
What the fuck America? Through the years you have taught me to believe that the Twinkie was some sort of fantastic piece of gastronomical engineering by way of movies and pop culture. Today I tried one. It was fucking vile. Sickly sweet yet failing to cover up the bitterness of what I presume are preservatives. Why have you lied to us filthy foreigners for so long?

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Not body forced you try it.
It's notability in pop culture is just from deeply-rooted childhood nostalgia due to its ubiquity as lunchbox snack. Many people have fond memories that f the snack.

That being said, Chocodiles are better.

Of course nobody forced me, but movies, TV-shows and classic comic book ads have all made me want to. To say that I was disappointed is an understatement.

Sorry man, it's just our trash minorities and the stupid whites who imitate them spreading that junk.

Yes because we are in the movie industry? You're an idiot.

So you're a victim of mass marketing.
Good job, goy.

Maybe you've learned something: most mass produced American desserts and snack foods from the 20th Century sucked. But kids don't really give a shit, they just want the sugar, and by the time those kids grow up they're nostalgic for that shit. Here are some other foods in that category:
Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies
Little Debbie/Hostess/Tastycake anything
Hershey bars
Moon Pies

These are all terrible things that frequently accompanied a bologna sandwich on white bread and an apple in a 20th Century bag lunch, almost always washed down with milk. The apple was usually thrown away.

twinkies are awful. all hostess snacks are pretty awful in general and made with chemical shit. sno balls are better though

>stupid white people


I tend to agree with you except for Oreos and zebra cakes

>zebra cakes
fuck me those are so good.

Eat more than 1 pack of 2 though and I feel like garbage.

Yeah, they're awful. Even when I was a kid I didn't like them.


Hostess snacks all suck. Little debbie has some ok shit though, like the brownies

Well no one ever said that Hostess/Little Debbie stuff is any fine culinary achievement but if you're wanting a sugary/carby treat with no nutritional value, there's some good ones... but Twinkie is not one of the better ones, it's just one of the best known.

The best Hostess/Little Debbie snacks are:
Fudge Rounds
Nutty Bars
Oatmeal Cream Pies
Pumpkin Delights (only available around Halloween)
And to some Moon Pies (but I think this may be an acquired taste

If not on that list, it's garbage and it's has no redeeming value. Hell, I think I talked myself into getting myself a Fudge Round.

you're wrong. it was actually pretty good, but you don't enjoy good food. you enjoy bad food.

I also bought some Reeses peanut butter cups or something like that, and they were shit. Every piece of 'candy' I have ever purchased from the USA has been below pleb tier.

I'm European, obviously.

Surely even the most die hard Twinkies fan couldn't describe them as "good food"?

yeah chocolate in american candy bars suck. but i'll let reeses slide cuz of the filling

OP here. Yeah, the peanutbutter cups were pretty bad as well. way too sweet. They are however leaps and bounds better than the twinkies.

If you didn't like Reese's Peanut butter cups you're a fucking terrorist.... what sane person isn't all about those.

What do you have that's so much better? I spent some time in Europe and I remember literally none of the chocolate treats I had, they were so forgettable. It's always chocolate that tastes stale, flavorless, and months old on some kind of wafer....

Twinkies are literally a meme. Nobody actually like them but somehow they became ubiquitous in TV shows and movies.

not eurofag but
>mars bar

>Through the years you have taught me to believe that the Twinkie was some sort of fantastic piece of gastronomical engineering by way of movies and pop culture
I don't know where you're from, but the running gag is that they're so incredibly artificial that they last forever and are incredibly disgusting as a result. Also see: spray cheese
fucking godlike

nice pasta


These iconic 20th Century foods were created in the food science lab and popularized by the advertising industry and the rise of the supermarket. The desire for quality had nothing to do with their development.

you literally answered your own question nitwit, because they're a meme. they're an american pop culture icon

>What do you have that's so much better

With all due respect, the €0.25 chocolate bars from Aldi and Lidl are superior to 'candy' from the USA by exponential factors.

Things like Ferrero Rocher must be mind-melt to the average consumer of products from the USA.

Not pasta.

The average consumer of candy in America is kids you mong. They dont give a shit about quality just sugar. There are dozens upon dozens of chocolatiers in America who make gourmet candy.

>There are dozens upon dozens of chocolatiers in America who make really bad and vastly overpriced candy.

Yup, I'm with you on that.

This is true. The standards of products aimed at children are frighteningly low. Particularly when it comes to chocolate it's like they're not even trying.

the fuck are you talking about
you can't mess up chocolate unless you burn it or it's too dark
there is essentially no such thing as bad chocolate
if it's not to your preference then whatever but to call it bad is just being a dick

No such thing, eh?

>there is essentially no such thing as bad chocolate

You have no idea how consumer market chocolate is produced, do you?

They stopped making them for a while, and when they started making them again they changed the recipe, they arent as good as they used to be.

It's a trick. What you want is pic related or possibly a chocodile.

Don't talk shit on oreos and moon pies you fucking commie

We all have shitty foods we like, but trying to pretend they're not shitty is a massive act of denial.

Also: Doritos.

Oreos dipped in milk are delicious. Moon pies, I'll give you that. I also really like ding dongs and those shitty hostess chocolate donuts. I love that waxy chocolate texture for some reason

If OP:
>get fucked Yuropoor faggot
If not OP:
>get fucked faggot

Same here, from Australia. Found it to be just a generic cake that is overly sweet. I had something similar before but didnt know Twinkies was really just that other generic cake product ive had.. dissapointing inded

>parents talking about candy
>complaining about how bad american candy is
>dad gives a scathing review of the "bounty" bar he had for the first time earlier
>remind him that they're actually european
>backpedals into talking about how its probably made with worse ingredients in the usa
the mental gymnastics were strong, but it also might actually be the case. people say european nutella tastes better.

Not OP, grew up in 1980's USA suburbia. I have tasted the worst of the worst.

>be me, 10 or so
>get bored of mom's sammiches in my launch box
>mom goes to the super and buys the unhealthier things a kid can eat
>says she found this "lil american cakes"
>next day at lunch
>shit taste like plastic, taste just like my plastic soldiers
>mfw till this very day i still miss my mom's sammiches

>getting brainwashed by the media jew

I usually gave the sandwich away and ate the apple

>ever considering eating more then one pack of 2

I love them bro, but now I just think it is vile. I would have to wash it down with milk, which just makes makes a big hole bigger. Better to just avoid it.

I remember a decade or 2 ago when Oreo's started to sell their product in my country. All the super markets were full of litte bastards buying these cookies and milk
>le cookies and milk

Fucking twizzlers are the worst brah. Smells like some DuPont shit

>Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies

Go fuck yourself.

Few things make people more defensive than having shit taste.

Yo, if you're talking shit on Tastycake we need to take this outside

those shitty easter chocolates beg to differ

>Why have you lied to us filthy foreigners for so long?
As a burger I couldn't fucking tell you. I feel like I've been lied to my whole life but the exact same shit happened with me.

You see one and think it's this delicious spongy soft Rich cake filled with thick heavy sweet cream, and you eat it and it's just this disgusting plastic feeling mess.

they taste like cardboard m8 and the chips are always stale as shit. famous amos is the way to go if you're gonna get packaged choc chip cookies

Oh my god. Chocodiles. These chocodiles. Oh my god

Are you kidding me? It's a fucking corn chip with added spices. They're shitty from a nutritional perspective, but that's the extent of their shittiness. The Dorito, pick any mainstream flavor you want, is perfect for what it is.


I'll fucking stab you nigga

PEZ, Necco Wafers, and Tootsie Rolls are great.

>chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies
>moon pies
I'd never thought I'd live to see the day where i lost my shit on Veeky Forums, but here we are. Fuck you bitch nigga

Oh shit, did we say Twinkies? We meant Sno-Balls. Sno-Balls are miracles of gastronomic enginameering.

this post is wrong. you are wrong.

>not putting down nutty bars or anything else good
You poor soul someones been feeding you garbage. Fuck your tastes faggot its shit your shit go fuck yourself.


Completely unrelated, but as someone who does print layout for a living, that cover is a travesty of design. Why is there so much space above the writers' names? Why is the right column headline further up than the main story headline? What's with the giant bullet points? Why do the jumps occur in the middle of a sentence? Why doesn't the sidebar article have its jump page as a colored circle with a number as well? Is that really the best main picture they could find?

Also of course twinkies taste like preservatives, if you look at an ingredient list that's like 50% of the whole thing.

My thoughts exactly. Nostalgia is strong with this one. I have also been cheated by murica! Being a big fan of all the American pie movies i couldn't wait to go college and have all that wild casual sex. I was not told that all sex business does not apply to software courses as A. Ratio man to woman is like 8 to 1. B. Most of them of the time you are to busy to party and C. You wouldn't really want to have sex with any of them. It seams that smarter they are much more tragic they look. Also is you want to try something vile you sould try Tayto Bar. A company that makes chips (crisps) thought it was a good idea to make a chocolate bar with chunks of their onion and cheese chips.

>deeply-rooted childhood nostalgia due to its ubiquity as lunchbox snack.

But I would bet it probably DID used to taste better, before a change of ingredients to make production cheaper.

Cadbury and Hershey chocolate used to taste better before they started using palm oil.

Heck, I know this bakery that used to make heavenly coconut tarts before they switched chefs and used something cheaper (there used to be real fresh coconut pieces in there).

I was really disappointed when I finally tried trinkies after all the hype it got in Simpsons, American Dad, and Family Guy. - disappointed leaf

I never understood the hype these things had/have here in Pooland. We already had this shit way before Oreo invaded. It's called ciastka markizy.

Reese's peanut butter cups taste salty to me.

We have a version here in bongland too, they are called bourbons and are much nicer than the sickly bitter flavour of oreos.

There's only one candy that from childhood that I personally think passes the test of time. That's Mike and Ike's/Hot Tamales.

When they're fresh they're chewy and soft and just the right amount of sweetness. And they're dirt cheap as Candy should be.

I hate the texture of the cookie part of oreos. Its way too coarse. Oreos are shit tier cookies. Oreo cake is good though.

You're supposed to dunk them in milk, numbnuts

Did anyone try the new Twinkie ice-cream yet?

americans never realise that their 'food' tastes just as unpleasant to other races as exotic things like balut, natto or fresh fruit and vegetables taste to them.

it's a really strange country.

>It's a fucking corn chip with added spices.
If you consider "spices" mostly salt, MSG and artificial flavors. Eating them is like listening to a large group of 12 year old girls - loud, obnoxious and stupid. They are the taste of dumb overkill.
Really? Would you put those things up against anything you could get from a decent bakery? No. They have to exist in their own category, don't they? That category is prepackaged shit you buy in the supermarket. Because if you don't make a separate category for them and compare them to actual baked goods they're total shit. I'm not one to lower my standards like that for the convenience of buying this shit in the supermarket. And yes, I grew up with this crap. But mom also baked from scratch when the holidays came around. That's when I had some comparison as a kid and realized how shitty these iconic products were. They're only good to someone without access to better.
>I was really disappointed when I finally tried trinkies after all the hype it got in Simpsons, American Dad, and Family Guy
These shows are satire, so you have to take their treatment of anything iconic as just that.
Oreos are so bad even people who like them generally won't eat them without dunking them in milk, making them the breakfast cereal of cookies.

I've never liked Twinkies. They're terrible, and have always been terrible, even when I was a little kid.
Now, chocolate Swiss Rolls are another story. :)

>Oatmeal Cream Pies

>not including Starcrunch
What are you, a commie?

>salt, MSG and artificial flavors
If it was at the Fat Duck you'd call it innovative gastro science.

Don't be ridiculous. We have fantastic chocolate in the US, but Euros never see it because it's not mass marketed and exported like the gigantic corporations. Ghiradelli and See's are just two examples of large scale chocolatiers that make great chocolates. And, if you want to go smaller, there's fucking tons of great chocolatiers across the country.

It is innovative gastro science. It's just using that science to make something stupid. There's no nuance and hardly anything in the way of recognizable flavor. It's like listening to EDM at 110dB. It might be kind of exciting for a minute, but fatigue sets in really quickly.

Dated a European girl. She'd never had a reeses peanut butter cup before. They were like crack for her. Every time I flew over to see her she'd make me bring like 20 pounds of reeses for her and her friends.

you forgot cosmic brownies

I am from Spain.

A couple of years ago I bought those Reeses peanut cups from an american products shop.

They are so fucking good, like heroin. But I also tried hershey chocolate, and it sucks.

Now Im looking for Reeses peanut butter jars.

It's ART

>you have taught me to believe by way of movies and pop culture.

good lord

The only edible hersheys chocolate is their dark chocolate, which doesn't even taste like real dark chocolate, it's just less sickeningly sweet

There are so many local chocolate makers that buying big name brand shit doesn't make sense anyway (except for price)

white trash are white trash because they are trash

That's nobody's fault but your own, user.

It tastes progressively worse the older you are. Or it could be that they changed the formula sometime in the late 90's

No those are just synthetic "vitamins" which incidentally are all harmful to humans and some are biocumulative and destroy your liver, while the organically sourced versions have no risks.

Does it taste good?
It's in 90% of our food. You can only buy meat, vegetables and fruit if you don't want to eat that shit here. They even started adding it to hundreds of different beverages.

We're dying, send help.

Twinkies USED to be good but they changed the formula a few years ago.

>It tastes progressively worse the older you are.
Maybe. I have an alternative theory. American standards for what tastes good got really fucking low during the second half of the 20th Century. After the Depression, the Dust Bowl and two world wars anything convenient, cheap and abundant was cool. That's what the Baby Boomers grew up eating because the were modern and convenient. But there's been a backlash against them today that sees such food as trashy stuff for people too easily taken in by advertising. Things the gullible and ignorant eat. And of course the backwater poor.

It's not just that this shit tastes worse the older you get, when it takes more to impress you than fat, sugar and salt. It also tastes worse the further we get from the latter part of the 20th Century when all kinds of awful shit passed itself off as normal. People who don't give a fuck will or don't know better will still settle for that shit. But anyone who gives even the slightest bit of a shit can do so much better than Baby Boomer food it's laughable.

>Through the years you have taught me to believe that the Twinkie was some sort of fantastic piece of gastronomical engineering

Literally no one in the entirety of North America has ever done or will ever do this. We all know Twinkies are shit, and have not once said they were anything but. Don't try to blame us for your insurmountable ignorance.

Those are European brands tho, and they sometimes even just keep the name

t. Dutchman, we invented chocolate as candy

it's because they're a meme

I KNOW you didn't just shit-talk Moon Pies, motherfucker.

Who doesn't like oreos

Fuckers are tiny now.

And mostly fake.