Here we go, anons. The time has arrived.
Here we go, anons. The time has arrived
it can't be real
this is it. everything will be okay
Cancer post
>this resistance
> BTC will never go below 7500 again
fuck you green wojaks are just as important to the wojak index ecosystem as any other wojak or smug pepe
I can't believe how rich I will be after the upcoming pump.
+60%, more gains with leverage, ~2 week pump
Already bought 100k linkies
Was that the bottom?
Bottom is in, sell orders at 9k
We are clear for liftoff
OP isn't a wojak though. Not even close. You have to go back.
We found the bottom
Clear shot to 30k now
90% of those neckbears arent even switch owners. One pic is that no man's sky faggot. Why is Veeky Forums so mad about nindendo's unbelivable success? t. bought nintendo stocks late '16
I have no idea and don't really give a damn about the Switch or any other vidya game system since I don't play with them. I just think the picture is funny and was apropos to the comment I replied to. Make a new one 'shopping out the Nintendo and I'll happily use that one if it bothers you.
I unironically am clean shaven and was given a Switch as a present. I've used it about 5 hours in 5 months.
time has arrived to dump sub 4k?
it's you user
Dude what are you guys talking about
The only stablecoin is EOS right now
When EOS is bleeding times are bad
Pic related my niggas! :) haha *\o/*