What's the best vegetable and why is it broccoli?

What's the best vegetable and why is it broccoli?

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Holy trinity. Mire poix is shit by comparison.

filthy greenheads get out of my country

brussels sprouts

Onions because versatility.

broccoli is pretty based, I like brussel sprouts more though especially steamed and tossed in oil, salt + pepper and balsamic vinegar

all crucifers are goat

Broccoli is best because after eating two or three whole heads of it, I can take a nice smooth dump.

it's the only thing that will ever caress your tongue

fuck off whitey


Nailed it. Good raw, better steamed. Versatile.

Mash it with pepper, sour cream and garlic salt, nigger you got some mashed fauxtatoes.

Rice it, mix it with sauteed onions, garlic, salt pepper and cilantro, you got yourself a bed of rice for poultry.

I've made a risotto type dish with it

Mix riced cauliflower with parmesan and egg, brush it with garlic butter and bake, homeboy there are some garlic sticks. Throw some marinara and cheese on there, whoops, looks like you've made yourself a pizza.

Anything is possible with the cauli.

Because it absorbs whatever sauce or spices it is cooked in.

this to be honest family

>posting a fruit in a veg thread

Broccoli is not aromatic, tho

what's the point of substituting cauliflower if you eat like shit anyways?

Don't get me wrong, mainly I just steam cauliflower or do the mash. A heaping spoonful of sour cream and a dash of garlic salt does the trick. A lot better than potatoes/butter/milk/sour cream

Pureed it certainly is.

these are absolutely amazing to use instead of chickpeas for hummus!

Brussels Sprouts
Collard Greens
Water Chestnut

Is it bad if I just toss it on aluminum foil in the oven for 40 min?

whole wheat food, high fiber stuff, no sugar, no soda, no white flour.

losing a bunch of weight made me feel way better.

Onion is an herb, not a fruit
If you don't chop it fine you are doing it all wrong

I love broccoli
Trimmed close to the flower so I don't get too much thick tough flavorless stalk
Steamed lightly, al dente
Served with a little splash of soy, no thick gooey sauces or cheese

Brussels Sprouts.
All the nutrition of them cruciferous vegetables and they don't taste like shit!

goddamn do i love roasted sprouts

cabbage master race

onion, easily
Then garlic, celery, broccoli, carrot. (in that order).
I think more of them as spices, but peppers and ginger are also great. But not as great as the aromatics mentioned above.

GOAT method is to deep fry them. It's fucking tricky to do at volume without splattering the shit out of your fry cook unless you prep them the right way. Here's the best technique I've found (& also the way we do it at my restaurant).



That kush look danker an fuck my nigga

Good veggies here man

Why do you keep posting this, and why is it so funny lol XDDDDDDDDDD