Click "Filters". Click "Hide" on each SHIT-coin, shill, retard thread... add filter terms AS NECESSARY. Literally WILL CHANGE UR LIFE
How to FIX Veeky Forums
This doesn't work, I browse on incognito like any normie. Not doing all this shit every time I open a session.
It would just be an empty board then
But I only come here for link threads. How can I do the opposite of this?
OP is a fag confirmed
that's an improvement.
not as bad as the other day at least.
Is this so bad? Time is money. Do you value your time?
Suit yourself but you are only wasting your own time (and money)
I realize, as well, that this will only escalate until there are threads like "Strap in B.O.Y.s, CHAIM-Link to the MEWN...."
Sorry, didn't know this was a serious thread and you have no sense of humor.
I'll make my keks somewhere else and let your thread die.
Having people see a browser history full of Veeky Forums shit would be worse than wasting that time
I have an unlimited amount of energy to keep this thread alive
When I take a break I do fingertip pushups, it gets me in the mood to add more filter terms
So anyway, Click "Catalog", find the "Filter" link above the threads, and become liberated...
>no coss or coinmetro
dumb pajeet
Achain, powh, jibrel...
just added... ahh the relief
Its like having a tumor removed from your benis
New one:
Mah nigga
>17 threads hidden right now
What the fuck is wrong with Link posters?
They are election trash retards
Thats why they constantly post memes and believe in green frog magic