Post coffee and coffee accessories in this ITT!
Old thread: Bonus question:
If your autism level is a function of the cost of your current coffee setup and the number of individual moving parts you have to wash after making coffee, how far down the usagi hole have you gone?
>If your autism level is a function of the cost of your current coffee setup and the number of individual moving parts you have to wash after making coffee, how far down the usagi hole have you gone?
That's why instant coffee is the way to go.
It's the new reincarnated retro way to enjoy quality cup of coffee
and not to introduce massive amounts of coffee beans packaging to our landfills.
>Mom gave me her old coffee maker
>clean the grounds catch if I don't happen to use a filter and rinse pot once in awhile
I don't think I can even see the rabbit hole
>in this ITT
>tired of plastic melitta cone
>don't want a chemex because i can't find filters in my grocery store
>still want nicer pourover gear
So I bought pic related as a nice middle ground.
>every so often ordering filters with my coffee is somehow too inconvenient
How the fuck do you drink coffee from this narrow spout that is band down so much.
Isn't the coffee runs all over your chin.
That's the handle, jackass. There are holes on the bottom you drink from.
>There are holes on the bottom you drink from.
Ok this is some retarded design from Japan.
How do you put your lips into that opening on the bottom to drink from and how is the coffee not flowing from it if there is an opening on the bottom.
This crazy shit makes me cringe people always have to complicate things.
What's wrong with good old mug design.What's the advantage of drinking from this crazy design. WTF people are crazy
If you put the grounds in a regular mug, they'd get in your mouth, but this way they don't come through the holes so you just get the coffee.
And how does it look like your lips fit? It's pretty freaking straightforward.
I prefer gween tea
ok man,whatever. it looks stupid to drink from this.
looks like you have to tilt your head or something.
I admire Japanese people for their innovative designs but maybe they should stick to designing cars and electronics.
this is just pure stupid and those who buy it just because is novelty are stupid also.
as I said good old mug works just fine
Have you considered cawfee?
No thanks I'd rather enjoy my 22 benefits
>I don't understand it, so it's stupid
Enjoy being left in the past
I'm recovering from a shoulder injury and grinding with my hario is a bit painful at the moment. With dark roasts it's ok but my preferred roasts are like grinding rocks
Is an OE Lido significantly easier to grind than a hario? I hate the idea of going electric, but I'll get a baratza if the Lido isn't fairly low-effort
Is this the tea thread?
>I hate the idea of going electric,
wow, you are such a dedicated purist that it hurts my shoulder just reading this nonsense that electric grinder will ruin your coffee.
some of you people are rally mentally unstable freaks pretending to be able to tell the difference if the coffee grounds are few microns larger or smaller.
get a life buddy
It's not the coffee I'm worried about, if I was worried why would I be using a shitty $30 ceramic burr grinder? I just don't want yet ANOTHER electrical thing cluttering up my limited kitchen counter space if I can avoid it. Also the electrical interfetterence will cause backflow eddy currents in my silver litz braided speaker cables.
Anyway do you have an answer or are you just here to be angry?
>Also the electrical interfetterence will cause backflow eddy currents in my silver litz braided speaker cables.
>Anyway do you have an answer or are you just here to be angry?
no, at this point I'm here to call authorities to direct them to your house to come and get you with straight jacket and chains.
>he can't hear the interfetterence
m8 you must have some non-reference-quality audio gear, let me guess, you're still using the factory clock in your DAC?
>m8 you must have some non-reference-quality audio gear,
if your super expensive silver litz braided speaker cables can get interference from electric coffee grinder
then I strongly suggest the following (absolutely picture related)
this kind of interfetterence can be mitigated by installing shakti stones over your fuse box but my fuse box is already covered in ERS paper which was discontinued by the manufacturer, I'd have to rip it in order to get the stones in place
BTW, I bet you that my fancy toilet costs more than your stereo system.
oh don't tell me you have a Toto. first of all no, it does not. second when I was a child we lived in Japan for a while and had one of those. it was kind of horrifying
I don't approve of "flush" toilets due to their unpleasant sonic signature, the fourth and fifth order harmonics are not found in nature and bad for your mental health
I fill a bucket with water from the tap and that's how I flush. you should try it, it's not as hard as it sounds
I strongly suggest that you take your super expensive silver litz braided speaker cables and tie one end
to a tree branch and the other end wrapped around your neck have a last cup of coffee (from Starbucks, dark roast of course)
and kick the chair from under your feet.
are you ok, user?
anyway, back to the topic. OE grinders, anyone? besides the mentally ill person arguing with me.
>22 benefits
Alright nigger let's hear them.
I'm manly enough (especially after I had double espresso) to flash even the hardest poop with the stream of my piss.
That way I don't waste water the way you do it. You ecologically insensitive water waster.
>OE grinders
what's OE
is this dark roast
As far as I'm concerned you are the mentally ill here.
First you didn't made clear in your post why you don't wan't to use electric grinder,you just posted some cryptic text
>I hate the idea of going electric,
then you posting nonsense about electric grinder interfering with your expensive speaker cables.
Maybe if you learn how to properly and intelligently express yourself then you could get perhaps some respect.
Otherwise you are considered unfit to interact with intelligent people.
here this is for you genius
Here is your attention
I'm fairly new to coffee making and I would like to know what is the best water moisture level to brew best possible coffee.
I hand grind and use french press.
Why do manual coffee grinders cost much more than automatic ones?
Are there any electric coffee grinders with a remote control?
I like to start grinding fresh coffee just as soon as I wake up but I like to stay in bed for like 15 to 30 minutes
and having remote controlled unit would make my life much easier.
It takes like 15 seconds, you stupid lazy shit.
Obvious shitpost m8
>It takes like 15 seconds
maybe if you have triple eight speed on your grinder, but not on mine
It's called a skereton with a live in maid, pleb
problem is that my maid in the morning at that time is busy polishing my shoes for me
my grinder cost like $10 and has 1 setting, ON or OFF.
i get french press grind in exactly 15 seconds
How strong is the coffee made by a moka pot? Is it espresso tier? Most of the time I drink 'normal' coffee black, but once in a while I like to drink strong coffee with a splash of milk.
LOOK AT YOU you again got 38
similar like in previous post you got 888
what's the matter with you user :)
must be drinking very special coffee I guess you lucky bustard
It's stronger and a bit bitter
It's not esprssso
Get one of those wifi controlled plugs
Is this show about coffee in any way, or is it like new game where it's a generic high school slice of life in a different setting?
it's new game in a coffee shop
is "new game" another anime? sorry I don't speak weeb
>tfw you like coffee
>tfw coffee makes you very sick
It's a cruel world out there anons
yeah it's a anime about cute girls making cute video games
I wouldn't drink coffee even if you pay me
Hi guys, I like to ask your opinion about this coffee.
I just discovered this new coffee and would like to know what would be the best brewing technique for it.
gb2 drinking dr.pepper and strawberry chocolate milk you fat fuck
>Been getting lazy with my coffee production
>Been drinking some powdered energy drink all week instead, due to convenience
>Have a day off for the first time in a week
>Decide to make some coffee
>Drink it
>Immediately take a fiery 2 pound shit after being constipated for days
I need to quit being a lazy fuck and make some god damned coffee in the mornings.
isn't that fake coffee from when coffee was a rich people import crop?
Posted this earlier but the psycho mod banned me over an unrelated grudge and deleted all my posts so I have to post it again
Any opinions on OE hand grinders vs. Hario as far as effort level? I've got a shoulder injury and grinding light roasts on the Hario is uncomfortable. If an OE is a big improvement I'll get that, otherwise I'll contaminate my kitchen with another electric powered appliance.
they're definitely easier due to the larger burr size, the pharos being the easiest of all. but if your shoulder is fucked just buy a fucking vario preciso or sette already
This entire thread so far is nothing but shitposting.
Why is coffee so decisive?
Fucking kek
How much sugar/creamer should I add to my coffee? Thanks for the answer Veeky Forums.
As much as you want, I have friends who drink only black and other who drown their coffee in cream and sugar. I like a little bit of cream to add some thickeness and cool it down a bit
no sugar
half and half lets you cover up the mistakes of the brewer and makes shit coffee taste ok
if you can't go without sugar, wean yourself off it
I just don't add any coffee to my sugar and cream.
Is one-handed grinding realistic with the Pharos? With the Lido I have to assume no
It's only one shoulder and if I'm spending more than $150 or so I want it to be a lifetime purchase
I'm thinking of buying a moka pot to use on the weekend. Should I just get the standard 3 cup or the 2 cup brikka?
Based on the reviews the brikka seems to be a bit finicky.
just switch to instant coffee and all your troubles will be gone
there is nothing finicky when brewing instant coffee and you will get quality cup every single time
sorry for bad lighting
sure, just sit down and hold it between your knees. it's pretty big so grip shouldn't be an issue
Should I stop cleaning my grinder?
It's so annoying to do it every day.
I just put it into dishwasher after each grinding session and I have clean grinder ready for me.
those things are aluminum, right? Aluminum is bad for you.
I stopped using water and just wipe it down with a paper towel and let the oils build up into a nice patina that makes it easier to clean the next time.
I still don't like doing it.
ever since my grinder clogged up and i had to rma it i've stopped storing beans in my hopper. now i just measure a dose and dump it in the hopper. still find i have to pick up and shake/firmly slam down the grinder to dislodge loose grinds, however i can now get away with only cleaning the machine once every other week and doesn't take nearly as long as it used to (just poke a bamboo stick to dislodge compacted/grounds stuck in the dispenser, and use a stuff brush to clean the top and bottom burrs)
>Not snorting instant off a mirror
LOL get with the times gramps!
OP what's with using bones to stir coffee in your picture
>Not putting the beans on cutting board and smashing your forehead against them to grind them
>I'll contaminate my kitchen with another electric powered appliance.
why don't you get just bigger kitchen
I was given a keurig k-cup maker today, what do I do with it? Are k-cups some kind of superior coffee, or is it a complicated waste?
K-Cups are scientific master race coffee. Convenient and delicious. Just make sure to buy Keurig DRM compliant coffee pods from an authorized dealer near you, and you too can enjoy the delicious and convenient taste of K-Cup coffee!
>like coffee
>always shit after every cup
they doubles as constipation med for me.
I come to conclusion that drinking coffee is waste of time money and health.
Also coffee makes your teeth yellow and that looks very gross.
Coffee belongs in coffin.
So I added half/half in my coffee and it just smelled spoiled,does it do that cause it's cold?
Should I have just bought the little serving cups?
just use this next time and you will be glad you did
It's literally about cowfee. It's called Gochuumon.
>be me 5 years ago
>work in Starbucks
>sells overpriced shit coffee
>every customer is a fucking coffee dilettante who can't tell the difference
>every store has a token homosexual aside from me
>manager is a faghag
>coworkers treat me like a fucking anomaly just because I lift and take care of myself
>was "let go" for stealing stacks of free drink coupons that I share with my friends
Never fucking again
never fucking again will you steal, or what?
>Drinking brown hot bean water
Made a great shot of a Costa Rica San Luis this morning. Strietman CT1 and Lyn Weber EG-1.
Very sweet, very fruity shot. Incredibly clean for a full natural. Absolutely no "funky" notes like what came along with the frutiness of the Ethiopia Adola I had before this one. Also probably the single least amount of "bite" I've had from a coffee with this heavy of fruit notes. I actually quite like bitey shots, but it's fascinating to have a shot that can be this intense and this fruit forward without it.
Makes for an amazing brew too. Probably my favorite brew in a year at least, and it's up against some stiff competition.
Anyway, technical shit if you care:
15g in the basket, 18.9g in the cup.
About 30 second preinfusion then a 35 second pull.
Water temp 201f.
TDS of 14.17% for an extraction yield of 18.5%
Nobody cares, nerd.
Honestly, if you're going to snort it, you'd be better off with pure caffeine. Or other stimulants obviously. But for coffee/caffeine, all the impurities make snorting it a hellish pain.
I'm sorry for knowing this personally.
exactly, sounds like a total loser and insecure underachiever.
who cares
Mate, it's a fucking coffee thread. The fuck else I gonna post about?
>35 seconds
little bit much there buddy, should probably loosen that puck
Nah, for a normale 1:2 shot I'd agree 100%, but a short shot is usually pulled for a longer time to still hit a proper extraction range. And that goes doubly so for very light roasts like I use. It's almost difficult to overextract one at these ratios. Sometimes I'll even shoot for 45sec if it's a very difficult to extract coffee.
Actually just pulled another one, like two minutes ago. Same parameters. 18.55%exty this time.
Have you fags ever made an undertow before? It was the hot meme drink to get back in highschool, but now that I've been making me own, they're actually pretty good for a quick caffeine boost.
They brew at 175f if I remember right, which is well below "optimum" brewing temp of 201f to avoid melting the plastic cups.
o sorry..I was thinking you were giving some chemical formula like for making drugs or something.
sorry this code got me confused
>Strietman CT1 and Lyn Weber EG-1.