/smg/ - Stock Market General

Nikkei Rape Incoming Edition

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> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
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TD Ameritade
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Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

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Actually, i was first ;-)


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I trust my brain over all other things on earth. We are in a bull market. Trump is the greatest president of all time. Short term volatility is fine but everyone needs to realize

The two markets worth investing in right now:
Large-scale plots of land in remote areas at cheapest price.
Stock Market in tech-related areas

That's it. Stock market will continue to do great. Europe is shit, no tech sector. China and USA are the two big markets to put money into and China lul

This is a Buy nvidia/AMD moment. AMD is a juicy 10/10 right now walking home alone and drunk.



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i bought the dip

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i am just a dumb shit poor millienials waiting for zuck and bezos be fucked.

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based intuition bro

t. Brainlet

i gotta wait and see how this is all unfolding. but GOOG, FB, AMZN etc all use the same method to harvest data. cambridge analytica is the one who came up with it (or some spook in the IC more likely). cyber phrenology was what it was nicknamed as by an user called cultstate. he managed to find a way to expose that what they are doing actually violates the civil rights of everyone online (atleast in the US). so he has them cornered. i honestly thought it was just a conspiracy till eric schmidt stepped down. then FB got targeted last week, and CA got a sting on em. whoever the fuck this guy is, he was not full of shit.

this is why ive been saying do not touch FB. at this point, if things continue the way they are going, then this will also extend to google. but the best part of this happening to google is if it DOES happen, and were sitting atop a mountain of cheap OTM puts....

i think you see where im going with this. this is a bigger trade than anyone has ever had the chance to do.

were actually gonna fucking make it holy shit

surprised they didnt tank months ago desu, as the major shareholder al-waleed is currently getting tortured by blackwater in some saudi prison.



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when investing in a company, you have to evaluate and trust the management. It is the same for a country. I do believe the USA is on the right path.

What we are experiencing is a gift from Emperor Trump, deflating the Obongo bubble for us to buy. Expect volatility.

As for tech, I think this is already a boomer mature sector. Big players will cuck the smaller ones before cucking among themselves.

The next growth will come by leveraging the actual humans, not the data surrounding them.

Go long AI, robotics, automation and genetic engineering sectors.

Fucking help me biz. My portfolio is too small for me to be dropping this hard

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I'm putting all my money in far OTM google puts tomorrow. If they crash a good 25% within 6 months, it's like you can grab 25000% gains.

>Trump is the greatest president of all time

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Buy a little bit of the dip tomorrow
Then maybe thursday too

But only good deep value stocks like BGFV

Got any picks in the sector besides Illumina? It will be a few years imo before AMD gets cucked so I think it's fine long for 1-1.5 years

me too

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Has anyone here done any analysis on whether bloomberg posts/news predict price movements?

Would be fairly tough, but not that difficult to use machine learning to analyse sentiment of bloomberg articles and act accordingly.

no user. this is the beginning of a new era. we might actually see these fucking tech giants fall. i cannot overstate how fucking excited i am

well you do you, but im unsure of the timeline this is all gonna happen on, so im going to wait till i see a sign. but im expecting all of these tech giants to fall at some point.

just dont get mad at me if ya get wrecked by going to early. remember theta. im honestly looking into getting some multi year contracts (LEAPS) and having this be the last trade i ever have to make.

> We are in a bull market. Trump is the greatest president of all time.

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news is a lagging indicator.
Stock market is down big today! Sell!
Stock market is recovering! Buy!
100% worthless

>t. AMD is a juicy 10/10 right now

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My intuitions on the market have never been wrong. I'm super long AMD, super heavy weighted into AMD.

the problem i have with all "analysis" that isnt done by myself, is that its very likely that you are being manipulated into buying things that the big guys are trying to get rid of. its just too easy to be manipulated. and i only trust what i can see happening in front of me

>I'm super long AMD, super heavy weighted into AMD.
>It will be a few years imo before AMD gets cucked so I think it's fine long for 1-1.5 years

Please tell me you guys are just trolling

As for AI, automation and robotics, BOTZ is pretty cool with a nice exposure to Japan (~40% of the holding). But you can look into the content of the ETF holding.
Biotech sector :
SGMO, QURE, BMRN, ONCE for the CAR-T hemophilia play
GILD for the CART-T oncology sector

Genetic engineering in the specialty chemicals industry : AMRS
XON is an interesting play.

For all these stocks, DO YOUR OWN DILIGENCE

He's right you know

I would never pick from that many stocks. sadly. My advantage comes from intense study of a very small search area.

A man who rustles the jimmies of so many people must be doing something great and right

We've had historically overbought P/Es on indexes, all we needed was a catalyst for a correction.
We've found the catalyst in a facebook story "Surprise! facebook sells your data"
Except this time people seem to care.

now my only question is if low P/E will recover faster or if everyone is fucked. BGFV being up today could be a good sign. Kneepads are going to sell like hotcakes in the coming months

Best of luck to anyone holding MYOS for earnings, I’m hoping it will help get me out of the hole I am in.

Stocks are extremely undervalued right now.
Buy as much as possible.
It'll never be below this amount ever.

>AMD is over because of cryptocoins
>AMD is over because Nvidia paused testing of cars
>AMD is over because CHINA competition

yeah those things are scary

As for CAR-T, GILD is a pretty safe play : currently, it has a shrinking revenue due to its drugs actually curing its patients. So GILD's very profitable metrics are being heavily discounted. In my opinion, the current price only takes into account its current cash flows and dividends. The gene therapy is almost free (but it won't be kicking in fully until 2020)

> Could've had another 8 years of comfy biopharma plays under Clinton
> Have to deal with insane volatility in every sector brought on by spastic loud mouthed cheeto instead
Trump cucks

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2020 is too long away, Im predicting singularity by end of 2019

>see FNGU start to recover in after hours to $48.68
>dumps to $47 a few minutes
h-hahahaha i love the false hope pranks


>We've found the catalyst in a facebook story "Surprise! facebook sells your data"
Except this time people seem to care
is it just me or does this whole outrage seem manufactured. im struggling to accept that all these fucking droolers whove been knowingly giving all their personal info to FB are suddenly actually upset about it. even more confused by the fact that people are even aware of CA outside of the conspirosphere, let alone being upset with them.

its fucking weird is all

Quick! Hit the "Start Over" button!

things better start looking up after this lunchbreak

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>tfw lunchbro didn't post his meal today

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>We are in a bull market

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You can go to fbook.com/ads/preferences scroll to "my information", then click "my categories" to see what facebook thinks your political affiliation is.

>very liberal

Can /smg/ after hours be a thing now?

only the days /smg/ get FEDed

Manufactured as fuck, people didn't even care when the NSA was literally watching them touch their dicks at night with baked in access on everything but now some company participating in what Facebook ADMITTEDLY did for years is the end of the fucking world.

is robinhood crypto useful?
I just got invited

So uhh when is VTGN going to finish trials?

obviously replace fbook with facebook. some other interesting tidbits in there as well

>multicultural affinity: african american




Has anyone used it

The Robinhood Web application is absolute GARBAGE so I feel like the crypto app will be just as useless

with in the next year.


Worth keeping an eye on this. The guy who made it forgot to normalize it but the fact still stands, if that trend breaks then the market goes with it.


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>tfw should have bought Dominoes Pizza

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nah just FB doing its thing
just buy the dip tomorrow and thursday

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So like everyday?


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Damn bro, hope you recover tough day

There's a huge difference between letting the NSA know and letting private businesses know.

Financial news is 100% entertainment completely worthless

PE 25+, debt up to eye balls, share buy backs stopped, interest rate threat, china trade war response. This crash will be gloriois.

nothing on politics for me.
i guess not posting ever does that

>he lets facebook know his power level

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>Trump is the greatest president of all time

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What happened on US markets today?
Euro markets went great and US markets opened great but when I checked after dinner is was all in red.
All? No, the one thing I shorted (GE) was up 5%.
What a day...

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says i'm liberal

Trump won and theres nothing you can do about it :v)

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So anyways, anyone buying Spotify on April 3rd?
After the dropbox blowup I am looking forward to another popular webservice going public.

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compare Spotify to Pandora. Spotify is extremely overvalued.

its just because politics. they are politicizing it. and for whatever reason, all of a sudden, normies are violently interested in politics (they arent, as their grasp on political shit is close to nil, but they were told to care by their tvs and phones, so now they do). but whatever. it plays in perfectly with what im doing right now, and since i dont give a fuck about politics either way, as long as my FB puts get ITM, then i care even less what happens. i want more money.

AAAAAHHHHH fucking MU piece of shit I should have bought GE like Buffet said!

I'm thinking about property but I don't want to get JUSTed the way my mom did buying a house literally right before the recession. She still owns it thankfully but only recently stopped being upside down.

Is now a good or bad time to invest in property?

General question for the thread.

This just gave me the best content i've had in 5yrs on facebook hahahahahahahaha


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Looks like the Nasdaq leading this whole thing down now.

exactly. a bull market literally cant happen if the industry leaders go down. for fucks sake think how many billions of dollars are hedged in that shit right now. and they still havent even begun to move. there is a long way to fall on all of this shit

Its just all about user numbers, thats why facebook is so valuable and could buy Whatsapp for 17 billion. Its not the product, its the underlying network effects
Look how awful apples music streaming service is doing. Maybe spotofy is a next buy candidate for fb, Apple or another company that has billions laying around

But who am I to argue with Satans trips, btw checked!

why are people panicking about bear market when shorts exist? you should be happy stuff has so far to go DOWN, get a leveraged account and short everything into oblivion. i dont give a fuck what happens to these companies, i just want to know which way it goes and profit off it


like i said the other day FNGD is 3x short the FAANG stocks. this will come in handy

I think real estate to be a bother and more risky than one would think.

But there is one main advantage to it and that is leverage. You can literally buy real estate with almost no money down as long as the rents cover the loan payments.

If your city is growing and/or has an economic upside coming, it may be a good idea.

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pandora has more listener hours than spotify in north america. regardless I wouldnt put money on any music service, they're gonna bleed money until the end of time

because i don't know how to time it.

Do I short today? or wait for it t go up tomorrow? What if it goes up 3 days in a row?

There is a bit more downside, but a lot of upside on the horizon.

t. Real Estate Trust investor

bear markets suck if you already have all your shit hedged in long. especially if you have a lot of it and dont want to get taxed to hell and back when you cash out. i agree that its way easier to look for companies that are running like shit and just take up a short position, or load em up with puts, than it is to do the inverse, but you can definitely still get burned on shorts. you stay too long and you get the horns. and it fucking HURTS when you get squeezed

well im not gonna do it right now. im gonna do it after a rally

i was trying to get the /smg/ hedge to look at some REITs but everyone still thought we were in a bull market

>just buy the dip

Every day is now a dip.

REITs are a long term play. /smg/ fund is like weekly, can't argue with that really

You buy the dip and you sell the rally
Rinse and repeat until America is strong again and cleansed from its nigger president bubble shit

yeah but were gonna need something long term with good divs to hedge against this shit. i think we should do a 60/40 portfolio of 60% memes and 40% hard assets with divs for longterm holds

I don't run it haha. My "hedgefund" is doing just fine with it though :-)

How about oil trusts?

how is this different than a bull market? shit lasts for months to years dude lol

I try to be a Barren Buffet fag and do fundamental analysis (reading the 10-Ks, DCF models and shit)

But I don't know how you do it for financials like the banks or the REITs.

What do you look at in a REIT ? Also, I used to be a retail business owner in a shopping mall, so I kinda know how leases work. Is this kind of knowledge useful ?