Meals that make you think





Numbers cant be letters dummy their two different things

please show your work, I am stuck


Really makes me think

Made me think...

i bet the patties are still fine

2x = 4x -8 (or 2x is equal to 4x negative 8)

subtract the 4x from both sides, (2x -4x = -2x, 4x -8 -4x = -8) you get -2x on the other side

-2x = -8, divide both sides by -2 (-2x/-2 = x, -8/-2 = 4 [a negative divided by a negative equals a positive])

x=4, tried my best

Got the same answer slightly different method.
10/10 Would have pissed the math teacher off.

lmao you couldn't do that in your head


>soggy potatoes
>looks like overcooked powdered eggs
>toast is broken

Made me think

Makes me want to beat my wife

Coming from Veeky Forums this genuinely bothers me.

Really gets my noggin joggin

Think about what? Trying again?


I love this response. But I also now have to wonder if this is a picture you found online or if you painstakingly created it.


is it because the text format is sloppy or because it's confusing


if by reddit you mean i payed attention in school then yes

sorry you couldn't do the same user! hope that GED has done you well

So reddit

It's actually because of how much implied smugness I feel due to solving a grade 1 equation, but I do well realise I'm the autistic one

Since when is algebra grade 1 level math?

My bad, I mistranslated a word from my native language. I meant to say "a 1st degree equation".

Think like? where did my life go wrong?