I normally cook and clean the kitchen but for the last three weeks my grandma's been sick and in the hospital and i've...

i normally cook and clean the kitchen but for the last three weeks my grandma's been sick and in the hospital and i've gotten a bit slack

my asshole passive aggressive boyfriend, instead of being helpful and kind decided to just take all the unwashed dishes out of the sink and put them on the floor

now i'm in a standoff with him where i am refusing to make any food or pick the dishes up off the floor because fuck that shit

what are some meals for one i can make that don't require any dishes except a fry pan and maybe a knife?

i've been eating quesadillas and bacon for like 5 days, i need something else

>granny goes to the hospital
>break normal routines
>act like a tremendous fragile victim
>become a damn slob
>hurrr durrrr muh boyfriend isn't waiting on me hand and foot
>he won't give me constant attention and sympathy for my fake victimhood
>now I am DEMANDING that he do the things I used to do before I became a total slob
>he won't, but he cleared the sink I let like up with dishes
>like an ASSHOLE
>I haven't discussed any of this with that ASSHOLE
>why can't that ASSHOLE read my fucking mind?????

This bitch is crazy

Just leave him. Hes an asshole.

Other then that, you can do anything with a microwave if you try hard enough.

Eggs. Cheap and simple.

your fault for dating a manchild, clean the shit up like an adult and help him pack his bags
however, my guess is you're just as passive aggressive seeing as you refuse to clean up and you're trying to cook for yourself without cleaning any dished your boyfriend might use. you're both retarded.

he is an asshole. he was the one who put the dishes on the floor even though doing all that and then picking them all up again will take as much time as just washing them himself

i told him in plain english i'm not picking that shit up and i'm not cooking anymore until it's cleaned up. i'm not being the passive aggressive one

i know i should leave him. maybe soon

i can't eat eggs without puking and shitting myself for the rest of the day

clean it up because that's fucking gross, then kick him out. just because your retard of a boyfriend thought putting dirty dishes on the floor was a good idea doesn't mean you should just leave it there like a bitch

this better be bait because holy shit you're stupid

probably, but if i came home to my gf putting dirty dishes on the floor instead of just doing the dishes i'd be pretty pissed, especially if i just got home from the hospital. however, i wouldn't just leave the dishes there, i'd tell the bitch to take a hike and clean up.

post tits / feminine penis


Veeky Forums has gotten too soft

Clean out of respect for your grandmother and like another said, not being a completely horrible disgusting mess. Do the dishes. Continue doing the dishes, and realize he's a jerk to ridicule. I would in fact stop cooking. Go out, buy some paper plates, eat cold sandwiches, just do nothing much that further wrecks her house. Plan your exit from this freeloader lazy manchild when it's convenient to you. Your eyes are open.

Oh, and go visit your grandmother.

ITT: white knight cucks

God I hope Islam takes us all

well Veeky Forums has to get its action from somewhere

fuck off to reddit you roastie whore. Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums more generally is a place for gentlemen only.

>woman posts on Veeky Forums


Oh and what are some meals for one i can make that don't require any dishes except a fry pan and maybe a knife?

>man posts on Veeky Forums

What are some meals for one i can make that don't require any dishes except a fry pan and maybe a knife?

triggering Veeky Forums is fun

Women have nothing going for them except their vaginas

r u a grill?

>i can't eat eggs without puking and shitting myself for the rest of the day
Have you tried cooking them until they're dead-dead-dead? Extreme hard boiled?

I was you, back when I was in the U.S. Apparently it's a sanitary standards thing -- ever since I moved to bumfuck Asia where the eggs I get are covered with chicken vagina scrapings (instead of being washed clean like in the U.S.), I haven't had any problems eating even raw eggs. But the USDA requires that eggs be washed clean of the "cuticle", and so bacteria get inside and basically poison you.

>don't do dishes
>someone else takes dishes out of sink
>ermagehrd i won't do dishes

And this is why you throw them in their bed, rather than just set them down on the floor, gentlemen.

Boo hoo grandma's sick so you have the time and effort to cook as normal but not do dishes?

Either get depressed for real and get takeout everyday or do your damn dishes.

Could you stop behaving like a bunch of socially inept neckbeards

>now i'm in a standoff with him where i am refusing to make any food or pick the dishes up off the floor because fuck that shit
Holy shit. You are both acting like retarded children.

Just leave him stupid roastie

there's probably a lot of truth to this because i can eat a lot of things with eggs as an ingredient like cakes and stuff and i've had asian soups at restaurants with an egg in them that i didn't realize before i ordered it and been fine

the puking and shitting kind of came on hard and fast (eggs were my number one go to food, mostly high quality pasture raised duck and chicken eggs, but i'm pretty sure the law is still that they must be sanitized and refrigerated)
i saw a doctor about it and he said it's more common than you think and that it will probably go away in a decade or so

bodies are weird, mang

A nigger cook?

find yourself a new butt buddy

I sort of wonder if she actually just posted a back story to try to sound interesting because it all sounds incredibly unrelated (or at least, unnecessary to mention) when asking for meals for one.

Otherwise, it's looking for attention/sympathy while disguising the post as wanting meals for one. This allows her to post her relationship problems on Veeky Forums where I guess it might be more popular or where she might attract a different crowd than a more suitable board. So far, hardly anyways has actually offered any suggestions for "meals for one".

OP, as another has said - you are also passive aggressive to complain about your boyfriend's behavior on Veeky Forums instead of discussing your problems directly with him.

Either you can both talk about your problems with one another and actually communicate - without being assholes, without being defensive, without attacking each other, without doing the silent treatment, without yelling or throwing things - and you can try to understand each other's perspective (i.e. he felt overwhelmed or unappreciated by the additional chores, you feel exhausted after trying to take care of your grandma, whatever) ...

Or you two can't talk rationally long enough to have real communication and then you shouldn't be together anyway and you should just split up. Not "you should leave him because he's an asshole" and not "he should leave you because you're a bitch" but if you can't communicate with one another with respect and understanding then you aren't good for one another.

If neither of you will suck it up and wash the dishes - that's pretty pathetic. I'd think for the sake of hygiene you'd AT LEAST wash your own damn dishes. Additionally, you didn't explain to what extent you have dirtied these dishes and left them. Did you leave food all over them that is now dried on? Did you rinse them?

Sandwiches of all kinds
Fried potatoes
Fried Chicken
French Toast

tits or gtfo

Ever try trap ass? It's even better.

traps are NOT gay.
anyone who says otherwise is likely a nigger

fucking fat lazy fucker

do the dishes and dump him

is it that hard that we have to make all yer choices for you?

fucking fatties

> what are some meals for one i can make that don't require any dishes except a fry pan and maybe a knife?

This is a setup if I ever saw one. The punchline is: "Boyfriend liver."

Just do the dishes you bitch

he caved

is cleaning right now