Shop at Aldi for the first time ever

>shop at Aldi for the first time ever
>food is insanely cheap, but only what I need and it's almost less than half what I'd normally pay at Walmart
>no fat Ameritards riding around scooters shitting on the floor oglinghot cases of fried chicken
>able to bag my own shit so I'm in and out before I even begin

I wasted so many hours of my life, and so much money at Walmart. I will never again shop at that hellhole for food. I feel ashamed not to have tried Aldi sooner. I'm sorry Veeky Forums.

Walmart is shit, mate. Pretty much any store is going to be better.

I shop at the Wholesale club of one of our national chains RCSS. The only people in there are usually restaurant/store owners and Hutterites and its cheap as fuck.

I shop at Waitrose because I'm not a poorfag

i went to aldi once in vermont or upstate new york on a motorcycle trip from canada

it was pretty shit, mostly off brand shit that i've never head of and weird produce (in the summer time when produce should be top notch)

walmart was miles better, and i went to a new grocery store at least once a day because space is limited on a motorcycle so i didn't carry much food

Southwest PA herem Aldi has made a huge push in the past few years to gain market share. The stores are brand new, well stocked, everything is good and cheap.
From what I can tell from the weekly Aldi thread, the brand in Europe is sort of comparable to Dollar General or Family Dollar. Cheap and dirty. Here, at least, the stores are nice and there's a wide variety of rotating, interesting stock. Veggies are hit and miss, but I'm usually able to shop in the morning and pick out the best.

My one fear is that, once they've established themselves in the market, they're going to let themselves go and turn slobby, like a Polish wife

well, we don't have them in canada but the one i went to really reminded me of a store my grandma would shop at in the 80s called valdees or something (can't find it on google, they don't exist anymore, maybe i'm making it up) that only sold non perishables and had a real food bank vibe

>the brand in Europe is sort of comparable to Dollar General or Family Dollar. Cheap and dirty

As an American who lived in Europe for a while I can tell you this isn't exactly true. The Aldi stores in Germany are actually in the upper echelons of grocery stores, along with traditional type supermarkets like Kaufland that are similar to WalMart (yet obviously way smaller). The Aldi format - low employee count, bag your own stuff, minimal brand names, is followed by other stores that have even shittier quality stuff and are generally dirtier.

I've never been in an Aldi here in the US that didn't make me feel poor. The ones in Germany don't have that same effect.

Welcome to the club, user. I love Aldi, their stuff is great, but I usually get my sweet fruit elsewhere.
I think having to use a quarter to get your cart and having to bag your own groceries deters a lot of the walmart scum from waddling in.
>and my Aldi doesn't have a place for the bus line to pick people up heuheu

>The Aldi stores in Germany are actually in the upper echelons of grocery stores,

You cannot compare German Aldi to Aldi's in other countries. Germans do a lot of things better, restaurants or pitstops at freeways are always clean and and offer fresh food. Those in my country are shit and smell like piss.

Markets there offer fresh kinds of prepped fruit for a cheap price, salads that are cheap and a wide variety of meats etc. including a butcher area.

Aldi in Netherlands nextdoor is where all welfare people go, nothing but muslims go there. No freshly cut fruit salads, no butcher area. All shit brands with too much sugar or chemical flavor enhancers. Chicken filled with water and the inside looks like a bare hall with pallets of products that haven't been removed from their boxes in which they were delivered.

German markets have a wide variety of different beers, Aldi here has cheap ass 10 cents beer cans.

This is why many who live near the border shop in Germany.

Interesting. I'm just taking my research from here, Europeans tend to pooh-pooh on Aldi's. I guess it's just really hit and miss. Even in my area, there are three stores 5-10 minutes away. One is awesome, one is good, one is mediocre

>able to bag my own shit so I'm in and out before I even begin

Same here senpai, in Walmart the fuckers don't even have the decency to doggy bag thier own sharts

This is fair, just saying that Aldi has a very different image in Germany, while in Germany proper they have their own shit-tier disgusting Aldi-like stores like ReWe which I alwas found to be similar to the US version of Aldi.

There are two branches of ALdi in Germany to be fair, North and South (Trader Joe's is a branch of North I believe, whereas out Aldi is a branch of the South) I'm sure some German user can speak more on that though.

>tfw move back home to Bongland after living in the states for years and I can do a couple weeks shopping for like 60 quid

What the fuck is America doing? Too many refrigerated trucks driving the price of food sky high.

Aldi is shit when school is not in session because poor people kids are there, behaving as they do.

I shop at Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Aldi and a couple of Turkish shops because I'm not a poorfag but I'm also not stupid enough to not realise that Waitrose is a ripoff for certain things.

>not a poorfag
>caring about money


Best part is, on top of it being cheaper, most of their produce is organic. Gotta love Aldis

They have a tendency to fuck producers in the ass tho. Not a large margin in there for them.

Maybe that's the reason he isn't a poorfag

brotop unless bad weather it's easier and quicker to bag your stuff at the car, especially if you have a cooler for dairy and meat and shit

canadian detected

when you stop being poor you don't lose sight of value for money

true, but when you're born into more money than ten people could spend in a lifetime of carelessness and impulse buying, then money has no value to you

RCSS = Real Canadian Super Store so it shouldn't be difficult to figure that part out amerifriend

Well, don't have Aldis, but Winco is close enough it seems like.