Growing vegetables indoors

How can I get more then one onion from an onion bulb? Or is that not possible with bulbs?

also why can't i grow potatos?

Every time I try to grow them in a cup of water they start rotting and smelling JUST as It's starting to grow

You won't get more than one onion from one plant, unless it's some weird mutant, which has happened a few times with mine, but not often.

Potatoes even planted in poorly drained soil will rot, so you won't be growing them in water. It's one reason they do best in a sandier soil.

>buy one bell pepper
>plant all the seeds
>get all the peppers
What other foods can become mass producing easy-maintenance pets?


>Have unused carrot in refrigerator that is growing.
>Cut off the top and planted it.
>Grew like crazy once I got it outside.
>Collect seeds, and replant.
>Now I have whole carrots.

If only I had more space, I could have had alot more just from one carrot top.

tfw my pepper and tomato plants has sprung from their seeds.

Plz bless me for teh huge haul.

Green onion, if you keep them in a small pot of soil you can keep harvesting them basically forever. Hell even in plain water you can double your onions before they start getting bland.

>buy one garlic head
>plant all the cloves
>get all the garlics

Any legume. Buy a bag of your favorite beans. Soak in water, or better yet compost tea, for a few hours. Plant and harvest mucho beans. Same with green peas. Buy fresh pods, plant the green pea inside.

not sure how much of this is memery, but ive had success with green onions and garlic for chives. you can also sprout legumes n shit if you like that

How about avocados? The price alone should make them worth it.

I don't imagine most people can casually plant trees.


>How can I get more then one onion from an onion bulb? Or is that not possible with bulbs?
If you let the onion age, it will sprout a flower and then give seeds, plant those.

That is the only way to do it, they don't grow like potatoes at all.

>also why can't i grow potatos?
>Every time I try to grow them in a cup of water they start rotting and smelling JUST as It's starting to grow
You replaced the water daily? Kind of important step there mate. You could try simply planting on a clay pot with soil, it is easier and can be done indoors.

Calling bs on the mushroom

>Calling bs on the mushroom
I agree, that is not how mushrooms work.

the way I've heard to grow mushrooms was to cut off the caps, wait for them to release their spores, then 'plant' those

I'm no mycologist but that opens up a lot of room for contamination

>the way I've heard to grow mushrooms was to cut off the caps, wait for them to release their spores, then 'plant' those
More complicated than that, but that is much closer to the actual method than that pic.

>I'm no mycologist but that opens up a lot of room for contamination
I am a mycologist and confirm this, you would need a laminar air flux machine to work on sterile conditions and isolate the micelium of the mushroom from contaminants on agar plates, that WILL get you a clean sample after 2-3 sucessive batches.

It is very hard to grow mushrooms withoun't proper equipment and sterile conditions to prepare it. After the micelium is fully grown however it can be cultivated anywhere as long as you keep the air humidity high.

>t. stamets

I wish!

Nah, I just graduated from university, got a long way to go before im at his level.