Can we stop pretending Avocados are good?
Can we stop pretending Avocados are good?
They're good, but a pain in the ass if you live anywhere they're not plentiful and cheap. 6/10.
no they don't taste good at all
Spending a lifetime pretending avocados are good is a noble pursuit.
Love their flavor coupled with a meat. Gives it a bit of a fatty taste without being super unhealthy. Just don't heat it too much.
Let's get this out of the way, wrap this thread up: Some people will like them, some people will not like them. The world will keep spinning, and Trump will keep winning.
>ppl who don't like wut I like are dumb
They're great. Last year when they were 3 for $1.00 I ate a shitload. Since they jumped in price to $1.00 each in a year, not even once.
Wow the fuck said I was pretending? Bitch.
No, because they are good. But you can stop pretending to not be a faggot.
Can you stop pretending you hate things just because they're popular?
I love avocados but the last few I bought felt perfect on the outside but had gross rotten streaks on the inside.
After that I can't get myself to buy them... I miss them.
Avocado comes from ahuacatl, which means testicle. It is no wonder that women and faggots love this bland, boring garbage "fruit".
Y'all just haven't tried it with coffee
The problem isn't that avocados are bad, its that white people seem to think a teaspoon of anything with an avocado or more makes the price of regular food increase 1-2 dollars.
Avocados in food are better definitely better than lettuce but really only slightly better than tomatos. Avocados are not cheese, even shitty American, and are definitely not a meat replacement like bacon.
A few cents higher like at Qdoba so its basically free is what avocado is worth an extra add on like at Chipotle and most places is an easy pass.
More like they don't taste like anything at all.
I'm a heterosexual guy and there is nothing wrong with enjoying having a nice pair of testicles. I like it!
I'm not pretending. I honestly like them.
Go to bed Donald
Speak for yourself dipshit.
>if I don't like something can I go on Veeky Forums and try to convince others who don't like it to start calling it "meme food" so we can all jerk each other off about it?
Alligator pears are versatile, great for you, and go well with many ingredients.
we're pretending? didn't get that memo, just genuinely love avocados ever since like 1991 or something
Since this is an Avocado thread...
I've just found these three avocado inside the very back of my fridge where they are all shunken - what can I do with them? Mine is a very cold fridge where ice does not melt on the top shelf.
They really don't have much of a taste on their own, so how good they taste is entirely up to how you use them.
Stop buying shit avocados
>They really don't have much of a taste on their own
What kind of avocados are you buying senpai? Ripe avocados have a full, distinct taste.
they have a mild flavor. deny this at your own peril
Pretty weird how humans are one of the only animals that can eat avocados while dogs, cats, chickens and reptiles can die from it from their digestive system getting fucked.
The streaks are not rotten, that's the seed growing inside. It's annoying as fuck and makes it not edible, but not rotten
dude you're eating literal testicles whenever you eat a hot dog
Is it any weirder than onions, grapes, chocolate, alcohol, or anything else?
Most dogs can eat them in moderation without issue.
Avocados are only good as a filler or with something else. I'd never eat them for their own sake.
>mfw I have multiple avocado trees
>mfw I'll never have to pay for avocados
Feels good man
May I live with senpai pls
you have to add salt to them
I live in cali and have been enjoying avocado all my life.
However, recently, I've seen non south west white people putting hard, unripe avacados on their food for no reason.
>avocado toast xD
>avacado on my subway sandwich!!!1!
It's the next meme food.
It's like seeing Jeb Bush make his soggy ass pea guacamole
Solamente quiero aguates
Everybody point and laugh at this massive faggot.
>Never have avocado
>Buy a few
>Wait for them to fully ripen
>Use one for some guacamole
>Love it so much I use my other two to make more
>Eat it all
>Wake up next day
>Stomach is sudoku-ing itself harder than a B+ Korean student
>Pain lasts all day
I fucking love the taste but the pain.. its not worth it.
I've never understood the appeal of them.
They have a great texture but they don't fucking taste like anything. They're just creamy, mushy, vaguely vegetable tasting nothingness.
In Arizona you can usually get 5 for $1.
We always use them in Mexican cooking
I love avocados though, always have. I liked to mash them up with lime, salt, garlic, and pepper, then eat it with a spoon. Sometimes when I get a really good one, I just eat it as is.
I think it's dumb to substitute them for things, since they're very distinctive and are good in their own right. I genuinely prefer it on a sandwich to mayonnaise, especially BLTs. I've been eating it on toast since childhood, and my family always thought it was weird. Funny to see that's a meme breakfast now.
>family owns small piece of land off the freeway
>hueg avocado tree in it
>all these fond memories of heading there in summer to pick up avocados and eat them
>"I don't like them therefore everyone else is pretending"
Nigga avocados smushed with honey and oats remains one of my 10/10 hangover foods, you shut your whore mouth.
You can save money by using high fructose corn syrup or beet sugar in place of honey. They're all big fat ~zeros nutritionally and fuck up your blood sugar similarly. Or you could get some whole fruit if you want something actually healthier.
>save money
Not when you get your honey cheap as hell like me, having a friend who owns a beehive is grand.
>HFCS or sugar instead of honey
Are you retarded? Playing retard on a weeb culinary imageboard? A fatass who can't taste worth a damn anymore?
What the flying fuck is wrong with you user?
>that sad "guacamole dip" middle americans buy