Anyone got any vintage Veeky Forums pics?

Anyone got any vintage Veeky Forums pics?

Vio La tea dah

Other urls found in this thread:

vois llhieg

no one is as cool as me for maintaining a hard drive's functionality for years.

I disagree with this one on many points, they don't even add pepper and I know they're making a flavoured tea concentrate, but 3tbs of vanilla extract? I'd think a teaspoon of that real shit would be more than enough.

Bring back this meme? y/n

Please tell me someone has old pro_gun abominations saved.

you got the one where a guy was asking how he could cook with semen without it affecting the taste because he wanted his mother-in-law to eat it?

tfw this is as vintage as my Veeky Forums pics get because I have terrible luck with hard drives and I don't back anything up

As you can see from the filename, this is the newest Veeky Forums image in the folder I'm presently posting from.

Yeah I can't wait to simmer a McChicken in some McChicken and top it with Jack failing to cut a watermelon

Idk fambrosia, but I do have this. Not sure if it's from /b/ or Veeky Forums sometime prior to 2012-11

wew lad

Veeky Forums was never good

fun fact: this thread( was made by the same guy. I don't think Kyle understands the concept of anonymity.

I guess I'll dump the rest of these, less interesting they though be. may

In case anyone missed it, the op picture has a great historical example of wa la memerry

This one's pretty unconvincing, but included for reasons.

ps- trump literally cannot read

Meme pancakes comin' through from 2011.

heaven's toe, betsy


This is what I get for not looking at the latest post number.


Rest in piss, phoo-streme

I can't just post every old Veeky Forums picture from here, I'm trying to keep it explicitly cuisinical.


Holy fuck that's me

You, sir, are a classic model. Very good.

Wa La

I might dig around tomorrow if this is still up.

Do you still make them the same way though?