Funfair manipulation

why is this piece of shit pajeet coin silently mooning?

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maybe it's not a pajeet shit coin ya fuckin nerd

> using eth pairings in 2018

eth is getting dumpstered, look at the btc pairing

We only use ETH pairings, welcome to the present gramp.

FUN is LITTERALLY the only coin with a working product. Despite how much you might think FUN serves no purpose it has a
working. Fucking. Product.

That separates it from 99.999% of coins out there atm

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>FUN is LITTERALLY the only coin with a working product

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yeah, fuck VEN and its working gov't aproved product

I noticed you didn't give an example to prove me wrong

Go ahead I can really use a laugh

tfw funfair is dead

That's bullshit and you know it, vechain is not what is being used by corporations they use ven something that is partitioned from the market
FUN is the currency used by FUN apps and casinos


All currently 100% working products

>FUN is the currency used by FUN apps and casinos
except there are no casinos (?)

COSS is the only one gj
Bnb and kcs are cash grabs, that are not needed for their main net to work
You will be able to say bnb has a working product when their dex is released

They're working with a casino but that's immaterial to the point that they have a working product

they're not going anywhere if ETH dies before/during release user

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Neither is link

>tfw I'm all in on FUN and I only post these threads in the hope that someone will console me but nobody ever does
FUN holders are truly brainlets

Same. Here buddy! We are gonna be alright. At least we can gamble if it never takes off.

Dude. Casinos aren't going to buy fun with eth, they are going to use euros... the eth pairing doesn't matter

Though fuck all thevscam icis bringing down the price

>Dude. Casinos aren't going to buy fun with eth, they are going to use euros... the eth pairing doesn't matter
that would be nice but there are few to no EUR/FUN pairs available on exchanges

Holy shit man, the casinos aren't going to use exchanges either..... they buy otc

>Holy shit man, the casinos aren't going to use exchanges either..... they buy otc
Not according to Jez

It's FUN to get molested. HOT!

The absolute state

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.