Hello Veeky Forums. Would you buy a Himalayan salt block that is modified to fit a pan? This will be best for imparting salt into foods like stir-fry and other quick foods.
Pic related (But made to line a pan)
Hello Veeky Forums. Would you buy a Himalayan salt block that is modified to fit a pan? This will be best for imparting salt into foods like stir-fry and other quick foods.
Pic related (But made to line a pan)
because salting is SOOOOO HAAARRRDD
What is the purpose of that?
salt is weak as shit
>imparting salt into foods
to let everyone that enters your kitchen know that you're a pretentious faggot.
buy a few himalayan salt blocks for your fridge and pantry so all your food is hanging around the salt blocks, and when it comes time to be salted, yout food is comfortable with the idea because it has been raised in a salt-rich environment.
>Veeky Forums explains millenials and immigration
I am the salt tho
>funding pakis
salt is salt u fags
Sounds more like a flyover that went to a university in the same country but in a real city
taste a pinch of table salt and taste a pinch of salt you paid more than a dollar a pound for.
yea table salt isn't usually as diluted as that other crap
>Taste a pinch of NaCl
>Then taste a pinch of expensive NaCl
Where does the pink come in?
If you want to raise your food in a salt rich environment, just take it out when you play street fighter.
user, i think you might be literally retarded.
>Where does the pink come in?
Heavy metals and other mineral impurity in the salt crystals cause the color, nothing special about it at all.
I bet you pay extra for meat and use table salt on it.
Has a double blind test of this been done?
Humans are notoriously predictable for liking things just because we've been told are valuable, even if it's shit.
See: expensive wine, beets headphones, snake oil
>expensive wine, beets headphones
There are expensive wines that are shit, and there are cheap wines that are good.
But that doesn't mean all cheap wine is good or even remotely as good as some expensive wines.
for the average person, cheap wine is probably just fine. if they can't taste the nuance, its probably not worth it. But for somebody who CAN taste nuance, drinking lousy wine is a horrible experience.
IT's actually the same with sound. I studied music in college. I can hear 12 parts at once. You can't Shitty headphones for me are a brutal experience. So is a bad musical mix. But when its nice equipment and the mix is good, its sublime. But rare.
TL;dr - just because your ears and palate can't taste nuance doesn't mean they don't exist and, yes, some people can taste them.
>I'm a sophisticated Veeky Forums shitposter
Enojoy your 10000% mark up on your 3.00 headphones
t. never listened to nice headphones
Nigger i have 70$ pair and they work just fine. If you had any schooling in the manufacturing or engineering field you would know that those 200$+ head phones are a joke
I'm considering getting some Pink Himalayan Salt to try, does it taste any different?
That is such a shitty inforgraphic
My sister got me one as a gift but I just hang it on the wall and lick it now and again.
These are the only two salts I use
Now you are talking out of your ass. Theres a distinctive difference between quslity headphones for 200 dollary doos and a shitty 70 dollar one. You have hearing problems or no proper amp.
Replace every salt with black and you're ready to diversify
Enjoy your curse of bad luck.
>needing salt for a stir fry
shit's salty enough as it is, if you want more salt add a dash of soy sauce or something
best headphones I've ever owned are vmoda lp2s. there are definitely cleaner sets but these have the biggest sound and best bass I've ever heard
This fucking sucks.
the thing on the right is cancerous you know
More likely he is just listening to Katy Perry, Kanye or something like that. Most recordings are mastered for poor quality gear, "wall of sound" style, zero dynamic range, and when you add the fact that it's 90% synth beats anyway, a $50 pair of headphones is more than adequate because that's actually the optimal equipment to listen on
If your ears aren't shot, listening to a good quality rip from a Telarc or BIS Classical album or Chesky or something along those lines will be very very noticeable to anyone, on the right pair of good headphones (not Hifiman or some shit that sells based on "expensive=good", but HD600s or AKG701s or DT880s, something from an actual studio gear manufacturer)
The problem is that recordings mastered to a high level like that are mostly limited to a narrow range of second and third rate artists, which is why there's a whole genre of shitty "audiophile music" like Diana Krall where the music itself is garbage but the recording is technically perfect. Nobody wants to hear that shit except middle aged golfers whose ears are shot anyway.
Telarc in its heyday had some pretty good acts on the Western classical side (Atlanta SO, Shaw, and so on), but you're stuck with modernish stuff like Barber or John Adams, or annoying Anglican-sounding choral shit. If you want an A list conductor with an A list orchestra playing mainstream stuff in a conventional arrangement, say Rattle with BSO playing Mahler, you're SOL, enjoy your Philips/DG garbage. Want neumann mics and full dynamic range? Maybe you'll get some fucked up Schoenberg rearrangement of Mahler performed by the Kronos Quartet, it will sound technically amazing and you'll want to claw your ears out after 5 minutes. And if you like anything even remotely "weird" like Hindustani classical, forget about it. You're stuck with low-fi mp3 rips from Saregama.
tl;dr it's easy to make up a straw man about expensive shit being a scam, especially when you get to cherry pick the examples.
I got pink, red, blue, green, black and white salt.
Am i autistic?
Came here to say this. Was not disappointed.
you prepare food on it and it infuses it with hippie salt that cleanses your aura and detoxifies you
There is absolutely a difference in $200 headphones.
Unless $170 of that is paying for the brand like Beats or any other headphones you can buy at walmart.
Prove it
A food critic got food poisoning at a Chinese restaurant once.
I use Morton's for cooking, and pink Himalayan for finishing
cool story
Wouldnt that either crack, or become damaged if you use a knife on it?
Or wash away when you clean it
like durable is it?
its a slab of rock
I thought it was salt?
I wanna see a snail put on one and see what happens
user, I...
>not realising that expensive salt is usually lower density
>not realising that cheap salt leads to easier over-salting
fucking salt how does it work?
I personally quite like it. I think it has a noticeably different flavor than regular table salt. It's hard to describe, but it's a bit less intensely salty, a bit more well-rounded of a flavor I guess. I really like to use it when making salted caramel or salted toffee cookies or other desserts, partly because of its less salty flavor and partly because it is pink and looks really nice.
A bottle of pink Himalayan sea salt runs about $5 so you might as well try it.
Has anyone ever tried Celtic gray sea salt? I work at an Amazon warehouse and sell bags of it sometimes. It looks like it's still wet in the packaging.
are you a goat?!
Beats are the Trump Steaks of headphones.
table salt tastes like chemical shit
First day on Veeky Forums and holy fuck do none of you understand the concept of baiting jesus fuck you're all retarded.
Get a load of this nigger.
The only reason Veeky Forums is has as many posters as it does is because this is the board you come to to get triggered by possibly the most trivial thing in the world: what other people choose to eat.
Enjoy your stay, and don't forget to hit up our many fine fast food. sodie pop, and alcohol threads!
wtf i hate table salt now
jesus lol
>Promotes healthy PH
>Regulate blood sugar
>regulate sleep
Fucking lies, that's not how the body works
Those last 3 statements make me doubt if the first 3 are even factual.
>best bass
You just exposed yourself as a Dubstep Yolo faggot.
What you need is really good mid-bass and a low frequency, mellow woofer.
>Celtic gray sea salt
I'm from Ireland and have NEVER heard of this, sounds like a load of marketing shite
It's from brittany which is not a part of france
>Himemelayn salt doesn't have iodide
wtf my thyroid hates nepal now
I did buy one and used it quite a bit. Now I've broken it up and use it for seasoning.
>pics from 2010 newfags won't remember
If you are eating correctly you'll get plenty of iodine in your diet from other sources. My largest source is from kombu.
It's quite a false equivalence when you compare tasting to hearing. I know you only commented on "beets headphones" but it's no secret that our information processing of smell and that of our taste buds is worse than our hearing and way worse than our visual processing.
It's likely most "professional" wine tasters are talking out of their ass while you for example can distinguish different parts in one piece.
buddy it doesn't take a professional wine taster to pick out green apple in cool climate non-malo chardonnay, or tropical fruit in hot climate chard, or buttered popcorn notes from malolactic. any frat boy can do it. you're just too busy reading buzzfeed articles to convince yourself it's a hoax designed to make you feel stupid, so you'll cherry pick a case of a somm who claimed to be able to tell the GPS coordiantes of a vineyard based on a blind taste and predictably failed
>not a part of France
How long did it take to heat up to frying temp?
And how the hell did you clean it?
I think it took about 10 mins to bring up to temps. you have to heat it slowly, but you can cook on it for a long time after turning the fire out. You clean them using a brush and a little water. Then dry it. You don't need to sterilize or sanitize it since it is salt. Just remove particulate matter.
Why would you get that? How much did it cost?
how many of these cooking sessions can it stand up to?
>go to UCLA ready to meet some commies
>gun stockpiles were completely inadequate
They last much longer if you pre-heat them in the oven first.
It really depends on the quality of the block and how many cracks there are already. If you slowly heat it up, it will last 50 times at least. Otherwise, good luck going past 3 times.
> almost as cancerous as shitty bait, but not quite
Guess who just sold a salt block.