I've finally made it Veeky Forums

I've finally made it Veeky Forums

My company just got acquired by google.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-03-27 16.13.38.png (1432x410, 25K)

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Nice bro what did your cump do?


>acquired by google
Unlucky, sorry to hear that


Guess I'll try my luck. 1CbpT5tYny5AAWSDQUzAbBhKSYJeEuv2Gw

Congrats desu: if you aren't LARPing then you will assuredly never have to worry about experiencing financial burden again in your life.

Perhaps you would care to uplift a fellow user who has not yet overcame his financial struggle with some BTC. And perhaps not.

Attached: dran2.jpg (1024x981, 564K)

Are you into crypto?

>78 mi CAD
lmao this nigga has like U$50 and thinks he's rich

Still a Canadian Gaylord

No, In fact I had a bet before the Christmas crash with a friend that it was a bubble. He called me stupid and dumped 40k into it.

Im 27