What cookies/biscuits/cake pairs best with tea?
Im out of cake rusks and I want something new. With tea cookies prefer something crunchy/crispy nothing soft. And big and sorta thick I shouldn't need more than 3 with a cup. I've never had cake or crumpets with tea tho and I'm willing to try that.
What cookies/biscuits/cake pairs best with tea?
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This looks good
OK here's a short list of things that are good with tea/hot beverages
>Cake rusks
>Store bought chocolate chip cookies (not soft baked
>Maple leaf cookies
>Lady fingers
Any I missed?
Khong Guan butter coconut biscuits
I'm always down for a Tim Tam slam
I like them by themselves but I feel like they taste too much like candy to have with tea
m8 you gotta do the slam
These are dope and Tim tam slams are great and all
But they aren't as comfy as maple cream cookies or shortbread
Slam be damned
I baked some today, actually
Would it be a bad idea to rip open some tea bags and put the tea in cookies
I don't have Earl grey so it's just plain black tea
Can I put loose black tea and cardamom in cookie dough?
Cut open a bag right now and chew on it.
Does it taste any good? No? Of course it fucking doesn't.
Brew up a strong tea concentrate and use it as a flavouring in whatever you're baking, like how you use espresso to flavour a coffee cake.
But people do.that with Earl grey cookies
And loose Earl grey tastes bad but the cookies are good
Earl Grey is saturated with bergamot oil which seeps into the baking.
You'd get the same effect with a few drops of essence of bergamot.
make your own. Of course, that kinda ruins the fun. Seeing all the butter and sugar that goes into that stuff is depressing.
Nothing wrong with butter and if you substitute with splenda they're only as bad for you as the flour you use is
Splenda is disgusting.
The only sugar substitute that doesn't taste like complete ass is xylitol, and that one gives you the shits.
eh it's not that bad, it tastes way better than stevia or aspartame if you get the syrup form
and a slightly worse taste in return for not feeling like complete shit all the time due to blood sugar spikes is worth it
I am neither a hypochondriac nor a diabetic so "blood sugar spikes" are not a concern.
So you don't suffer from sugar crashes like everyone else? Weird.
>Tim Tam
But user, that's a penguin.
Anyway, KitKat chunky is the superior chocolate bar with tea (especially the peanut butter version)
Is it weird to not have the constitution of a malnourished preteen?
You don't sense your body functioning like a normal human being's. That is a sign of cancer, better get it checked out
If that is enough to depress you, you may as well drop all packaged foods
Ginger nuts or bust.
Idk man I don't really regularly have biscuits or anything with tea/coffee.
Stop being a poof and just drink it.
How many cookies do you eat?
Get out
Maple cream cookies are goat
Especially if you use maple syrup instead of sugar to sweeten your tea
>putting sugar in your tea at all
>putting fucking maple syrup in your tea
Canada pls.
It's actually a sign of autism. Autists have impaired growth of the anterior insula's Von Economo neurons, which impair physical self-perception.
Digestives of all kinds (dipped in some chocolate)
Source: worked near some Brits on a large natto base.
That's for black tea, or chai. Last night I had a floral scented green tea and green rooibos, (paired with devil's lettuce)
This shit right here
You don't want to have cookies, the chocolate chips will melt into the tea and ruin the flavour.
Why the fuck has no-one mentioned these before now?
Explain yourself Veeky Forums!
Gingernuts are unironically the only answer.
There are types of cookies that don't have chocolate chips in them.
Several, even.
I feel so sorry that you didn't know there's more than one type of cookie. Bless your heart.
I actually dislike maple syrup in tea: it gives this weird sensation on the tongue and the teeth, and I find you have to use a lot of it to give a distinctive maple flavour. Maple -sugar- might be the way to go.
I used to eat these with tea all the time when I was a kid.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. These with strong black tea are excellent.
What's a low calorie option for a tea biscuit?
This guy gets it. Weak ass biscuits that go soggy and disintegrate after their first dunk need not apply.
Something thin with not too much butter or sugar. You might want to go without, honestly if you're counting calories.
I wanna try something unsweetened and kind of salty with my tea
Any suggestions?
the best.
having a strong black tea with fresh squeeze lime
any suggestions lads?
as a note I really don't like sweet stuff
Scotch fingers taste so good paired with tea.
No, there are not. You mean there are types of biscuits that don't use chocolate chips. Cookies by definition have chocolate chips.
I knew that there would be retarded clappyfats who would post your nonsense when I hit "post".
A savoury scone perhaps? Or those little triangle sandwiches with Marmite in them.