Why are you faggots not all in on Kyber Network. Literally one of the only cryptos with an actual working platform, hits all their goal dates and is run by Singaporeans, you know the only other chinks besides the Japanese that are honorary Aryans. Do you niggers hate money or something? When this moons its going to moon ultra hard.
Kyber Network
Veeky Forums hates making money confirmed.
lmao wtf is that
agreed though that kyber should moon, given its working platform and token burning feature.
Its retardedly under valued, imo the price should be around 10-11$ each.
Wtf is happening here
Its called culture bigot.
Did you idiots even read the whitepaper? This token being over $1 literally defeats its whole purpose
My fucking dick everything of her is perfect
so you guys picked Kyber to shill today?
Those are some heavy bags. Shit dumped from 47K Sats to around 10k lol.
Im not in a whale group, just some observations on why kyber will moon.
Show us then you dumb nigger kike. Oh thats right you can't.
I'd tap that OP
I'd tap that, too. What's your point
>tfw the sniff memes are actually real
Of course user.
stupid whore doesnt even know how to go swimming