State of VeChain "investors". Getting cucked like a true Veeky Forumsraeli
State of VeChain "investors". Getting cucked like a true Veeky Forumsraeli
Imagine spending time on creating FUD that gets debunked in a few seconds.
Is that pic of them standing in front of McD real?
Do you feel good spending your time on this clearly fake photoshop? Is your life that incomplete?
Vechain whales spends investors money of a new car
>Vechain partners with BMW
fuck i love vechain fucking up so bad.
Uh, we all know that's fake right
don't buy this chink burger tracking scam
Are you retarded? It's photoshopped. It's the same pic from BMW
Sunny Lu must be stop!
ahhh the ole' reverse fud trick
vechain holderss getting desperate
>It's the same pic from BMW
So the original is just as bad then.
Look what we got here boys, a deluded VENNY
What lol? I'm commenting on the obvious photoshop and joke. I've never owned VEN in my life. Smelled a scam ever since that fucking Coca-Cola kid bullshit.
>Is that pic of them standing in front of McD real?
It's a bad Photoshop job. Nice try tho.
Lol it's a scam but I never heard of that CC kid. What is it about?
Fuck. I really wanted to track my BigMAC and McNuggets on the Blockchain.
Turns out it's from the BMW pic. Which is just as bad.
>Those photoshopped borders
I truly believe there’s one Vechain fudder on this board that posts ven fud once a day and then comments to himself over and over
>VEN holders
VEN is hitting ATL right now.
Still long way to go down imo, it will go the same way as ICX and bleed for couple more weeks
Some posted here a few days ago asking how many do this about random coins. It had like 60 replies. Lots of folks do this shit.
The state of biz