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Sobriety edition

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6 days sober. you faggots jelly?


clonazepam vs lorazepam for making the seizures stop?

I haven't had anything to drink since 10:00 last night

clonazepam. longer half life

How much a day do you guys drink that get siezers? I need to take a break and you guys worry me.


4 months here on my third big try to get sober forever

Try 1 lasted one year
Try 2 lasted 6 months

life is as shitty as always but i'm not hungover, anxious, depressed, and bloated

I bought this on Thursday.

I'm at about 3 handles a week now

Don't drink

just pounded a leftover bell's two hearted bottle from last night.... delicious. paired nicely with these bacon strips.

>he actually pours it into a glass

I like to keep it classy

Stuck in a situation where I only have 4 hours to drink as much as possible, enjoy my buzz and then get sober.
Usually on a Saturday morning, I'll drink a bottle of wine and some whiskey, but since I was in such a time crunch today I just had a 40 oz. and a glass of wine.
It... sucks.
A big part of me (the alcoholic part) wants to believe that I could drink as much as I usually do on a Saturday and then pull myself together in just a few hours, but I know that's not going to be what happens.

So at this point I'm just going through the motions and sipping on a glass of wine that I know isn't going to make me feel anything.
It's funny to me that people have reputations as being an angry or a mean drunk, but I'm really much meaner and angrier when things prevent me from getting as drunk as I want.


I recently started actually measuring units in a shot glass and it definitely helps with moderation. Helps keep perspective of how much you're really consuming.

On day 7. Decided I would reward myself for every 2 weeks sober with a bottle for the minibar. Which I never stocked because I drank everything right away.
Am I retarded?

U are an alcohol

3:00 am here, going strong

Why are you still up? Do you need a drink?

Okay seriously though, how does this happen? Can someone elaborate as to how they became an alcoholic? When you knew it was a problem?

What would you say is a budding sign of alcoholism?

drinking 'til you're drunk but not waking up hungover

drinking most days, no matter how much, to feel better about life is a sign that you are using alcohol to deal with your problems

from then on it's just one big life issue away from turning into a gigantic crutch

and then once you can't sleep at all without it, you're as good as done and the hospital is waiting

>puked all over bed
>slept in it
>woke up room smells like musty ouke and alcohol
>shower and puke
>nibble on bagel and puke
>water and puke
>shit, bidet, puke
>shitpost on Veeky Forums, start to feel better

wa la

alcohol provides oblivion for its users and what ends up happening is people start to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. your brain psychologically rewires itself as a result and you pretty much think about alcohol any time you need to cope. eventually your life progresses so far down the spiral that you constantly are trying to avoid the realities of your situation so you're stuck in a cycle of drinking (coping).

this actually isn't a problem in itself. the problem is that alcohol is habit forming so you also become dependent on it to both cope and physically to function at one point.

this also isn't a problem (outside of prioritizing alcohol over things like relationships/jobs/etc...) in itself. the issue is that alcohol is poisonous in large quantities so you end up fucking up your body in the process.

so basically it's one big cluster fuck cycle

do i have to just accept that life is kinda boring without drinking?

no, there's always heroin

>drink some alcohol
>teeth feel funny

what does it mean


Being bored mostly.
Alcohol completely removes the feeling of boredom

I just got off a week long bender a couple days ago and have had really bad withdrawal symptoms. I'm already thinking about having a drink even though the intention was to stay sober for a while.

just turned 21
what's the best beer i can get at walmart or publix?

How does it feel when you consciously have the drink you know you shouldn't have? What are the thoughts crossing your mind?

your heart hurts all the time and sucking on big plastic jug of rum makes it hurt less

as i tilt the bottle back, my mind begins rushing with thoughts
>you must stop
>is this who you are?
>is the n-category of framed n-tangles in n+k dimensions (n+k)-equivalent to the free weak k-tuply monoidal n-category with duals on one object?
>what would your parents think?


"fuck this life anyway, being sober isn't worth it. anyway i'm not going to REALLY go completely day-drunk, week-long-bender alkie this time."

Sometimes I'll think of my family, Sometimes I won't think of anything.

I would rather die drunk then sober any day.

Should you really have any drink? Everyone knows it isn't good for you but it makes you feel good so we drink.

i can drink tmrw. the prospect of getting blackout at the end of the week is the only thing that keeps me going throughout it. hopefully it won't turn into another 3 day long ordeal but once i'm drunk i stop caring about myself entirely. i'll order a pizza and eat the whole thing and then wake up and start drinking again.

Thank christ I'm a pussy and can't stomach the taste of alcohol

always taper in that kind of situation. go get a 24 pack of regular beer and try to only drink enough to make your symptoms manageable. you dont want to go cold turkey. im a binge/bender drinker too. here is a site for you

at a certain point its just too dangerous to go cold turkey

Am I still an acoholic if I only drink 2L of cider a day? At least I don't get black out drunk on vodka all the time anymore.

I feel a lot better today but last night was the worst.


Nah but youre probably still addicted to sugar

It's 7% ABV cider. America is the ony country that calls unfiltered apple juice "cider". So it's like I'm drinking 6 strong beers a day. I drink it all in an hour.

No I understand. We have that shit too. It's just very sugary

Do you guys have things that break your sobriety?

If i see a cute enough 3.14 I just lose it, say in my head 'why do i even bother with life ill never have that' and start drinking within the hour

So other than it possibly making me fat, I can go ahead and keep doing it and I won't end up with alcohol withdrawal or liver failure?

Waking up int he morning and realizing I'm still alive.


i have been thinking about this recently

the first is being a wagecuck in general. on most days it's somewhat bearable but it's right on a razor's edge, really. if my boss acts just a LITTLE more like a cunt than usual, or if some extra project gets shunted my way, or if there's weekend work, or if the commute is more fucked than usual, i absolutely SNAP and start drinking

like you said getting rejected by girls is another big one

i have a receding hairline and when i think hard about that i get triggered like a motherfucker

just general things that remind me of my lack of control over life and the futility of it all i guess

work-related interpersonal horseshit that i am forced to put up with is the biggest

When I see her, or think about her, if her instagram pops up on my timeline or she texts me

It's been over a month, she won't talk to me or come over because she cheated on her boyfriend for six days last time

You're probably still an alcoholic (you definitely are) but it sounds like you're doing better than you were, so that's good. Ideally you would be able to only drink on weekend nights as a treat. Everyday is still bad.

Of course complete sobriety is probably best for those that have had issues in the past

I make my own cider from apples, they're near ~6-8%

I get pretty buzzed from drinking 2L of it, but then again I'm not that heavy an alcoholic

I'm upset at how undrunk I am and am thinking of going to buy a bottle of vodka. Should I or not?

Do it.

>Lose ability to see with both eyes
>Literally have to close one eye so I wouldn't see double since the eyes can't focus


Holy fuck no.

>tfw I made a gin/lemon/basil cocktail and I'm halfway through and buzzed.

What a life

This is what I used it for.
I'm in the military and gutting myself on beer and wine made me fat. Giving it up for a while to try to bring the weight down.

And also, so I don't end up using it as a crutch to deal with stress. Doing good so far, but my fuse is definitely shorter than it used to be.

And goddamn I can't tell you how bored I am most nights.

I applaud you for killing terrorists and/or sandniggers

I have nothing else to add.

been sober for 2 years, so no

Kill me please.


Tank yew fore you're cervix.

t. Chair Force

>tfw you remember the texts you sent her last night


11B killing half a bottle a night for a buzz, whole bottle to get fucked up but that's for weekends. Kinda realised i had a problem when ppl stopped chilling with me and i started buying Everclear instead of whiskey

This says Sobriety Edition. Don't think this is for me.

But hey, I'm only 5 and a half beers deep right now. My "just right" is kinda starting to kick in. But I was hungover this morning at work and eventually had a 10 inch Italian from Wawa when I got off work at like 3. Haven't eaten yet tonight. Plan on getting kinda drunk and then eating leftover 'za and crashing.

Faaaaack. I think I'm just starting to get there now.

Man I'm bone sober right now and I feel good physically and mentally which means I'm prime for a good drinking session. Some nice whiskey to start the waves of euphoria

I did 13 AA meetings in the last week and a half, trying to impress a judge on tuesday.

my head fucking hurts and I smoke a lot of cigarettes now

i was drinking about 2 bottles a wine or a 1/2 bottle of whisky a day for the last 3 years.

I'm 15 days without a drink, experienced intense insomnia, anxiety, irritability and i still get about 10 to 15 "cravings" a day but i didn't experience any seizures or tremors or delirium.

Obviously, I'm not a doctor and you're mileage may vary. If you are concerned about detox talk to your doctor because the shit can be dangerous and everyone is different.

2-3 of these beauties every 24hrs.
My bin is only collected every 2 weeks. That's a fuckload of glass. Embarrassing af watching the bin men struggle to move the thing, and hear the clinking then noise of smashing glass as they empty it. The whole street knows me as 'that guy who drinks Smirnoff'.

He's a drunk, not a degenerate.

>these beauties
Now with said beauties. Forgot pic.


Don't drink Pepsi.

Jesus fucking Christ I'm bored. There is NOTHING to do while sober. This shit is making me feel suicidal.

going to AA tonight

This. Once you start to not get hungover anymore, you will be tricked into thinking that is how it will be forever, and you have become a master drinker who drinks to oblivion and doesn't have to deal with the consequences the next day. You might go like this for about a month, but then withdrawal typically begins to settle in. Then you are trapped, and undeniably an alcoholic.

Aaaaaand I'm drunk again.
Plus my Doc says my spleen is heavily inflamed thanks to booze. Shit is getting too real.

Day 7. you faggots jelly?

Yup. Got like 30 seconds of not drinking under my belt ATM, and vodka in hand.
Spoke with some AA gril at 7am though. Gonna meet her this coming Friday. Something to look forward to.
Bet I get aids.

I'm coming off a 5 day bender, slept through all of yesterday and feel like complete shit. Really craving something sweet and refreshing.

What would you guys recommend I get at the store to feed myself and not feel like a digested raisin?
>inb4 more booze

Everyone is different but I Honestly wouldn't recommend AA unless you are truly at rock bottom. Maybe it's just my autistic/introverted/egotistical tendencies but I felt really out of place at AA meetings. I just kept thinking to myself how retarded all these people are and ironically being around those people is what made me quit

I haven't been to a meeting in a while but I always remember the lads putting emphasis on not dating for the first year of sobriety

then again, I'm drinking at 6 in the morning so who gives a shit

happy fucking user

I'm a Canada fag and I wonder if its different abroad but I find most of them to be very clique ish. and I hate the faggots that are happy to be there.

"i love AA and being sober!"

fuck off faggots.

Jesus WTF seriously? What has happened to Veeky Forums? All of Veeky Forums is in meltdown. /pol/ is investigating the government for pedophilia, Veeky Forums is sober, /mlp/ has stopped posting spread asses, and /b/ doesn't have any good porn any more.

I'm in the same boat and gave it some thought. I assume you also don't have any hobbies except sitting at the computer? I haven't and that's the main problem I think. Everything I did for fun since I was 15 involved either alcohol or the computer.

I used to go fishing and hiking, or meet grils from the intersmurfs. Lost my drivers license for the second time after getting arrested for drink-driving last year, that was seven months ago, and since then I've pretty much just stayed in bed drinking.
Used to vidya too, but in my hyper drunken state these last few months, I've managed to throw one laptop at the wall for reasons unknown, drop one, smashing the motherboard, and piss all over one while asleep. Closest thing I've got to computer now, is my phone. I spend maybe 23 hours and 50 minutes a day, every day, in bed. Barely even got enough muscle left on my legs to walk up the stairs, so I'm laying on the floor in my lounge, waiting around to kil.

I think if you recognize your life is really shitty and/or falling apart, going to AA is worth a shot. The people there are not there to reprimand you, they are, for the most part, decent people. Most people are there because they have to go, usually because of criminal cases, but there is a sort of satisfaction in not drinking for at least a brief period of time.

Also yeah, the 'proud to be sober, look at me' types are fucking annoying.

Things have taken a turn for the surreal. Old values don't mean what they once did. People are scared. Life as we knew it has altered and I'm afraid we are all just going to have to travel down this rabbit hole together.

Day 3

This sucks ass but I feel better than yesterday.

My problem is that I wont be able to escape réality, which is depressing af. I have a heart disease that results in crippling shortness of breath. There is no treatment except chirurgical operation but for that I need my symptoms to get worse, Id say in 10 years or maybe more.

That plus im addicted to benzos and codéine (automédication).

I can't live like that. Lifes too hard, it really is.

Is there a God? Is he hearing me?


I managed to stay sober for 2 hours today before picking up the bottle
This is the longest this week, maybe there's hope for me yet

jesus christ dude

Smirnoff bro? is that you?

At your service user. 4pm, 1.5 bottles down and feelin' good.

Sober for 172 days now after a 6 year liter of vodka a day habit.

Going to military training soon, so I've got at least another 150+ to look forward to unless I learn to brew my own, prison style.

Wish me luck