What do you do with beets?

What do you do with beets?
Where I live the only way people eat them is as salad, with raw onion, cilantro and lemon juice. But I wanted to try something different. Any suggestions? Other than borscht, too many damn ingredients.

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I make a super poor mans borscht with beets, stewed tomatoes, cabbage, and some bits of chicken

Maybe not what you are looking for but you could try pickling them or using them in other picklings like with boiled eggs. I personally love the earthy rich flavor of pickled beats but I think it is a love it or hate it kind of thing.

Now that you mention it, I have a jar full of pickle juice leftover from some pickled cucumbers. Can I just drop the beets in there for a while and expect them to taste good?

Nah, that'll fuck it up. It has been some time since I've made pickled beats but you use acidic stuff like vinegar. You can go look up a few different recipes for them and see what the general consensus is. Pickle juice would make them taste weird.

roast them whole

pair it with beef (good in burgers)

puree and add when baking

Smoothies paired with ginger, spinach and blackcurrants

What do I do with beets?

I leave them at the store...

Beet cruelty. I'm reporting you.

>Roast them with some butternut squash and oil. Season with a bit of salt.
It's a nice simple side and the flavors work great.

>slice them into chips, spread a mix of goat cheese and dill on top, toss some arugula in lemon juice and put it on top.
I simple and refreshing appetizer or snack

>juice them, mix it with geletin and make beat flavored jello
You can add it to salads, use it as a garnish for white meat, make it into an beet aspic (people usually call them salads) or just eat it as a snack if you like jello. It can be kind of off-putting though if you are used to eating sweet gelatin

I like them in mashes. Some carrot, beet, parsnip, rutabaga, potato (whatever roots you want, really) cubed, boiled, and drained. Then I add mustard and a bit of mayo for creaminess and mash it all together.

I make borscht OP

or cut and put in salads

Sour cream and dill with both

i like to cut them like french fries along with potatoes, rub in spices and roast in oven

Shred them and roast them in the oven with brussels sprouts and bacon, drizzled with balsamic vinegar, garlic, olive oil and a small amount of honey.

pic related


fucking scum

This sounds great. Do this or pickle them. I love pickled beets.

boil it, peel it
shred it
add mayo+garlic
or oil+walnuts

Eat them raw by biting into them.

Beetroot cake. Like carrot cake but with beetroot.

I second that this sounds amazing!

I almost never use beets, but I sometimes use them in veggie rolls.

Just julienne the shit out of a bunch of veggies (peppers, carrots, beets, pickles, etc. whatever you want basically), add some sesame seeds and onions. Take your wrapping material (I usually Chinese cabbage leaves that have been soaked in hot water for a while to make them soft), thinly spread some hummus on the wrapper, add the veggies, and roll that shit up nice and tight. Serve with soy sauce or peanut sauce.

It's healthy, easy to make, and very customizable. Also if you have any vegan friends they'll love that shit.

With garlic, evoo and red wine vinegar

I just eat them plain boiled.
They smell like dirt when cooking but taste fine.

Make borscht. I don't know what you mean by so many ingredients... I made a borscht 2 days ago and it took less than an hour from start to finish.

Have to agree with this guy, tomatoes don't belong in borscht

I think I'll try this

Whatever this thing is called:

Various tubers (onion is essential) baked in oven, light salted and glazed with oil and honey, seasoned with rosemary and thyme.

It's great with roast and or hollandaise sauce.

"Lindström steak"

The dough is like the normal meatball / meatloaf / hamburger steak dough, but some beets added for taste and color.

They are pretty good.

Traditionally served with plenty of sauteed onion.

This right here OP.


This sounds great, next time I buy some beets I'm gonna have to try it.

i post them and slice then like tomatoes and serve them with mozz and basil

I usually roast them.
Peel them, pour some oil, balsamic vinegar and salt on them. Roast in oven until cooked.

make a risotto dont forget to add no other ingredients

I boil them and eat about 4 at a time.

The next time I go for a shit i don't flush the chain, first time my wife thought I had cancer. I do this at other peoples places around twice a year to trick them into thinking I'm I'll.

I'm not I'll though.


I typically like them pickled with this meatball recipe my grandma makes. It's called gehaktballen in Dutch. Generally, a meatball seasoned with nutmeg. We pan fry them in a little butter, but I've heard of people baking them. My grandma also boils potatoes, dices them, then adds them to the ground beef mixture.

Because of this, I have come to love pickled beets with red meat and potatoes.

However, I like simply roasting them with just some salt, pepper, and olive oil as well and eating them with some chicken. Roasting them is pretty easy because once they are done they just slip out of their skin,

slice them up and pickle them with a little bit of cloves

great on burgers

Something similar happened to me one time after I ate a shitload of roasted beets, although it was my piss and it was blood red. I freaked and thought my kidneys had suddenly failed, then I thought about the beets and googled; sure enough, blood red piss is common.

I love them roasted with goats cheese and walnuts. It's nice with cumin too.

Australians like it on their burgers

Cut the beets into small strips and stir-fry. So damn good with rice and avacados.

I put one into smoothies sometimes. You need a decent good or else it will be grainy and gross. It also makes your shit red/purple which is fun especially when you forget and freak the fuck out.

>decent good

Should be decent/good blender

We do. Very good burger topping.
It should be noted that they are pickled, in vinegar. Not just raw beetroot.

We use the beet for almost anything you'd use a potato for here in Denmark. Except boiling. But you can heat it in the oven, fry it. I even tried a beet tatar at a michelin resturant once. It wasn't that good.


Heres a recipe for beet soup


Heres a salad

Enjoy new nordic cuisine

buy the ready-cooked and skinned beetroot in a vacuum pack if you can
i once bought raw whole beets, and it wasn't worth the extra effort, altho if you roast them whole and wrapped in foil, you can relatively easily wipe the skins off after

I just boil them in the pressure cooker for 20 minutes, they come out perfect

Quick salad we eat in Russia
Some grated walnut and cheese but it's optional