I just made myself proud with a home cooked meal made by yours truly

I just made myself proud with a home cooked meal made by yours truly

find a fault

You cant

holy that look good give me some

You didn't put the correct seasonings on your pizza, I see red pepper flakes, that's good, but what the fuck else is there? black pepper? I see no parmesan. I see no garlic powder, no basil.
2/5 - terrible frozen pizza technique

nice job op , looks good !

looks good op like shitty gaybert food


Ah yes, some home cooked Italian food for me as well, wee wee

Bonjour my friend
Bon apitite

This is some good OC, love to see people cooking quality food from scratch on here

Looks fine.

Parm ain't good


holy shit your screen is disgusting

Troll or really stupid? They're both frozen dinners

Troll or really stupid? They're both quality food from scratch

I am guessing you are really stupid.

Reported for /mlp/ faggot shit

I encourage everyone else to report this post too

why make your own when you could delivery digiorno

>Hurr Durr I'm le Gordon Ramsey

Fuck off you pretentious cunt. These guys are cooking for the love of cooking.