Game cooking

who here wild game, what recipes you have.

I make a killer rabbit stew. The same stew can be thickened to make equally killer rabbit pot pies.
If this thread is still around when I wake up, I'll post my ingredients, if you're interested. I can't give you an exact recipe, because I don't even follow my own.

this looks barbaric, no thanks

>spit roasting an animal
Go back to your chicken tendies and pizza pockets, you sheltered pussy.

Never got to cook a rabbit like this image before, how eould you know when it was done?

That looks like a fucking fetus being roasted.

Yes, that is barbaric, like something a barbarian would do.

A family member just got deer back from the butcher\processor last weekend. Him and his hunting party all had their deer made into deer sticks and summer sausage.
The sticks are like slim Jim's except meaty and fresh, very good. And the sausage was mixed with jalapeno and cheddar, amazing.
I think he mentioned the price was 2.20 USD per pound and definitely worth it.
I cut them down and vacume sealed them in food saver bags and put them in the freezer


So anyone not greek.

Cacciatore is great with rabbit too.

made some bear chili a couple years back. it was pretty good

Kangaroo is pretty great for chilli too and deer.

Why so intolerant bro.

Rabbit is pretty good I imagine other rodents are too

>being so far up your own ass with false notions of projected masculinity that you feel compelled to kill and eat urban vermin

Enjoy the cancer you fucking hick. Squirrels are the pigeons of the mammal world.

>implying i don't love the taste of pigeons

Man I really wanna try it sometimes, not much budget for or experience with alternative meats.

venison is pretty good. a bit too dry for anything else IMO. never hhad kangaroo. how does it taste?

Humm... a good gamey taste, not too strong with a little hint of sweetness i guess.
Great contrast with the spice.

all you need is something to kill it and a sharp knife. I've taken one with a sling shot and a ball bearing before, though a .22 lr or .17 hmr is a lot easier to get a kill shot with

The downside of 3000 years of intensive agriculture, we've pretty much chased out all wildlife besides sagulls, tics and mice.

>Implying you wouldn't eat a fresh hot roasted fetus

Yup! My SO hunts deer, and we do all the butchering and vacuum packing ourselves. It's great, and we're looking to do elk next season too.

You can treat venison like you would any lean red meat. We've used ground meat in tacos and burgers (add an egg so they don't fall apart), cubed meat in stews, and slow cooked roasts in BBQ sauce for pulled pork style venison. The tenderloin and backstrap are great for steaks, and you can cook them like any normal steak (I like to add a creamy mushroom or bourbon pepper sauce), just don't cook it past medium rare or it will dry out fast with no fat to keep it moist. Roasting thicker cuts and slicing them thin is great for sandwiches. We've even made our own bratwurst, you just need to add pork fat (you can get trimmings for free from almost any butcher).

Venison is great: super cheap, organic/lean/grass fed/free range/whatever bullshit you want, and you can substitute it for beef in almost any recipe as long as you keep the fat content in mind.

>killer rabbit stew and pies
I assume the Holy Grenade pre-minced the meat?

>Python fags are pathetic

C++ and Pearlfags a shit.
