Commies in action

gentle reminder what crypto can save you from

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crypto will save children from retarded parents?
wtf i hate crypto now

+1 triggered commie

Stop worshipping Jewish deities

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Religion is a mind disease

don't forget to pay your taxes user

On one hand, christcucks need to kys,, so good riddance. On the other hand, this is a slippery slope leading straight to the Brave New World.

>Move to another country
>Call the government of one of the most free, rich and happy people oppressive and start enforcing your own shit
>Despite laws having existed against homeschooling for decades
It's like he was chasing a controversy. Anglos really are no different than muslims.
Incidentally i can't find anything on this outside bloggers (including the infamous frie ord which inspired Breivik)

Oh yeah, seems like he's far right fringe Sovereign citizens type enspousing anti government beliefs before moving (apparently back) to Norway.
So he clearly was hunting for a controversy to prove his american bullshit group right and play the victim for dindu nuffin law breaking.

The absolute state of biz.

Thank you for the contrarian indicators.

>CP World

we're already in brave new world

This, trannies are already pushing for it to be considered hateful to refuse sex with them. We're there.

>goyim let me educate your children!!

Wonder who posted this

The (((state))) owns your children, (you) dont

Gentle reminder to not get married or have kids. It's just another liability.

I used to think that way but you have to realize that's exactly what the Jews want you to do. Prevent all high agency successful white men from procreating. Don't fall for their tricks, there are still ways to parent your children properly within this pozzed world and you're way better equipped to do it if you know what is going on.

This. I use drugs and drink a lot, but my child is my property and I own her. I can do whatever I want. Even sell her to drug dealers (of course I won't, I'm not an addict) so the state has NO justification on taking her, unless I was a retarded liberal forcing my views and brainwashing her.

Sorry user, unlike your cuckhole anglo shitholes, our 0.06% non practicing norwegian jews don't own or run shit. Or perhaps you think it's "coincidence" that the hard right party FRP as well as Norfront is growing every year?
However, what IS a cancer on our great nation is all the fucking anglos who owns companies and run them like back "home" in your shithole poverty states.

Goddamn ancaps are so autistic


>says the obedient stormgoy told by his establishment (((masters))) to create divides and hatred between actual white nations
But hey, you included "crypto" in there so you clearly weren't dog whistling your plague of fellow retards for an ebin stealth strong daddy government bros. Again for the hundreth time.

Fuck. You're right. The state should have absolute control over education. Any alternatives are clearly child abuse. We need to send in the police to save homeschooled kids from higher standardized test scores.

I prefer small government too but humans aren't just some autistic extrapolation of property and economics and yes the actions of the people around you affect your standard of living even if indirectly. You're never going to convince any normies when you talk like this.

What the fuck are you on about? That's exactly why we must abolish big government so they CAN'T do that to our innocent children and brainwash them with 2-solution left-right self harming (((politics))). Are you an actual retard?

The underratedest post

>most free
>doesn’t let you educate your own children

I've woken more people to our cause than some cuck shitposting off topic shit on Veeky Forums so he can serve his owners unknowingly.
Yes I am exaggerating and antagonistic unlike in real life debates with normies, because that's the only language your kind seem to speak in every thread you make. The best course of action for both of us would however be to talk about it on /pol/ not Veeky Forums.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

Good idea, let's ensure that right to every immigrant slav, nigger and asian too. Hell let's just abolish norwegian language class because it infringe on their rights. And we need to import that cool "be anywhere anytime get shot" culture anglos love as well.

If I were sarcastic I would pretend to be a stereotype of a BBC loving libtard or a Christian pedo cuckservative. I won't need to since by the time mods wake up both these groups will have pushed the thread to 500+ replies like the sheep they are.

What planet do you live on that the only way to assimilate into a culture is violence enforced government school?

I was homeschooled, it destroyed me socially but I got a pretty good education.

Because what if said "victim" doesn't want to be assimilated into a culture? They refuse to learn norwegian, refuse to get jobs with norwegian colleagues and refuse to pay their taxes?
We tried to let poles and balt do that. Now they live in segregated ghettos of their own choosing, burglarizing and working under the table to sippon their owned taxes back home to Babushka and her 10 krokodile addict children. We tried that as well with the Roma. Same thing happened. The massive viet wave in the 80s? They turned to extremely secluded criminal bands and gangs. Latinos? same shit but with more violence and less prostitution.
We will not making that same mistake by brainwashed anglocentrics, muslims or niggers.
So you can fuck right off trying to take our sovereignity by enforcing your horrible anglo culture on us.

Govt school destroyed me socially.

How do they eat if they don't have jobs?

Let's see, steal, work "black" as we call it, aka unreported work income under the table (mostly ape tier work like shoddy uneducated construction work that falls appart 5 months later), smuggling, prostitution, burglary, begging, drug pushing (the viets are notorious as the biggest drug smugglers and first-base sellers to dealers), extortion, blackmail.. You know, anything that falls under "crime", both organized and individual.

Your problem is immigration and the solution is to change your immigration laws not force people to public school.

welfare, they live better than people working 3-4 part-time jobs

And what about Norwegians who don't want their children put in crypto-marxist training camps?

Right so it's 100% crime, and none of the gibs me dats you scandis are famous for?

Your lineage is your immortality. Those who tell you to brace for singularity-type event and clone your consciousness want to take humanity from you.

Make money. Find a wife you love and who loves you. Have children. Once and only once you reached that point, you can think of modifying yourself to be the next step of evolution.

Anyone who chases transhumanism before having accomplished these previous goals is just being used, their biological imperatives mercilessly used and twisted (as for nihilists, they just need to grow up).

Kek, fucking burgers. Unlike your shithole, a cashier here makes on average 22k NOK for a regular work schedule a month after taxes, while the welfare leeches get about 10k at best after tax (this also means they'll have to get into any program the gov wants or lose their benefits).
Stop spouting your fucking ignorance. Fortunately, most subhumans like basically ANY foreigner from UK to Poland, to Syria to whatever the fuck you are from is slowly leaving Norway because that "gibsmedat" isn't the free lunch you retarded propaganda pushers told you.

And the root of our problem was importing that disgusting anglocentric culture you try to enforce on every fucking state in the world. If we killed your propaganda tools, we'd have none of that shit.
Hell even your idiot rightists is the reason measles came back thanks to faggot anti vaxxers starting to campaign here. Your parasite "churches" is why jehova faggotry preaching tolerance (so they can bolster their numbers) and mormon vermin infest our streets like roma beggars.

>we're so jewed jews don't need to actively control us for us to do their bidding
i don't think you carefully thought about the implications of your words

>leaving Norway
wew lad
muslims are not leaving, they are breeding.
white people who can actually assimilate are leaving

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>Everything is jew
Only 50% is jew, the other 50% is anglo. And guess which has more influence here?
Most norwegians hate Israel unironically because they're basically nazi v2, even if it's against another group of people most norwegians hate as well.

just accept the fact that you let your country be cucked. it will be worse than canada

Muslim population (along with slavs and some africans) is sinking each year when you anglo shits stop bombing everyone down there. Every time you do Israels bidding, you give the UN green flag to call them here as refugees.
Yes, most go back to their native countries or greener more gullible pastures, yet every fucking year your goym in chief ensures another migrant wave.

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Ah, that classic anglo defeatism. Like i said, fuck off. You don't get to run our shit no matter how much self warranted importance you give yourself.

then let refugees come only to countries responsible for bombings.
oh wait, your country has no say and will do whatever frau merkel is telling you.

>then let refugees come only to countries responsible for bombings.
Except America and UK is the biggest possible "dindu nuffins" in the word and pretend they don't have to deal with the consequences of their action?
I wholeheartedly agree. Anglo nations SHOULD take every single refugee, whenever legitimate or not into their countries if so caused by their wars, but jews run your shit, and you run the UN. It's a whole trickle down shitonomics except every nonanglo nation is slowly starting to wake up to the fact that your dominance is losing it's grip. At this point i prefer russian or even chinese dominance. You fucked up the century of yours in a way that's gonna be hard to fix.
But hey, better make another country theocratic like you did Iran so you'll have something to feed your war industry with for decades to come and feel important as the "world police".

>Norwegians lecturing literally anyone else on unwarranted self-importance (except Quebec and Sweden)

Det store sporsmålet her; Er dere all inn i Link gutta boys? Må ha spennitos når SHTF

This entire thread is full of anglos telling everyone about Norway and why everything is wrong with us (unlike their shitholes).
We tell them to eat shit and here's why's.
And we're the arrogant ones?
Ikke ydmyk oss nå gutten min.

So they don't live in government housing, get assistance for being single mothers, aren't using government health care, they are in no way a tax burden?

And if it's so easy to make bank being a wagie why do foreigners rely 100% on crime? And if gibs get you half of what a wagie gets just by breathing the air wouldn't the foreigners also be collecting?

>Unlike your shithole, a cashier here makes on average 22k NOK for a regular work schedule a month after taxes
Not really saying much since the price of living is also much higher.

>our parasite "churches" is why jehova faggotry preaching tolerance (so they can bolster their numbers) and mormon vermin infest our streets like roma beggars.
Yeah man it's not the leftists who give foreigners free shit in exchange for votes.

>Muslim population (along with slavs and some africans) is sinking each year
[citation needed]
>The ethnic and cultural diversity in Norway is greater now than ever before. The population grew 1.3 per cent last year, with immigration accounting for 72 per cent of this growth.
>The biggest group is made up of persons born in Norway with only Norwegian parents and grandparents, totalling around 3.9 million, or 77 per cent of all residents in Norway.
The road to 56% is short

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Meh, norway is respected. That is why it is getting flak. Otherwise, it would be treated like a 3rd world hell hole where government seizure is a way of life

>So they don't live in government housing, get assistance for being single mothers, aren't using government health care
They do, at the barest above-poverty rates, which also force them to join whatever the welfare office demands, including moving to another part of the country and take a job NAV finds as a shoe shine or lose all and any benefit. Something NAV, the welfare system has started going strong after.
>And if it's so easy to make bank being a wagie why do foreigners rely 100% on crime?
Despite your naivitee, foreigners who come here into their secluded ghettos their uncle, cousin or whatever invites them to and refuse to learn norwegian or have anything to do with norwegian culture, will support themselves with crime rather than working honestly. In fact, recently there's a new law that REQUIRES foreigners to attend and pass Norwegian language classes IF they want to continue getting even the slightest assistance (or risk getting thrown out).
>Not really saying much since the price of living is also much higher.
Yes, and do you have any idea how much? 10k can ensure that you survive the month well enough with bills and food, and pretty much nothing else. Want to drink? You can probably afford 4 bottles a month. Eat out on restaurants? Perhaps 6-7 times a month. Get a saving? Chances are almost nothing a month. Meanwhile cashiers can afford vacation, tax returns, vacation pay and everything else they want.
>Yeah man it's not the leftists who give foreigners free shit in exchange for votes.
Once again your deluded petty brain thinks in terms of ANGLOMURRICANISM

You know what? Fuck you, you're literally talking out of your ass on every post from whatever tidbits your read on /pol/ or anglocentric media and call it facts, then demand ME to recify your distorted knowledge. You can fucking go kill yourself you self important anglo vermin. You're too dumb to DYOR on nations, you're too dumb to DYOR on crypto. Stay poor.

Oh and that last bit?
Like i said, what has happened recently these past few years?
Oh i know, Afghanistan, Taliban, Iraq, Syria, ISIS... All causing humanitarian disasters.
When did our ethiopian population come? I think there was a movie about this? Black hawk down or something?
As long as your sausage fingers is in everyones pies and bombed to shit, YOU, the true cancer is ensuring they get a free pass as "poor refugees".
But like i said earlier, you people sure love pretending you're not responsible and absolved of any consequences.

>10k can ensure that you survive the month well enough with bills and food, and pretty much nothing else.

holy shit, in switzerland you only need 3-4k to survive nicely and you can still go out. and switzerland is expensive

>When did our ethiopian population come? I think there was a movie about this? Black hawk down or something?
l o l

Okay clearly you don't want to have a conversation, and that's fine. Most of the population growth in norway is from immigration, and that's also fine. You'll be goblinos that are a shade lighter.

I do think it's funny that you're absolutely O B S E S S E D with the US.

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>t. jew worshipper
You really are in no position to be smug :^)

Don't flatter yourself burger, i have grown to dislike every anglo nation equally after seeing you rape this world again and again.
Depends on what you consider bare necessaries. To me, it's gas for car (but you won't afford a car or licence on welfare), general living bills like housing, food, internet etc.
Either way, if you work, you can enjoy a decent life even with low tier pay work. On welfare, unless you're EXTREMELY frugal, might even have to live on bread and macaronies the last week.
That said, if you're actually crippled, have a certified genetic/mental illness or other serious illness proven by several unrelated doctors etc, you can live a pretty decent life on welfare since they get a lot more than typical welfare unemployed people do. But if you try to pretend you're autistic or such and somehow trick doctors, but get found out later, you're in the shitter for good. It was much more lenient back in 80s to around 2005 which is why i'm sure idiots got the idea that Norway hands out everything for nothing today.