Buying a duplex?

I'm thinking of buying a house and I'm not sure if I should go for cheapest I can to pay it off quick, something expensive in a nicer area ...or a duplex to rent out the other unit.

>money stream
>insulates against recession and makes managing mortgage easier
>can buy a normal house later and keep this as a money maker
>less likely to be burglarized (I'm guessing)

>have to maintain 2 dwellings
>always on call for problems
>could get shitty people
>have to worry about noise (both noise I make and put up with noise from the tenants)

I don't have any handy skills and it would suck not to ever truly let loose in your own house. What about those places with commercial property below and a house on top? Can I get the same amount of rent? That sounds about perfect actually.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>letting tenants know where you live


>letting tenants know where you live
I would live in the other unit, that's why worrying about noise is a concern

STOP!!!!! Don't buy anything. Real estate is the worst investment right now. All the cheap money monetary heroin that has been injected into the system as a resumt of criminally suppressed interest rates has inflated the price of real estate. Dollar crisis is hitting soon and there will be a major deflationary collapse of all asset prices.

I would bet my left nutsack that within a year or two home prices will be at least 50% less than they are now. Massive inflation is coming bro and a currency reset/crisis

Put at least 20k into gold and silver. Wait for the deflationary collapse and then you will be able to buy a home with no mortgage for as little as a couple ounces of gold.

Gold will have to be revalued one day to between 10k-100k per ounce to purge all the debt that the world is swimming in.

Normal Dow to gold ratio is 4 to 1

It is currently like 22 to 1 right now. Stocks, real estate, land... ALL extremely overvalued compared to real money gold.

Don't value gold in terms of worthless dollars you value it using ratios to other real assets of which it is very undervalued, And silver is ungodly undervalued.

>he's a gold bug
We're gonna have to put him down. Don't listen to him OP interest rates will continue increasing over next three years for mortgages, car loans, credit , etc.

>STOP!!!!! Don't buy anything. Real estate is the worst investment right now.
What gets me is that you're right, but I think the economic trickery will continue. Anyway a duplex is sort of a hedge against that since people will always need a place to live.

>Put at least 20k into gold and silver. Wait for the deflationary collapse and then you will be able to buy a home with no mortgage for as little as a couple ounces of gold.
I have 1/4 that in melt value. Say that happens, I use my oz of gold to pay off the mortgage just the same

Also every house on zillow is listed at almost exactly $100k above the property tax assessment. Is that normal?

Interest rates risIng equals a sovereign debt collapse. You can't have interest rates at 0% for almost a decade and not have economic ruin.

OP... don't listen to him... he doesn't understand real constitutional economics. All that had happened the last 10 years is we have more heroin to a heroin addict instead of going into rehab like we should have done in 2008 and taken some pain. Now the pain will be magnitudes worse than it would have been in 2008.

Just look at the stock market the last couple months. Up 600 one day, down 500-1000 the next day. The market is full of drugs and doesn't know FMV. It's like a stumbling drunk before he passes out.

Bad things are coming. Obviously you aren't going to go all in on gold. But you NEED to have at least 10-15 ounces to hedge against this coming collapse and the house you want to purchase.

You can't have freedom
And prosperity when your currency is a debt instrument. The dollar's reign is coming to an end. Hedge yourself or you will be very upset soon.

This guy knows what's up.

Yes you need a place to live but he's doing this for investment purposes. If I made 100k in crypto and my boy two options were buy a home or go to the roulette table. I would choose the roulette table because at least I'd had a chance of making some gains and could put more into gold and silver. Whereas blindly putting money into a home for investment purposes is pure suicide.

Also, to add to that, interest rates WILL rise, and that's going to collapse the housing market, and that will be the time to buy. Yeah, your interest rate will be higher, but that doesn't matter when the price drops 40%. However, this all depends on whether or not credit is flowing.

Even 5k in gold/silver is enough actually. BecUse 99% of the population doesn't even own 1 ounce of gold.

All this anti Jew talk on this board, and the Jews have throughly brainwashed the masses into being anti gold. You can't eat gold durrr... nobody before the year 1940 ever said something as stupid as but I can't eat gold.

Simplest thing to fuck the Jew is to not use their Jew currency.

To take the power away from govt you have to reject the source of that power which is the money they spend to corrupt the economy.


Hence why USA is eager to wage war ASAP either Iran, N.K.

That's why John Bolton was appointed.

That's why the only thing good Trump is making is selling arms abroad (Poland today, Saudi Arabia).

Anything before the empire crumbles.

You can thank the Jews for ruining your country as they will emigrate anywhere once things go south with their 'dual' citizenship.

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lol, gold is worthless.

The only reason gold was worth anything was because it is 1) rare enough that you can't just "find some" 2) easily divisible (it's very soft for a metal) so you can make coins with it 3) very difficult to fake and easy to tell if it's real or not.

That's literally the ONLY reason gold was worth anything historically, because humans didn't have access to a better form of currency.

If shit ever gets so bad that gold becomes the currency again, then it would still be worthless because we'd be living in a mad max style world and only food, guns, and pussy would be worth anything.

>we'd be living in a mad max style world and only food, guns, and pussy would be worth anything.
might be fun

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>Gold will have to be revalued one day to between 10k-100k per ounce to purge all the debt that the world is swimming in.

Oh shit. Is THAT why everyone is saying to stock up on gold? Because it will be revalued eventually? I know America and Britain price fixed in their own favor but thought they... fixed it or whatever.

There's no uniform way of assessing real estate values between local jurisdictions, so you end up with some counties valuing it at 100%, 90%, 60%, and every other percentage you can imagine and every county has different tax rates on top of it.
t.real estate appraiser for local government

Yeah gold is worthless you cocksucking Jew. Then how come wen I went to buy an ounce on Saturday it cost almost $1,400 to buy?

Why has china, India, and Russia all been accumulating gold in record tonnage the last 10 years? For fun? What do you know that they don't?

Imagine any person coming back to life who lived in 1844 or 1235 or 600 years before Christ. And reading your Jew supporting gold is worthless dribble and then imagine what the fuck they would think of you saying gold is worthless

if you want a duplex, buy it, rent out both sides, and live somewhere else. tenants are usually shit people. it's best if they don't know where you live.

rent is freedom

>If shit ever gets so bad that gold becomes the currency again, then it would still be worthless because we'd be living in a mad max style world and only food, guns, and pussy would be worth anything.

You are partially right.

Gold and Silver is God's only accepted currency throughout history until Jews (again them) decided to change that.

We will return to it since we are, by human nature, attracted to it and we have always dealt with it subconsciencly.

Now I think you are right, things needs to go really bad for us to use it.

IMO, a WW3 will happen. The writings are on their walls. Maybe not this year or the next but within 5-20 years - we could live a mad max life. It's been prophetized in the 3 religions especially in Islam.

God will destroy usury (its written in the Quran) since it's made to be collapsed.
Jews will lose at the end.

A purge will be needed to restore the good.

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>he's doing this for investment purposes
I'm the op, and I figure it's a way to do a little of both. I get a house and also a dividend paying investment

>All this anti Jew talk on this board, and the Jews have throughly brainwashed the masses into being anti gold. You can't eat gold durrr... nobody before the year 1940 ever said something as stupid as but I can't eat gold.
Yeah there's definitely an middle ground between the current system and mad max, people just like to polarize things.

>Anything before the empire crumbles.
In that case it would be advantageous because I could buy property in a gun friendly state and weather the happenings

>100%, 90%, 60%
Thanks I didn't realize that

Do you think people rented more or purchased more when mortgage rates were 11%?

>gold is worthless
>only food, guns, and pussy would be worth anything
That's why gold is worth ~$43K a kilo and I can sell it and still buy all the shit you listed, queer.

The same reason diamonds are expensive... we assign value to it. Gold is a symbol of wealth and therefore is expensive.

Countries are buying up gold because it's very useful in electronics, having the greatest conductive ability of any Earth metal.

read a book for once in your life, idiot.

Why do you think people buy gold in the first place dumbass? Because they distrust fiat and want to have money and wealth for when fiat dies. That's the entire POINT!!!

Nobody buys gold so they can get back more increasingly worthless fiat.

Gold is valuble because the PRIMARY function of money is to measure VALUE of things exchanged for it. It's a BAROMETER to measure VALUE and nothing has ever done that better than gold.

100 years ago gold = 20$ Which was a good weekly salary.

Today 20$ barely buys you lunch at a bar, yet that gold ounce exahnged for fiat gives you $1400 which lo and behold is still a good weekly salary.

The Bible says that 2500 years ago 1 ounce of gold bought you 350 loaves of bread. Let's do some math... that ounce of gold is $1400... bread is about 4 bucks at the grocery store today... wow... 2500 years later and that gold ounce still buys you 350 loaves of bread roughly.

Gold is money and currency. We aren't going back to handing silver and gold to buy things but it is still real money just like it was 1200 years ago.

god I hope can only hope I live to see a Mad Max future.

Or at least the flash of giant fusion bombs lighting up the entire earth before i go

It's a Symbol of wealth because it's actually real fucking money.

"Gold is money - everything else is credit." - JP Morgan

"In the absence of a gold standard there is now way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value." - the Jew himself Alan Greenspan (1966)

>if you want a duplex, buy it, rent out both sides, and live somewhere else. tenants are usually shit people. it's best if they don't know where you live.
Yeah that's my big concern (besides economic collapse). I wouldn't do that because then I still need a place to live. Either buying another home or renting. At that point it becomes too much of a hassle, having to deal with two tenants plus my own shit, I don't want to make it my job.

>gold because it's very useful in electronics, having the greatest conductive ability of any Earth metal.
Ashkully, silver is a better conductor but isn't used because it tarnishes and then is no longer as good at conducting.

You think china is stacking 20k tons of gold for electronics use? Lol

What do you think will happen when the dollar ceases to exist? The next million years people will be part of some closed loop barter system where they exchange eggs for blowjobs?

Goddamnit I was ready to take the plunge and now you gold bugs have me spooked.
Say the crisis happens shouldn't it be a wash if I hold both the overvalued asset (house) and the undervalued asset (gold and crypto) prior to the crisis?

Smart man OP user. You are thinking. You probably didn't give a second thought to owning some gold.

Look, I'm not even saying stop what you are doing, don't invest in a home (even though I wouldn't) and drop all your savings into gold.

But what I am saying is you MUST get some. I don't know your financial status but I'm assuming you prob have at least 50k right? Just put 10k into silver and gold then.

What people don't realize and even the gold bugs fuck up is they think that if they need 1 million for retirement that they need 1 million in actual gold.

When in reality they prob only need about 50 ounces of gold to cover that million they think they need.

In Venezuela right now where they are eating their pets... and a months wage is like 12$. One ounce of gold is equal to 70 months of the current poverty wage down there that people are able to survive on.

Now imagine having just 10-15 ounces of gold. You can start buying up income producing assets. It's all relative. This fiat scam is an illusion.

My only point is... make sure you get SOME. If you have a lot of money... dump 20k in gold/silver and just forget about it.

That's the entire point in owning gold so you can scoop up assets on the super cheap when deflationary collapse occurs. Ever hear the story of the bellcap in Weimar Republic of Germany who saved up like 25 ounces of gold and bought an entire city block when hyperinflation hit? Same reasoning here

it will be even more of a job if you live there because they'll nag you over the smallest shit.

the best way to have the least amount of problems with tenants is to have the bare minimum amount of appliances (less shit to break) and have good quality plumbing. then they usually won't bother you unless something serious fucks up.

>muh loaf of bread

Oh ok, so everyone is going to have little sacks of gold? How will I buy a green juice at whole foods? Will I take out a adamantium cheese grater at check out and shave some gold flakes onto a scale?

Gold has no place in the modern economy, it's a store of value NOT a currency, dumbass.

Jews are tricking you once again

Yes, gold is used in military grade electronics and weapons.

Pull the trigger, Show me someone who has lost money on real estate.

>Pull the trigger, Show me someone who has lost money on real estate.
A shit load of people who got foreclosed on during the 2010 crisis?

Even Kushner has unrealized losses on 666 something Ave NYC

Yes... the middle system you are talking about is a simple revaluation (devaluation).

Where you money and assets tumble in value. And the winners are those who own real money.

Were you in diapers in 2008 and not remember?

Bush and Greenspan caused the 08 housing collapse because of 1% suppressed interest rates. Then obama came in and did the EXACT same thing as bush did except on a grander scale with 0% interest rates...

And now we are in a bigger bubble than the tech bubble and housing bubble combined. Except when this bubble blows they won't be able to re-inflate shit because the fed is out of ammo and Russia and china are sick of their debt being devalued. And we will hVe a currency crisis.

And this is also precisely the reason china has been stacking gold like there's no tomorrow because they know they aren't getting paid back in full, and they know the dollar is finished.

It will be a currency reset. Nobody even me is talking about how we are going to go back to paying for shit with silver coins.

It's about the currency being backed by money. It's not about actually exchanging gold or silver for movie tickets

>Show me someone who has lost money on real estate.

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Good job user. You know. Go ahead and get the investment property just bump up your current stack some. Or better yet get some silver. Wait for the gold to silver ratio to close to 30-40 to 1 then exchange that silver for gold and get a bunch of free gold. Or just go 50:50 to be safe

>muh currency reset

Ok, so whoever owns the most gold with be the wealthiest in this "currency reset" future of yours?

COOL MAN. Let's the entire world agree upon that gold is the only thing worth anything. Oh wait, except America has nukes that can destroy the Earth 30x over, so I guess we'll just have to agree that whatever America says is money is money.

Gold backed currency will never return, it will remain a form of investment, never the main backing of fiat.

The backing of fiat is military power, you dunce.

Anyone have any good tips for keeping black people out of your rentals without getting sued?

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I can buy 10 oz of gold tonight and have it in my mailbox next week. But where the fuck can I actually sell it without the IRS reaming my boipucci? nowhere.

shit's gay
fuck gold

>Also, to add to that, interest rates WILL rise, and that's going to collapse the housing market, and that will be the time to buy
what is your ETA on this

It's not that gold is the only thing worth anything, but that in a currency reset all the prices of everything...... blowjobs from a hooker, aunt Jemima pancake mix, and homes will now really be priced in gold.

And what do you think America has been doing to Libya, Iraq, etc. destroying countries who don't want to deal in the dollar. You just made the most bullish argument for owning gold in this entire thread. Ain't going to work with china And Russia like little old Libya.

You don't seem to understand that money is a measure of value.

>Ever hear the story of the bellcap in Weimar Republic of Germany who saved up like 25 ounces of gold and bought an entire city block when hyperinflation hit? Same reasoning here

Step 1: "We don't accept Section 8"
Step 2: Rent above $600

Welcome to NoBlacks Rentals

Coin shop? Buy under I think 6k in cash and you don't have to report.

And again, you aren't buying gold to cash out in dollars if gold goes to 10k. You exchange it for the new currency, which there will be a tax but the revaluation will have to be so high to purge the debt that it'll still be worth it.

Buy gold and don't worry about tax issues in the current failing financial paradigm.

>Coin shop? Buy under I think 6k in cash and you don't have to report.
it's 10k and I am talking about selling. They take your ID and can choose to file an SAR if they choose. Also mandatory CTR depending on volume (10k) and reportable (most bullion depending on qty)

IRS either gets a report directly or there's a paper trail.

So tldr you can't actually sell gold without this shit, it's trash, just stick to bitcoin/monero

>You exchange it for the new currency
this is not happening in our lifetimes bro

A silver dime used to be a days wage in America.

And for hundreds thousands of years a days wage was a silver piece the size of a dime.

and today I can buy more silver than I can carry with 4 men with a week's worth of work

Nothing is going to be valued in Monero or bitcoin. But you'll probably be able to buy a shit ton of monero after the revaluation and you have gold.

So what you have to pay a tax? Or just say you sold the gold.

I don't feel that there's any advantage to socking money away in gold atm, and your scenario isn't going to play out anytime soon sir

5 years is my call.

til hyperinflation hits? when does the race war begin user?

It's not about carrying it around. It's about it being money and backing the currency.

Not going to happen? Heard of the "strong bolivar" that's a currency reset for Venezuela. We are bankrupt like Venezuela. 1 ounce of gold is equal to 5
Months pay down there where people are starving and eating their pets. Now imagine having just 20 ounces of gold and the harem of bitches who will want you impregnating them

Can't say anything about it being a good investment, but imo, duplexes are the saddest dwelling right before tin roofs on cinder blocks in a slum. It's all the cons of owning a home and an apartment rolled into one.

>Share a wall with a neighbor.
>Have to deal with neighbor whenever entering and exiting.
>Own your own place, but not really.

You basically have to deal with all the crap of owning a home while still living in an apartment style set up.

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>>Own your own place, but not really.
but you do own it though

Yeah, half a building. There's setting your sights high.

you can buy the whole duplex, brainlet
on what planet do you buy literally half a building?

oh wait are you canadian or australian or something? kek

here in america we buy the whole thing and then rent it out

How do you know it isn't going to play out anytime soon? Sure you might be right but it could happen tomorrow too. Why take the risk? Especially when it will probably be an over night revaluation

And.... there's no advantage to owning real money/tangible wealth? Since when has that ever been the case?

Jews have infected your mind. Please fight it. Just go buy 1 ounce of gold sometime in the next week. That's an order user.

>muh bullish argument

I do understand that money is a measure of value, I'm simply saying that the value measurement is determined by whoever is carrying the largest stick... So US inflationary currency it is, boys.

Not a good time to buy real estate

real estate (minus the 2008 debacle, which wasn't the fault of "real estate" but predatory lending and repacking loan bullshit) is the safest bet against economic collapse.

I bought and flipped houses with upwards of 40k profit each from 2008. I don't see it as a good time, do whatever you want to do

>real estate (minus the 2008 debacle, which wasn't the fault of "real estate" but predatory lending and repacking loan bullshit) is the safest bet against economic collapse.
>real estate is the safest bet against economic collapse except when it isn't

>The Bible says that 2500 years ago 1 ounce of gold bought you 350 loaves of bread.
Where exactly in the Bible does it say that?

Go duplex user. My dad did one thing right in his life and it was buying a duplex and renting one side out. Literally saved my family, kept my dad comfy after retirement.

So is the move to make some money from crypto, cash out into gold or silver in a couple years, wait for the housing dip in a few years, then buy some duplexes to rent to newly minted poorfags?

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Jesus Christ wan an ugly house.

when will be a good time? how will we know? thanks user.


Ugly fucking house.

>claims to be source of gods own opinion
>advocates purge

do you even omnipresent benevolent higher power??

Wait until the stock market finishes crashing, it will pay for itself in a couple years, or buy now and likely be in debt for the fuck ever.

Get at least 5k of gold and silver now the overnight revaluation could happen at any time.

Dream house, 2 garage, 1 for wife, 1 for wife's son.

I could do hypothetically 4K, would the best bet to be go 50/50? I honestly wanted to do the same as OP, because duplexes are being given away where I live. Not to mention, if I paid the first one off outright, you can leverage up to 85% of the equity to purchase another and so on and so forth, but maybe its best to wait until the shitstorm clears. Who knows how long that could be, I really hate renting, although I do have an impossibly good deal right now.

Where is it you live? And how are they so cheap if you can make good money renting?