1.5$ by eoy 2018 (in best case)
2-2.5$ by eoy 2019 (in a very very best case)
what about in an OP is gay case
Nice dubs faggot. You need seven sevens to change kek's will though
What's this thot
Kek wills that you kys, niggerfaggit
tay tay
She taking a GB of crack to the dome.
44 beats 33
op's still gay
I-is she doing a bucky?
10/10 would live in a delapidated house in the old country.
link will unironically be worth 1000$. btc is fucking shit and its worth thousands
Mazin pic OP
Sequinetial Dubz that 1up OP's weak soy level FUD.
Try harder soylet civilian.
Fuck yeah cunt!
>praise kek xd
remember when reddit wasn't on every board?
$5 bye EOY 2019 is still optimistic.
ok seriously what the fuck is so great about link, convince me. I want to believe
Fuck yeah cunt thaats wifey material
All meaningful trades will be done off the exchanges. The exchange price will stay below a dollar.
Euro gravity smoking gets you high Iike btc in dec
ffs I haven't done this in atleast a decade. the best is to put in a little tobacco and you're fucked for a good 30 seconds until you come back down to reality.
no, does that mean im from reddit
The obsession with numerology and repeating numbers is a huge indicator that most of the faggots on this site are autistic or on the spectrum. It always makes me cringe.