It was such a petulant, childish and deeply embarrassing display that I left Wendy's and walked the rest of the way home, declining a ride. Later I called the Wendy's and apologized on my dad's behalf.

>Eating with brother and his wife
>Order some chicken with broccoli and red beans and rice
>Food arrives, double order of broccoli instead of beans
>Whatever, who gives a shit
>Sister-in-law calls the waitress back as she's walking away and says 'That isn't what he ordered'
>I literally could not give a shit
>She makes a fuss until they bring out fucking beans
>Manager comes out at the end of the meal, apologizes and comps my meal
>Fucking sister-in-law thinks she did me a favor by saving me $10

And now she wonders why I don't go out to eat with her white trash ass.

I've complained twice, and I only eat out twice a year
once I asked for a rare steak, they said they won't cook it rare, I complained, then left
the other time was when I ordered a salad, the server came by and put a plate in front of me and left. it was a stalk of lettuce, a little container of caesar dressing, a little cup of cheese, and some croutons. i waited until they came by again, and they didn't offer to make my fucking salad. what the fuck.

I'm not a baby boomer so no.

Never. Bad form. If the food or service is horrible they get blacklisted.

You had prime opportunity to kill off retard genes and you blew it

I'll only ever complain if a steak or something I ordered is overcooked. Most of the time my food comes out great and at worst it's just "meh" but it satisfied my hunger.

you can spend time with your parents other than going to restaurants and being frustrated with them, friendo

Not going back is the best feedback. Restaurants are pretty fragile, and shitty restaurants typically go into a predictable death spiral: they'll cut costs on ingredients, raise prices and talent in both the front and back will split. I've never seen the point of shooting a waiter or waitress because the cook doesn't know what he's doing and here in the states, withholding a tip is a clear message that you suck at your job if you're a server. Caveat on the latter: you really have to suck at your job to not get a tip. Even if it's bad service someone is still serving you. Everybody has a bad day, I'm not looking for a beej with a crank of the pepper and let's face it, servicing the public sucks.

I like you

Once. Ate out at a restaurant and had a strawberry shortcake for dessert. Strawberries were obviously cut with a knife that was not cleaned after cutting onions, so I told the waitress. Got the dessert off the bill and a coupon from the manager for a future dessert. I dont' think I ever went back.

What a bunch of bitches itt, if something is wrong tell the fucking staff. Owners/chefs would rather have your business again by correcting shit than you bitching about them. Also fuck wait staff, it's not my fault they have a shit job.

>Paranoid about cooks just clearing out their nose all over my meal.

I know this is anecdotal but I worked in kitchens for 6 years of my life (thank god not anymore) from top tier to low tier places and have NEVER seen a chef do this nor any of the cooks.

Shit coming back is just a part of the business.

That being said there are obviously faggots out there but part of being in the customer service industry is just dealing with slight imperfections and making the best of them

You're a fucking idiot.

Is this really that big of a deal?

Stating that you order is incorrect and that they simply forgot the beans isn't "making a big deal" m8.

Do you lack social skills that much that you think pointing out a mistake is over the top? Millenials will be the death of the US

You user, are a lying mother fucker.

hey user want some?

I'd complain that waitress wasn't showing her tits off more.
She's got some quality sweater puppies there

It gives me pain to disagree with dubs, but if you only see your family occasionally it is still expected you will eat out at least once. If they do not offer, they do not value you. If you refuse, it is a bit of disrespect.

Of course if you want to go autismo you can refuse it outright, but in general society it causes you both to lose face.

bad bait


Same goes for meat allergies. Same goes for egg allergies.