Anyone else getting ABSOLUTELY FUCKING JUST'd by this shitcoin?
Anyone else getting ABSOLUTELY FUCKING JUST'd by this shitcoin?
lots more dumping to come :^) hope you sold the top, because the ICOs gotta pay their bills somehow.
no! i'm in the pyramid making dividends. fuck that shit coin. only use case is the pyramid nigger! jump in!
You people understand zilch. I just bought another 30k on the dip. The only promising project in the blockchain industry is Ethereum. Everything else is shit.
> eth dude on tv not sure the bubble bursted yet
You fucking retard ppl are +75% down on initial investment. There isnt anything left to burst.
Somewhat, but my Eth paired coins are going down even faster. Kind of wish there were more fiat pairings right about now.
>There isnt anything left to burst.
Hahahaha. I'm getting fucked, but if you think there isn't anything left to burst you're delusional.
you understand less than nothing. can't scale, slow and expensive, written in solidity which is a non mainstream language, and ICOs will be dumping ETH lower. enjoy your bags. show your orders for that 30k ETH you larping bag holding pajeet faggit
Respect, we already at 3,1k ETH in the contract People saw that this is the best place to gain and hold the value of their interweb coins
Only you. You are the only person on the planet dumb enough to own ETH. KYS faggot
Nope. Bought recently while it was low and it's still low so I bought more lol.
YOU PIECES OF SHIT COMPLAIN about ethereum when you're buying shitty ICO tokens. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BUY ETHER. What fucking morons. No wonder you are down. When ether hit an all time high while you are left holding ICO tokens, you are gonna fucking want a piece of the pie. But you can't have it. I can't wait to see your faces expressing despair realizing you traded in ether for Chuck E' Cheddar arcade coins.
You may dislike Ethereum but it is peak performance.
I will accumulate some of it once it hit rock bottom.
I just bought 30K more on the dip. Eat shit, pissant.
>>There isnt anything left to burst.
>Hahahaha. I'm getting fucked, but if you think there isn't anything left to burst you're delusional.
Srsly if I lost 75k € of my investment, fuck those remaining 25k. I can make more building a fucking website.
>peak performance
it's fucking dogshit. slow, expensive and worthless without off chain solutions. hahahah peak performance you stupid nigger, i hope you're memeing
Except it is not. Seconds is slow?
$0.029 per transaction is expensive?
>worthless without off chain solutions
Except smart contract allow you to have basically anything on chain.
You are either baiting or a newfag in the crypto world.
All the smart money is leaving eth and going into eos in time for the air drops and main net launch. You have 3 months before ethereum is permanently and eternally btfo.
>can't scale
It's working on the best scaling project. Everything else can't or either claims they can by increasing block size allowing clients to centralize throughput. If anything claims to have solved scaling, they have NOT.
I'm sorry, but you can't have this conversation with me, cunt. Slow? Get look at this pipsqueak. Ethereum is the fastest there is.
I just moved a large sum of money for 8 cents. What are you, an imbecile? I'd smash your anus with my cock.
Just one of the langagues used by Ethereum. Don't like it? Use another. Solidity isn't even bad.
FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME YOU DUMB CUNTS: Nobody truly invested in ethereum cares about icos. ICOS do not make ethereum. ICOs are only a means to raise capital for a project. YOu don't need an ICO to use Ethereum and ethereum will be fine without ICOS.
My bags? Everything else is down dumb nigger.
Ether is going to outpace the market cap of bitocin and everything else sooner than you realize. Why? Because the fundamentals and trends.
>>peak performance
>it's fucking dogshit. slow, expensive and worthless without off chain solutions. hahahah peak performance you stupid nigger, i hope you're memeing
plus it's like 2 or 3 guys actually writing bug ridden go code while everyone else is talking crap on live streams and twitter 24/7. Its supposed to be fast OMG plugin chain hasn't come up with a single usable piece of software while devs are goofing on skateboards.
ETH has decoupled. Just not in the way you guys wanted kek
>lus it's like 2 or 3 guys actually writing bug ridden go code while everyone else is talking crap on live streams and twitter 24/7. Its supposed to be fast OMG plugin chain hasn't come up with a single usable piece of software while devs are goofing on skateboards
My God, this place is crawling with dumb children. I'm out.
>ETH has decoupled
No it has not. Everything still follows bitcoin. What reality are in, son? Where do these people come from? Really out this time.
>>ETH has decoupled
>No it has not. Everything still follows bitcoin. What reality are in, son? Where do these people come from? Really out this time.
cu at $1.99
Legitimately the worst attempt at FUD I've ever seen. I imagine this is just some normie pissed that his 1200 ETH investment got justed.
EOS is not existent. Be my guess if you prefer investing in vaporware. I guarantee that project will not stand the test of time. Almost over one year pre-sale? No code production? Okay...but I'm sure they like your money.
0.29 is expensive, and if there is a high demand for the blockchain then it slows to a near halt. how new are you? have you never tried to send ETH while an ICO is running? fucken gasssss gassssss and more gas. you're the newest faggit on earth, literally born yesterday. it's like you've never used ETH
It just keeps going down in sats with no end in sight. BTC going up hasn't done anything to stop the bleeding and when it goes down it is even worse. It is the reason most alts are getting terrorized.
EOS will absolutely crush this blockchain. you're a pleb for thinking ETH is fast. how long have you been around? do you remember ICOs mania and ETH slowing to a halt? crypto kitties you mong? holy fuck you're the supreme brainlet
You are truly a dumb fucking nigger. No, I don't need to consider my investments when I don't feel threatened. Especially with the most asinine shit I've ever read coming from someone that sounds like an intellectually challenged tot. I wouldn't even let you rim by anus.
The eos testnet has been public for ages and is feature compete. This is why you will always be poor. You get emotionally invested in your meme coins and scoff at new and upcoming things without doing research. Enjoy your $10 eth in 2 years
>no code production
literally the most contributions on github. you're autistic in the wrong way
This was the shovel for the gold rush, now that gold rush is over....
Doo-doo pee-pee, piss. DUED! WEED LMAO>testnet only
It''s a feature
>testnet cetnric
In all openess, I'm just kidding.
I hope your EOS does well.
Thanks for responding. I'm just here to keep Veeky Forums alive. Don't read into my statements.
-Veeky Forums janitor
lol no, i bought EOS aka nuETh
>Cashed out a majority of my holding back at the first of the year.
>It jumped to 1.2k like a week later from 700ish
At the time I thought I fucked up. In retrospect I made the perfect move. I'll probably buy more if it goes to $250 but otherwise I'm happy. Made enough to pay off my student loans and still have a decent amount that can go towards a down payment.
>TFW bought at $12
not bad, not perfect, but not bad, now buy EOS and ride the second ETH to the moon. $100 EOY
>I'd smash your anus with my cock.
Why are EOS shills so fucking horrible? I get that it's a scam and you can't expect the people they hire to be top notch, and the shills have no other resource than to trash other coins since theirs has no redeeming value whatsoever on its own, but each of their post is so cringeworthy, it's insanely disgusting.
>EOS is not existent. Be my guess if you prefer investing in vaporware. I guarantee that project will not stand the test of time. Almost over one year pre-sale? No code production? Okay...but I'm sure they like your money.
EOS super clean c++ code, building waa a nobrainer on ubuntu, eosd intantly working
geth on the other hand wtf, not synced after 2 weeks on dual xeon, database getting rekt because of unclean code, no man page, no readme, 2 of 3 wallets not syncing ever besides lite client and only one guy even trying to fix it. Look uo all the users complaining on github, there isnt a single competent dev even responding or working the tickets. This isnt like Linux or BSD. This is more like a couple of those macbook webdev cucks who have no idea how to code.
With all the millions they must have made the couldnt even afford to pay a guy to write a single userfriendly wallet in native binary. People have to use a lousy website of a dude who got trouble with his girlfriend stealing his twitter. Thats the only fully featured wallet. Fucking webapp made by an user. W.T.F?
Switched mining operation from ETH to ETC.
I figure that if I held a little longer I would have seen the 1.2k jump and assumed we were going to the Moon. No way I would have sold after that. It was the perfect time to get off without iron hands fucking me up. Everything I have left (about 10 eth and half a Bitcoin is entirely profit so I'll just HODL until either all of crypto fails or I'm hilariously rich.