Gordon Ramsey Masterclass

>20 videos
>4 hours

Is it worth it?


>le angry meme chef
alton brown >


Will they be uploaded to a torrent?

Best new forced meme.

I like Gordon's cooking ideas but fuck that camera work, man.

He's just milking the yanks at the moment.
I like his food and I've eaten at a couple of his restaurants but ain't shit on a £50 video that ain't already on YouTube use the money to go to a nice restaurant and enjoy yourself my burger friend

Masterclass isn't for NEET's without any fuckin' cash. It's for house wives and hobby chefs with too much time & money on their hands who want every single detail and step explained. In a way a cut together tv show can't.

So is it worth it? Not really, maybe at 30 bucks, but even then it's just video recipes. But , some people need the step by step in real time thing because they suck at cooking, so if they have the cash, let them enjoy themselves i'd say.

4 hours is enough time for a MASTERCLASS you have got to be fucking kidding me

I'm not above torrenting if anyone knows where to get it

Werner Herzog's was fucking garbage. (pirated it m8)

wouldn't you need to record the stream to be able to share it?

Isn't this fucker rich enough? Looks like a money grab to me.

Also why the fuck does it look like it was filmed by National Geographic

You're right. Alton Brown is better than nothing


>episode 1
gordon boasts about his career
>episode 2
gordon recalls his time learning the once impressive french techniques he still relies on
>episode 3
gordon advises you to buy the same brand of knives and pans he has deals with
>episode 4
add some herbs lol
>episode 5
eggs on toast
>episode 6
gordon chops things REALLY fast and shows you how to sharpen a knife.
>episodes 7-10
how to make scrambled eggs, carve a chicken and make a shitty chicken supreme
>episode 11
gordon boasts about his michelin stars
>episodes 12-17
make soup, clean a fish, make dough, Veeky Forums info image of meat cuts, how to impress no one with ravioli
>episode 18
beef memeington
>19 and 20
gordon boasts about how he never gave up and makes the series a nice round number by telling you to put oil in the pasta water and crack eggs on a flat surface

$90 well spent

That oil hint was really helpful.

I always wondered how the local Italian got his pasta so oily and nice.

You'd get more information watching Food Wishes videos than this. Not because Chef John is more experienced, but because Ramsey would only give you one-off dishes you cook to impress a single dinner party, where as John has an entire encyclopedia of dishes and techniques.

same it prevents the pasta from bubbling and spilling all over the stove, I don't agree with adding oil on the pasta when it's done though

He's essentially going to try and teach you the mentality of being a perfectionist which sadly cannot be learned

Other famous people like deadmau5 in music and people in other fields have these masterclasses, they aren't teaching much but giving you the """inside perspective""" of their industries and some hints n tips.

adding olive oil to cooked pasta is what you're suppose to do you idiot. you dont oil the water though, plenty of salt and a roiling boil will do that for oyu
