Ramen or pho

ramen or pho

Pho is peasant trash

What's the difference?
Genuinely curious

Ramen is weeaboo food

Ramen is full bodied and delicious.
Pho is dirty dish water with noodles.

ramen is literally japanese plebe food that almost never goes over 1500 yen. I like it, but jesus fuck it's goddamn noodles. Pho is good too.

oeaceful resignation or bambooo traps hmmmm do you evene know whwta goes into pho dirty river water i cant' wait to t for you to learn whta it really is

Ramen is weeb bait



pho with tripe is god tier

Pho is jungle pajama soup.


Both weeb garbage

All the best Asian food is Jungle Asian food. Vietnamese and Thai? Chinese is decent. Japanese and Korean are borderline.

pho u

t. jungle asian


Ramen is great after a night of drinking.

Pho is great the morning after.


Only kids don't drink.

they're both noodle soups, ramen is japanese/chinese and pho is vietnamese

Ramen has a lot of fermented/marinated ingredients like bonito, soft boiled eggs, pork, soy sauce etc

Pho has a lot of fresh ingredients like chili sauce, cilantro, sprouts, jalapenos

If you're vegetarian you probably can't even have ramen because of the broth, it's usually super umami rich with chicken/pork

They at just different styles, both better versions of chicken noodle soup

>If you're vegetarian you probably can't even have ramen because of the broth

Pho is 99% beef broth.

this, but Pho taste good too. Just looks bland

pho > instant ramen > ramen

wheat/rice noodles

For me, it's the fried noodle.

>dude im such a responsible adult lmao
>proceeds to be nauseous for the next 3 hours before letting out a worse shit than a obese poo in loo and falls asleep face first in a toilet





>dumb frogposter

>proceeds to post frogs

Pho has a lot less flavor than Ramen unless you just make it stupid spicy.

get out


are alcohol posters the worst posters? they shoehorn in their drinking habits every chance they get



>drinking is the same as getting shitfaced
t. Basement dweller

R A M E N !


i prefer dry noodle dishes

>noodle soup or noodle soup

wow really makes you think...

Ramen is way better and full of umami and not full of tripe and tendon. Tendon is okay but tripe is just like chewing on rubber only people who grew up eating it actually like it, looking at you hipsters. Also I got one with beef balls one time and they were ghastly mystery meat with more tendon.


Ive never had tripe at a vietnamese restaurant that Ive liked. Mexicans do it way better imo.

Tendon on the other hand is delicious, with flank steak and brisket.

pho is superior and ramen is for weeb fags

>All Pho is the same

Good job kiddo.

Tbh vietnamese anything is a no-go for me so I'll probably say ramen. Prefer soba but whatever.

Chinese noodles > Every other mongrel noodles

I like both, but i like ramen more.

This is like comparing apples to oranges except in this case I prefer Pho. Ramen can be great but they always put surprise gross shit in there like dried seaweed or gross tasty vegetables.

I prefer Pho. It's the only soup I can think of where you get steak.

Everything is better with Steak.

> I have no self control over my drinking

I've made both, Pho is better to eat regularly but Ramen is better to have once in a long time.

They're both made best with bones cooked at a rolling boil.

yes please, a large

>Everything is better with Steak.

Some great and comforting dishes are "peasant food."

Shephards Pie
The McGangbang

Ramen because I'm not a hipster that falls for memes


alright lets get real is it pronounced foe or fuh
I dont want to sound like an asshole everytime I go to get this shit

It's called the "#16".

That's not how you pronounce it.


But you do apparently care what people think of you enough to not eat Pho so you can pretend to be cool


and ramen is better. pho is gutter trash for hipsters and jungle chinks.

Ramen, of course.

Pho me, it's ramen

well done.