>go to liquor store with friend
>cashier asks me for ID
>oh, I'm not here to buy anything
>I still need to see your ID, sir
>Or what? You won't sell me booze? I just told you didn't want any.
>I won't give your friend any alcohol if you don't show it to me
>that's fine, I'll just leave
>I still won't sell it to him unless you show it to
>guess we're both leaving then
>cashier looks at my friend and asks him how he can put up with me
>excuse me, don't insult my friend right in front of me
>go one block over to the other liquor store
>buy alcohol with no trouble
Go to liquor store with friend
I've always been curious about the policy on this. What if you have your five year old child with you?
yeah, manitoba
This happens in the US often. Easily avoided by going to the Arabs
i've seen cashiers refuse to sell to someone because they had their young daughter carry a beer up to the counter.
yes canada
While true Canadian liquor control seem to go way overboard on shit like this. Plus not every province has private liquor stores only government ran ones and bureaucrats are assholes.
Just get an uber sticker, put it on your car, and idle outside while your buddy goes in.
I'm old enough, I'm just not giving them my ID for no reason. I was surprised she thought my friend would somehow take her side too. I just laughed at her when she got shut down.
Good job being an asshole to a person just doing their job. Thank you for being a valuable member of society.
Cucks have no place in the new world.
Yes I'm sure you're not underage. There are many reasons why you would refuse to show your ID in one of the scenarios IDs were specifically made for, namely person identification.
Don't worry, I'm sure we can squeeze you in somewhere.
lmao yeah, because anyone who is just doing their job is above reproach, that's why it's not okay to criticize the concentration camp workers. They weren't doing anything wrong, they were just doing their job.
Did you expect anything less from a leaf?
>Easily avoided by going to the Arabs
based sand niggers
I'm just as confused as you after reading this thread, buddy. OP seems to think he won some sort of victory against "muh establishment."
Well, I am on an eighteen plus site, and the age to purchase in the locality this occurred is eighteen. You really think I would waste my time lying about this? It's really not a stretch that I'm an adult.
Nah I agree with the OP. It's a stupid policy that can easily be abused and seems to serve no purpose other than to annoy customers. It's not like it actually stops the underage from buying alcohol.
You're comparing a woman refusing to sell alcohol to minors to a nazi working in a concentration camp.
I'm not a minor, and I hardly think you can "refuse" to sell something to someone who does not desire it. Maybe you can, but the point is moot. Anyway, what's the problem? What difference does the job make? If someone is doing wrong, it does not make it right just because it's their job.
You can refuse customers for any reason. You'll probably lose your job if it's unwarranted, but you can.
Also, she is doing her job by the book. Her job is to make sure minors don't purchase alcohol, or have adults purchase it for them. Just because you disagree doesn't mean you're right and she's in the wrong. Please consider that maybe the world doesn't revolve around your under-developed body.
This whole thing is retarded. It's a liquor store. You need to be 21 to enter in the United States. It's no different than a marijuana dispensary, or a night club or whatever. If you don't have ID, then you need to leave. Only difference is the others card you immediately.
You sound insufferable. If he was going to insist anyway just go to the other liquor store immediately. He didn't create the law you idiot.
Why couldn't you just stay in thhe vehicle? You're like a sovereign citizen who goes out of their way to goad officers into pulling you over only to waa.
You can'lt live 5 minutes without your buddy? Everyone in this thread going against your silly victory is right.
Nazis did their job by the book too. Your argument is invalid. Something being written in a book doesn't make what is wrong or foolish, right or correct.
You are probably one of the stupidest people on the internet. Well done.
lmao you sound like an asshole, i am also wondering how your 'friend' puts up with you
HEY I NOTICED YOU WERE UNABLE TO REFUTE MY ARGUMENT WHY IS THAT? Could it be that I damaged your position so totally it was unsalvageable and you had to abandon it? It really helps to not start with dumb arguments, that way, you tend to win more. That's a tip from a winner.
Not much to it really, we get along. Unfortunately for him, he's lost a great deal of his lately. I might be his last one. Funny how things worked out in regards to that.
Statement still stands.
>you need to be 21 to enter a liquor store
Incorrect. It has crumbled like the weak facade it was. "just doing your job" is not a valid justification.
The point is to buy something. Unless you want to lurk the aisles for some reason. Even if it's cigarettes you still need ID.
Are you NEET by chance? Not doing your job is how you get fired.
not my concern.
This shit is annoying as fuck and so easily beat it blows my mind.
Me and girlfriend shop in store split up before purchase. Only one of us get carded.
It's fucking nothing.
Started doing that after she forgot her I'd one day and had op happen.
>walk into a gun store with your "friend"
>act shifty as fuck
>gun store guy says "no straw purchases"
Don't put people in an awkward situation and you won't be inconvenienced
If you are too autistic to grasp this, you belong in a group home
Hey fellow leaf, I just saw you on /pol/.
The liquor store employee was excessive, but can we agree that that raging about letting a senior citizen check your receipt is even more douchey?
I work for Wal-mart, our policy is that if you look under 40 years old, you need to provide ID. This goes for everyone in the group, everyone needs to have a valid ID or we aren't allowed to sell it to you.
However, if there is a young child in the group, that's not a problem. Pretty much anyone who looks to be around 21 years old needs to be ID checked.
The same goes for items that can only be sold to 18 year olds. However only one person in a group is required to provide id for 17 year old restricted items if they look under 40, providing that they're the one paying for it.
I realized I could get more miles out of my story. I posted it here first though. Anyway, uh, honestly, I don't even get asked for my receipt that often, but I don't generally just going around being an asshole for no reason, so I'd probably just let the old lady look at it.
>more miles
so, shitflinging and dumb arguments?
Well, when you look at it from the clerks perspective, your job involves complying with various federal & state laws- so when checking ids helps avoid fines, getting sued, putting your business under, "just doing your job" starts to sound pretty fucking reasonable instead of just doing what user wants.
You have the reasoning skills of a fucking child. If you're such a hero for ID laws then why don't you lobby to have them changed, or run for office as the champion of this cause. Nope. Wait. Hassling liquor store clerks is the true mechanism for social change. Keep fighting the ridiculous injustice, man. You'll beat those Nazis one day...
>if you don't patronize my store you're a dumb child
I was in 7/11 a few months back and the clerk outright refused to sell to this 18 year old kid even though he had a valid ID because his buddy didn't have an id on him. Come to think of it, one time the clerk refused my ID because he claimed it didn't look like me...I'd gained 40 lbs since the pic was taken but still hurtful af
hey another manitoban. which liquor store?
retail wagecucks are easily triggered and VERY entitled. Virtuous poor and all that.
To make sure the legal person isn't buying alcohol for the potentially illegal person.
It's a stupid law that doesn't work most of the time.
My dad would pick me up from school and stop at the liquor store when we got groceries and such on the way home, the alcohol pushers never said a thing, in fact they even had those little coin operated candy dispensers so I think parents bringing their kids along is not uncommon.
Still have never had a problem if I go to the liquor store with my dad, even though I'm 20 now, maybe it's because we don't look like a teenager hanging out with a 21 year old buying cheap beer to get wasted.
All in all I think liquor store employees have common sense and they're legally allowed to refuse service to anyone, especially if they think that an underage is going to get their hands on their product.
>try to buy liquor at the LCBO with a friend
>ID please
>Give paper interim driver's license (license and health cards in the mail still)
> Sir we can't accept this, needs to be govt issued photo ID
> Okay. Give them my firearms license
> Uh... What is this.
> It's a national firearms license, issues by the govt
> Um... One moment. I'll need to get the manager
> Manager comes , brings a giant ass binder and flips through it for a few minutes
> Manager: I'm sorry sir we can't accept this.
> But it's govt issued photo ID
> I'm sorry, we cant scan it. We can't take it
> So I'm allowed to purchase a gun but not a bottle of wine?
> I'm sorry sir
> This is bullshit
> I'm sorry sir, you're going to have to leave and we can't sell to your friend either
> Wow what the fuck
> Go to another LCBO 5 mins away
> Guy looks at my gun license for 2 secs, I buy my booze
Why the FUCK did I move to Ontario
they don't let you keep your old license when it's being updated? you can't just bring your passport for situations like this?
TBQH you didn't miss out, LCBO has a garbage selection of drinks speaking as a merilard
I'm 22 and I never get ID'd at my local ABC.
No they didn't let me keep my old license. I asked if I could have it, but they needed to destroy it, apparently. And I don't carry my passport around with me everywhere
I agree with you that the LCBO is shit... However it's your only option if you want to buy booze in this retarded province, other than ''beer store' but that's the same thing
at least you can be smug with your havana club and a cuban cigar
>moves goalposts and still goes on about liquor stores being like marijuana clinics even though you can buy all sorts of non age-restricted things there
Are you retarded or something?
I've never worked at a liquor store but I was a bartender for a little while in a college town and can tell you nobody gives two fucks if some ass blasted teenager 'doesn't feel like showing id' even if they are of age and don't want to drink. Not putting up with you and your rules-are-dumb bullshit attitude would not be worth your 30$ anyways. Seriously. Ask them if they give a fuck if you go somewhere else. They don't. They actually want that.
I don't understand how someone can live to be legal drinking age and still not pick up how this fucking system works, but I'll go ahead and spell it out for you...
If they get caught not taking reasonable measures to ensure minors aren't buying alcohol from them they can be fined a lot of money. This is bad for business and opposite of their goal. Which includes staying in business and not loosing money.
>being this indoctrinated
I feel sorry for you
Oh, do come on.
We all know that underage shitters get older friends and siblings to do liquor runs for them.
You know it, I know it, and the liquor shop knows it too.
So the cashier is required to check your ID incase you're an underage shitter stupid enough to be in the damned store with your buddy while he buys the liquor, since buying liquor for minors is illegal.
All you're doing is being a complete cunt to someone who doesn't want to get fired for giving liquor to a minor.
who would go to the liquor store to buy peanuts? Honestly, if I was the cashier and someone tried that I would ID them just for keks.
in fairness I would not be considered an American in some parts of America because I do "fag stuff" like eating at nice restaurants, riding a bicycle to work, and reading books without pictures in them
You seem like a total fucking idiot so I doubt you'd even be able to get that job. For the record OP is a fag but I can't even imagine the kind of person who agrees with this nanny state bullshit.
>using the term "nanny state"
>calling someone else an idiot
People who get triggered by someone else knowing what's right for them, generally need someone to tell them what to do for their own good
amen. Not like I started throwing bottles, I just let them cost themselves a sale.
>the gubment knows best let them live your life for you and have your id ready at all times
I can tell you're a Canadian because of how much authoritative jizz you just spat up.
nope, guess again fire challenge kun
protip: if you drink bleach it will prove that you really value your sovereignty
Try some of that stuff down here in Mississippi, faggot, and my buds and I will invite you to a BBQ where you're the main event.
You already lost the argument by invoking Godwin's Law, you stupid fucking moron.
>you lost
>cause I said so
You're not right because you say so.
I'm right because you gave up and abandoned your argument and chose just to start doling out insults. That is what losers do.
My post was a new IP. Just letting you know you invoked Godwin's Law, therefore, argument is null and void, disregarding the fact you never had one in the first place.
Good day.
>jews dying is literally irrelevant to me because people who are just doing their job are above criticism
okay, then, whatever you say, coldheart.
This does seem to be the policy at Walmart and as a man in his 30s who fucked 19 year olds it was inconvenient as shit for me. Especially so when I was just buying groceries that included some beer. Do they really think these Natty Daddies are for someone other than me? I learned to just send the girls to the car so I could check out by myself. The liquor store gave no fucks though. I openly discussed what they might want to drink and bought it with them standing right beside me.
>jews dying is literally irrelevant
Means the oven's free
clerk here, we agree that it's a stupid law and most of the times it doesn't matter so we won't bother the customers. But if it's our first time seeing you, then we don't know if you're gonna screw us over. That, or you're a supreme jackass and you gave us a reason to be an asshole back. The third reason why we check ID is when we have suspicion of being inspected by either higher ups or government agents. That's really it.
>all these triggered cucks whiteknighting some retarded wageslave just because it happened to be female
O i am laffin
chick in the plaid skirt is fine af
That's the bottom of a sleeveless flannel, lad.
Isn't "wageslave" just nuspeak for "I live off of disability(i.e. Autism) benefits and/or a trust fund?"
>sign on entrance clearly states "we ask for ID"
>Cashier can lose their job by not asking
>cashier does their job and asks
>"now you've gone and offended me"
Quit being a fucking child OP.
>an "adult" left their home without their ID
Sounds like you're an idiot. Also when I worked at a liquor store I did the same thing. I don't care if you say you're not going to have any. If you're with the person, it's not your parent, and you look 15 or older, I will ask for your ID.
Same shit happens here in the US. The dumb cashier looks at my friend's card and looks at me and says "that's not you".
Get your fucking eyes checked, lady.
If you'd read the thread he is not being a child he is just really fucking retarded.
I worked for a liquor store for awhile; as long as we don't see money trade hands, or any implications that the alcohol will be given to an underaged person; we only need the ID of the person purchasing. Once money trades hands, we need the ID of everyone involved in the transaction.
They give leniency if it's like your hot 5 year old daughter who you can't leave in the car, but when it's someone who has clearly heard of Veeky Forums in the store, you have to do it. It's a $500 fine against the store (in this state) and the clerk will most likely lose their jobs, in case it ever comes back to them.
They really do send minors in, in situations, to see if liquor stores card and practice their gay ass precautions.
if a fucker wants to get drunk he's going to get drunk, his friend will just wait in the car, it doesn't matter, I agree, but the practice means that you have to practice your part too. just stay outside
>went to LCBO on holiday in Canada
>hand them my UK driving licence
>they get the book out like yours did
>spend 20 mins flicking through trying to find it
>just give them my passport from the bottom of my bag instead
Fucking christ
>go into liquor store a few months ago completely wasted.
>cashier refuses to serve me
>go to other liquor store
>get cab driver to get the booze
I doubt very much that's the law in your state because it's ambiguous. In my state the law says something along the lines of "No one under 21 years of age may purchase or contribute to the purchase of alcoholic beverages" If the law was that no one under 21 years of age could be standing at the counter then besides the obvious question of a parent shopping with their child there's also the question of exactly how far from the counter a person under 21 needs to be. How much contact is a person over 21 allowed to have with a person under 21 in the store? How long must it have been since this contact?
Walmart is literally the only place I know of that does something like this but if you can seriously show me a section of your state's legal code that actually makes it illegal to sell alcohol even in the presence of someone under 21 (but over 10? 12? 14?) please post it.
>Go to liquor store with friend
>Never have this happen
dude I'm not the law, I don't make the law, it's just a store trying to keep itself from getting in trouble. I've forgotten my wallet and been refused alcohol my friend was trying to buy, we go back and I get my wallet and it's all cool.
I'm not the dude you gotta argue the specifics with, and like many things, it's a judgement call. These dudes are paid probably minimum wage and want to keep their job. At least, at the name brand liquor stores I shop at. You go to Spitty's Liquor Wholesale and the hot 17 year old girl who isn't legally allowed to sell alcohol without a 21+ year old present isn't giving you a bottle of 3 olives without tax
they exist, and the ones who do ID two persons together do exist also too
Oh my god fucking cry about it OP. It's the law. The cops run stings to make sure it's followed. If you fail a sting you get like a 300 dollar ticket and lose your job. If you have an ID just fucking show it. You're clearly a 20 year old moron. God I hate stupid kids like you. "BUT I'M NOT DRINKING" You're fucking stupid.
no one here is saying that they have to sell it to you without identification. You're arguing with no one. Even OP wasn't saying that.
It's just stupid. I've actually emailed Walmart's corporate offices about that stupid shit but apparently it actually is there policy and they have no justification for it. Part of their "exceptional morality" image like how they used to sell special radio versions of albums with profanity.
Amazon can't put that shit show out of business fast enough.
>show my ID
>when I don't want alcohol
for what purpose?
If you haven't figured that out yet, you're hopeless. I worked in a porn store for 3 years that required ID on entrance and dumb kids like you would be like, but I'm not even buying anything. You're bad. Grow the fuck up.