You better get in very, very fucking soon

Don’t say nobody warned you, Bitcoin is stabilizing and this will give alts room to flourish. This is a platform specifically made for payment based dApps. No crypto kitties, no Etheremon. PAYMENT BASED DAPPS. DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?

That means you can have MULTIPLE businesses using the REQ platform to build a “pay with request” button, for example. They’ll be completing with each other. Company A might focus on fiat development, company B might focus on real estate. They’ll ALL be using the platform and ALL transactions done through THEIR businesses will make YOUR tokens more valuable. Retards don’t understand this, when you invest in a stock, you are investing in one SINGULAR business to do well. When you buy REQ tokens, whether a business succeeds OR fails, the total supply of REQ tokens SHRINKS, and there is an automated process to BUY more tokens, meaning demand for your token goes UP as supply goes down.

God traditional investors are so, so fucking dumb. It’s comical how fucking dumb they are that they’re not getting in on this literal money printer, instead opting for safe 1 percent returns. Lmfao. The gnashing of teeth of people that study investments for hours and hours that will get ROIcucked by me as I sit in a chair with my hand on my dick. Feels so fucking amazing.

A small, fixed percentage of every transaction that goes through on the REQ based GDAX, the REQ based PayPal, the REQ based auditing service, the REQ based ecommerce store, will be used to buy REQ tokens at market rate and then literally delete them from existence. The volume is going to be out of this world. The supply of REQ tokens will dry up faster than you can blink, nobody will be selling these for years to the humans that are demanding them because they’re such good investments. People will be paying hundreds of dollars for just one of my hundreds of thousands of tokens. God it’s going to feel fucking amazing, like the first time you had sex with your crush under the stars.

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Stop shilling this shit. It will grow organically through real world adoption. No reason to try and make Veeky Forums residents adopt it.

I take it you’re a Chainlink investor? Lol. A “staking” token, right? Lmao. Worthless as shit to institutions, businesses do not trust children with that buy Link with their mothers credit card to be reliable nodes. Moreover, businesses will not want to spend real money on nodes because the price of this investment is so volatile, why buy now when you could get it for 30% cheaper in a month? The REQ team has a BRIALLIANT understanding of cryptoeconomics, and that’s why this won’t be a problem. REQ will have real world usage, Link will forever be a fat man’s pipe dream and the last chance for hundreds of neckbeards to do something successful for once in their lives. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, this could be your actual last chance.

Is current price good?

>only have 2k

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Of course it will, I’m just trying to help my fellow Veeky Forumsnewsmen see the light. They won’t have any significant impact on the market if they go out and buy right now, there’s still time to accumulate, but not much.

>be CEO of giant corporation
>receive a money transfer worth millions of dollars using REQ
>it’s worth a few thousand an hour after I receive it.

crypto is a joke

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Basically until Mid June G20 regulations deadline? IE Binance in Malta and taking fiat paitings?

>Bitcoin is stabilizing

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Solid bait

I'm currently investigating where the burned tokens actually go. I'm almost certain they're not actually burned but funneled into an ethereum slush fund. I'll keep you guys updated as I find more.

You short sighted faggot. No, your transaction will be worth 100 btc or whatever. There will be no fucking USD or fiat. The future will be measured in crypto.

I just got a text saying half my coins got burned, any info on this would be of great help. thanks user

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>Req is worth more after every transaction.

I like req too but fucking KEK that pic

I feel like I already made it just buying this, before it even goes up. I've been in BTC since 2014 and never have I been so sure of a crypto. The majority of this market is speculation, look at Vechain's price. When REQ releases a working product in a few days you are gonna see some serious fucking FOMO.

If you have a specific date in mind chances are others do as well, so you need to get in before others would consider it early.


Let the drooling idiots on here have fun with their TRX and VEN Chink scams.

I believe REQ has a future and will be one if not THE biggest crypto project but I don't expect it to be within a couple of years and especially not in the next couple of months as a lot of Dapps still need to be build on top of it.

this. it will take a while for mass adoption to happen. but once it does, it will be beautiful.

Will i make it by 2022 with 34 000req?
And what could possibly be the end game? Like what could possibly be the value in 2025 or even later?

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>God traditional investors are so, so fucking dumb. It’s comical how fucking dumb they are that they’re not getting in on this literal money printer, instead opting for safe 1 percent returns. Lmfao. The gnashing of teeth of people that study investments for hours and hours that will get ROIcucked by me as I sit in a chair with my hand on my dick. Feels so fucking amazing.
Usually when someone makes a post like this, it's a good sign not to invest. Same reason you wouldn't invest in ChainLink.

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lol stfu Sergey is Satoshi. LINK has its own quadrillion dollar markets to cum all over. A tru Chad holds both assets, like me.

It kind of IS the perpetuum mobile of investing, at least it does really seem like it at this point in time.
Brace yourself for the future boys it will get even crazier. What a time to be alive.

REQ with a 0.1% market share would require 910 million worth of tokens to be burned every year. A fair market cap is at least 50x the current valuation.

Anywhere from 500k to 50mil

It’s an over the top kind of bait thread where I try and piss people off but the only people replying like REQ and probably only read the title. Either way I like REQ and would be ecstatic if it ever hit ten dollars or something, but that’s a long ways off.

>implying chainlink won't be worth a lot too
Chainlink is linked with smart contracts which will be a new revolution in the coming years. Not sure if it will be the market leader but if looks like it at some point, better get in that shit too because the memes against no linkers will destroy this board.

5k REQ here, how much will I be worth this time next year?

The accounting deal they signed with PwC alone is worth at least $2 billion. The marketcap of REQ is 150 million right now. It should do a x10 based purely on this deal alone.

People are insane for not buying. (not that I'm complaining though, accumulating every month until bullmarket)

How much do you want it to be worth?

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Can you pay with request? I understand you can, well, request. But can you provide? Allow me to illustrate:

>Hey, Stacey, you still owe me for those tickets to Bryan Adams last month.
>Oh yeah! I'll pay you back right now through this Rek app. Now how do I send... here we go.
>WTF Stacey, you sent me a request for more money? You're such a bitch.
>Ok ok I'm sorry. This geeky app is totes crappers.

>The accounting deal they signed with PwC alone is worth at least $2 billion.

That's what I figure too. Just in terms of value investing, I can think of no better bet in crypto at this time than REQ.

In a bear market $10,000 ($2 = 1 REQ)
In a bull market $250,000 to $500,000 ($50 to $100 = 1 REQ)

but what about LINK? Are you saying I should buy REQ before LINK?

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I wrote the original pastas, you’ve got to choose a specific FUD issue and hammer that home at the end of the pasta.

No coiner here. How can I buy some without needing to buy a ledger? I've read that not having it saved on a ledger will result in getting your crypto stolen.

short sighted or realistic. cash money ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. maybe your grandchildren will benefit from you 30,000 REQ

wow this all sounds weird and creepy.

I think I'll stick to SMSing BCH

How tf can they just burn your tokens !!??
Hard wallet or exchange user ?
I saw a post on Reddit and you can actually sue the exchange and get tokens(not all, but hey) back.
Pm me for details bro.

But why user? It doesn't seem necessary what advantages will commonfags see in this? They'll just use comfy PayPal and Venmo no? What's suddenly going to change?

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Not stolen per say. The tokens meant for burning are randomly chosen from all REQ holding wallets. And you've got it completely wrong. Having it on a ledger allows you to lock the tokens to prevent them from being burned.

thanks, just bought 100 nano ledgers

>being so dumb that you think real businesses want to use your shitcoin for something useful
lol nice work shill

So you're talking about only the payment request use case. Fees, compared to PayPal and other payment processors, will be orders of magnitude less than current options. This means payees (amazon, online stores, all those good stuff) are charged less for fees and can offer their products for cheaper. Or keep the price the same and have higher margin. This is one use case ONLY of Request

All in REQ atm. I think the question to be asked about the LINK+REQ combo is not which one will moon (if either), but which one will moon first. I’ve got my money on REQ and then splitting profits into LINK around end of Q2. Expecting a mini-dump on REQ mainnet announcement followed by a long, sustained pump as soon as grandad BTC stabilises. The market cap should be atleast 4x with the partnerships and progress secured by this team.

I can’t fucking wait.

>the pwc deal is worth 2 billion $
Ive heard that mentioned here but never seen any source on that
Care to provide?
As far is i know there are no details public yet and i expect them to elaborate in fridays update

but LINK mainnet will probably release Q2 no?

It can use crypto for payment which is a biggy. If companies want to support the crypto meme they will use Request Network and redditfags will want to push for it as a payment option so they can buy with their Nano and shit.

Why is the volume for this token so low in comparison with other cryptocurrencies? Is it because no one is selling? I would appreciate it if someone could answer this question.

Normies don't even know what a smart contract is. LINK is a long term hold like .20c BTC.

That's because it's complete horseshit. For $2 billion they would be buying the parent company, and that's not at all what PWC do. I bet they have a desk at their blockchain incubator and are paying PWC for the privilege.

I think a lot of people are waiting for the possible dumb after mainnet announcement

i used paypal on ebay. i had to pay 25$ fee for some reason and after i paid i owed 3$ to ebay for some fucking reason. so yes i will definately rather use REQ.

I think no ones selling. I was trying to get a decent price literally all day yesterday, it was fucking impossible. Ended up buying in at 50,000 gwei and then got JUSTed right after.

10k here bought at 10c

Hope it pans out

> Buying something when it's on a 60% ramp in price

Brainlet move.


FUCK I thought that token burn was just a meme but I checked my wallet and it's down from 10k to 8k WTF?!

It's literally out lol

>buying Antshares when it's up 60% to 0.23 instead of at 0.10

hold link until 2022? i think itll be evident whether this shit is going to work or not way sooner tho no?

where? I only heard a bug bounty

IT's still a 50+% difference when you sell it you fucin brainlet.

It will, but it will still move up slowly because
>"lol stace whats a chain link?"
>"idk britney, isn't it that weird thing user had on his phone in lecture?"
>"lol hes such a loser, but srsly what is it"
>"my beta orbiter knows maybe he will help us with it britney"

Venmo is US only Request Network is global.

Paypal charges a 2-7% fee. Request Network charges a 0.05% fee and supports every fiat and crypto type.

wil Request support archaic forms of British currency?

I think it is more important if they deliver.

LINK is only for oracles. Which will be a very small part of Request Network. Most of the business Request Network will perform is as an accounting/auditing/invoicing platform for 3rd parties to develop Dapps upon.

The "REQ needs LINK to work" spam is not true. And even if it was LINK would only be used for a small % of REQ's Business (less than 5%)

As long as a third party writes an oracle for it it will even support North Korean Won.

you know if someone puts 2 and 2 together that'll be an article

>Paypal charges a 2-7% fee. Request Network charges a 0.05% fee and supports every fiat and crypto type.
This is what blows me away if they succeed. During the dot com was there a bunch of companies like this promising the world? Is my mind clouded with my own bias? Of course if they succeed it will 70-100 Billion+ mcap CONSERVATIVE bc of all the use cases.

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Writing it now

You are fucking deluded. How the fuck you expect invoicing and any of these stuff to work since it is real world data? Oracles are going to be so fucking important not only for REQ but for anything using Smart Contracts that actually want to do something else rather than creating shitcoins.

I'm sure there were companies promising you'd be able to do all your shopping online and get it delivered to your doorstep and all it takes would be a website. Probably seemed ridiculous at the time.

Req ico
>Le pay w/req buttox
Instant $100MM
Pwc cucks req
>Sorry guys brb

It's called triple-entry accounting and doesn't require smart contracts at all.

Read a book sometime. (nah just kidding I also didn't know about this until some auditor user educated me a couple threads ago, read up about it)

american leftist media would be all for it. yeah this is what im afraid of...a lot of those vanished into thin air im sure

Dont put req on a ledger unless you want it catching fire in your pocket

difference between dotcoms and REQ is we can see what they're doing on GitHub
nobody could check shady dotcoms back in the late 90s

Lol this is why I come here for info.

so youre saying I should first invest in REQ then use the profits to buy LINK?

There was also one called

This is how I feel about LINK more than REQ. The idea for smart contracts is good, they will revolutionize the world. Whether or not LINK itself will actually be used or some other thing will do it is the problem. It's a "watch this space" thing, if LINK looks like it will be the market leader, FOMO in. Otherwise accumulate REQ or something else, we are in a bear market anyway.

The difference is that REQ actually already has the partnerships and market to directly target and get adoption while disrupting the financial services (accounting/auditing/invoicing). ChainLINK will have to establish an entirely new market without a guarantee that they will become a market leader.

Request Network is build from the ground up to deter competition due to being a non-profit with as low of a fee as possible.

LINK could be competed by a competitor as LINK was never created with the intent of claiming market dominance. For all we know LINK is myspace and eventually Facebook pops up.

While Request Network is like Microsoft that competes away competitors and will use their market dominance to keep a monopoly (which is actually legal since Request Network is a non-profit and thus not subject to anti-trust laws)

This is true didn't think about it like that which makes this kinda incomparable in a sense.
Yeah I know some of my investments like LINK and REQ may fail that's why I'm hesitant to go all in though even when I think they're solid af because by that slight chance shit hits the fan I'll need enough to fomo in.

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>they don't think it be like it is, but it do

I swear to god I'm gonna be a millionaire in 2019


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>hoping a nonprofit makes me super rich
Oh the irony is great

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You know what is a non-profit and also a monopoly? IKEA.

Nonprofits are perfect for megacorporations because they are excempt from a ton of laws but you can't have shareholders which is why not a lot of companies are following that method. But with cryptoassets such as REQ it's possible to hold the coin as 100% of the profit Request Network makes will be used to burn REQ tokens. Effectively transfering all profit to the token holders.

Yeah I completely agree. I was even going to use the example of investing in a shopping website and then having Amazon take off a year later. I won't be buying LINK until it looks like the go-to for smart contract oracles. REQ I think is just undervalued in general, even if it doesn't actually become the next Paypal, it's worth much more than other crypto tokens due to the burn.

you make an interesting case i must say. I hope you are correct. id like to look into the advantages of nonprofits it seems counter-intuitive on the surface but per the example you have given show they can be highly profitable and successful

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if you don't trust someone just make a smart contract IYKWIM ;)

All successful blockchain companies have to be non-profit. It is centralised otherwise. The token model is a completely new business model. Vechain foundation is a non profit for example.

Let me explain a bit more as to why they must be non profit
The code is open source, you can just take it and use it. It has to be open source for developers to be able to make dApps. There is no way for these companies to monetise other than the token model

Request stops this

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just bought everything

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Question: if the REQ token price gets really high, wouldn't that be prohibitive for continued adoption? Why would companies grab REQ tokens they need if they become so costly? Or can they just buy increments at that point for the amount of fiat they have.

The fee will be calculated in USD and then converted to its equivalent in REQ.

So if the fee is $1 and that means it's 10 REQ then 10 REQ will get burned. If the $1 fee is 0.000001 REQ then 0.000001 REQ will get burned.

The company will NEVER buy REQ. The Request Network will handle everything on its back-end automatically. People and companies will not even know they are using a cryprocurrency service.