Stop using olive oil as a sauce
Stop using olive oil as a sauce
stop varg posting, you faggot retard
>Nu/pol/ overflowing and shitting up Veeky Forums even more than it already is.
Just fucking great
i actually love varg posting
>using olive oil at all
Redpoll me on olive oil
awwww are you gonna be ok :(
do u need some playdoh and a therapy dog?
Why are you so fucking ugly? I mean it's not only the ideas, but it's the actual image of your mug.
>bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere
You seem upset
that's varg vikernes dumbass
.t pol shitter
Bitch, Veeky Forums is a board made just for shitposting
>Not realizing they realized that but were counter trolling
Underage b&
Just report and hide. If you're posting from mobile, report the posts, then turn on airplane mode, then report again. If that fails, then post furry porn and the thread will be deleted. Can't right now cause Clover crashes when I attach an image that I haven't gotten around to fixing.
Stop using olives
You're so mad right now
Not really. These threads are easily hid...liiikkkeee now.
>It's a "bitch about /pol/ even though there's no /pol/" episode
/pol/ whiners are worse than /pol/
Unless you want to end up like this guy stop using olive oil
No flash files here, only Varg
Veeky Forums is done. So many fucking normies and kikes on this site now shilling like crazy every second of the day.
And yet, I have nothing else.
You're being really cringey man...most of us know about the "legend" of Varg because we watched VH1 in the 00's, and those who don't do not give a damn, you're just showing your underage
>as a sauce
I'm not even sure what the fuck this means. You mean like on salads?
Good for you buddy, you watched VH1 in the 00's, what an achievement. Stop being a fag pointing out that people know something, that's fucking obvious
Also who's "we", not everyone is you or from your country, here in Australia we didn't even get VH1 or hear much at all about Mayhem, Burzum and the Norwegian black metal scene in general, only the people that are in to black metal actually heard about it
Also stop using multiple ellipses
Yeah I know dude, I value your sense of empathy.
Just ignore him
I know this feelio
i sometimes wonder if this is true
...when you could be using it to lube up your bull instead.
This is huh olive oil... wow
>non-distinct screaming
You know what, put some olive oil in a pan, heat it low, put in some chopped garlic and chilli, pour it onto a plate, put a grilled fish fillet on top, get some good bread and white wine, and you'll have a fucking worthwhile meal.
Hahah! I always pictured a surfer dude saying that.
>Stop using olive oil as a sauce
WHO is doing that?!?
Jamie Oliver, normies who think it's a healthy alternative to sauce cause facebook told them so or some shit, retards
your idea is not working
I can still see it
Hell, Gordon Ramsay basically uses olive oil for a f fucking sauce. The amount he uses on dishes makes me sick if I thinking about eating them
>>as a sauce
no. as a source sauce
you know if you need to know source of some information
Fuck, really, I never really noticed, I know he is fond of cooking with olive oil but I don't remember seeing him using it as a sauce
>mfw someone spray painted a varg on the church in my town
>Also stop using multiple ellipses
why not?
are you triggered by them...
who are forbid man his typing this some Australian thing to control free speech...?
He's never really used it a sauce to be honest, but there are numerous times I've seen him just douse shit in it literally 5x more than Id ever consider using
I also see a lot of other questionable practices in his cooking examples....but whatev; hes a celebrity chef
the big OOO
Olive Oli Oligarchs
No, I'm not triggered, it's just really retarded, it makes you look like an old person when they text people.
Also yes, our government actually does control "free speech", not like anyone gives a fuck though, we have multiple slurs that we use in everyday speech, for example; wog, everyone uses the word all the time, even wogs use it.
Take pictures, faggot
>it makes you look like an old person when they text people.
said who...
I never really noticed, now that I look closely you're right, that's a lot of fucking olive oil.
you are not allowed to take pictures of this church
it's a historical building under UNESCO World Heritage Protection Act, also they have sec cameras all over the place
Filthy northron anti olive oil shills. Olive oil is the best sauce ever
t. Mediterranean master race
Take a pic from far away with a zoom lens then, also why the fuck aren't you allowed to take pictures of a UNESCO world heritage building, that's retarded
As a professional Blue Apron Chef I would never use olive oil in cooking period.
Just for sprinkling on salads and on pasta.
>Blue Apron
For those of us not familiar with your americano banter: A what?
chefs who are wearing blue aprons instead of white
A service that delivers specific amounts of ingredients for a recipe on their menu.
I know man, this shit is ridculous, its so fucking obvious and weak too, there is just so much of it, everywhere.
And now be honest. How many times you contributed to it by posting shit and making fun of others?
Or every single of your posts vere pure gold and zero shilling.
Be honest now
No, I have never made a shill thread and no I have never taken a stupid shitpost from one board and started spreading it to other boards. That's more a shill/faggot thing.
are you triggered that OP used picture of some dude that is also used on other boards like /pol/ ?
mfw all new 4channers will begin to resent pol because of jidf
bunch of pussy whining faggots
They should form new board on Veeky Forums 'whining pussy faggots'
>I never really noticed, now that I look closely you're right, that's a lot of fucking olive oil.
Go through random videos on Gordon Ramsay's youtube channel and you will see him constantly drowned shit in olive oil....disgusting
For whatever reason, French posters use ellipses a lot. You aren't french, are you, user?
...what are..ellipses..?
Student here.
I'm looking for brewing technique that will allow me to brew the same coffee grounds twice in order to save money
but still get me decent cup of coffee.
for me, it is the keurig. the best brewing technique
can you brew the same portion of coffee grounds twice, you know like first time in the morning and second time in the evening
It's a Minestrone
Stop using memes as a substitute for personality
when you re-brew it second time doe's the coffee taste good
Can humans even taste fat?
That can be done with tea, but not coffee, unless you want something very watery with very little caffeine and flavor.
OP olive oil shaming is not very nice you know.
Some of us love olive oil, why are you hating us and encouraging others to hate us also.
Shame on you OP
Sorry I just realized that I posted my question in the wrong thread.
varg looking more and more like the unabomber every day day desu fampai
idk m8, try it and come back with results
>out of nowhere
You don't know who varg is, don't you?
I wonder what Varg's favourite food is.
Freshly hunted meat roasted over a fire started with sticks, he's big on survivalist shit and medieval stuff
Varg is vegan you cuck
Varg in Norwegian means vegan
>Freshly hunted meat
I doubt that he has a permission all things considered
Actually he does have a few rifles and crossbows if I remember correctly
Varg actually thinks vegans are stupid
>Actually he does have a few rifles and crossbows if I remember correctly
Possibly, but that's still unrelated to whether or not he's granted a hunting permission by the French authorities, which would include him walking about with those guns and shooting them. Didn't he get into a fuzz with the French police about his guns?
I really doubt he's hunting, especially considering that there's not one video of him talking about it.
There is a video of him talking about it mate
He actually got cleared by the french police and was allowed to keep the rifles he and his wife bought
>damn cats (=African immigrants)
Varg never fails to lighten my mood
shoped video. he is vegetarian for sure