How nutritious is taco bell beef in the year 2017?

how nutritious is taco bell beef in the year 2017?

people eat that?

It's watery beef and spices. You tell me.

nutritious in the sense that you get amino acids that are essential to your survival. I wouldn't expect to be getting an appreciable amount of vitamins or minerals from it though

It's most of the usually unusable parts and bits off of old dairy cows...

Why...where did you honestly think your Big Mac came from, at least at that cost...

Is Wendy's beef/chicken descent?

And silica, don't forget the silica (sand, basically)

As a lot of food we buy from the supermarket then.

It's undergone a descent, yes. Not very good quality

Who gives a fuck? dat shit is good

who has most nutritious beef/chicken?


I'd guess Wendy's but I have practically no logic behind that guess

how much nutrition dose sand have?

They're probably all equally nutritious
Their is probably no significant difference between the quality of meat each restaurant uses.



You don't go to Taco Bell for the nutrition.

Speak for yourself.

The beef at my local Taco Bell is hideous. Not trying to be one of those food snobs that acts like fast food is completely inedible, I mean this place is genuinely horrible. No other Taco Bell has ever given me this issue, but the one by my house consistently has bad beef. It has a strong chemical taste and leaves some sort of starchy residue all over the inside of your mouth. It honestly kind of worries me because I don't know what could even do that to beef.

It stands to reason since their meat patties taste the most like actual meat.

You've been eating cum, user.

That's real fuckin' funny amigo but I've tasted my cum before and I know that's not what it's like.

>I've tasted my cum before and I know that's not what it's like.

Are you sure you know what a tweaker's jizz (that's his toxic and dehydrated urine in that jizz too btw) tastes like mixed in with the taco meat?

How can you call yourself a coo/ck/ and not even taste your cum before adding it to a dish?

I highly doubt it at the very least. Seriously, this goes beyond "pretty gross" and straight into "maybe dangerous" territory.

Wendy's beef is never frozen and is actual fresh meat so I would guess them over McDonalds, but I don't have a clue how BK does theirs or anything. Nobody ever really shames BK for much and they don't seem popular to talk about. They're just like..the quiet one in the background.