Whats the weirdest thing you've made while high?
Whats the weirdest thing you've made while high?
Cool Whip on stale bagels.
Cheddar popcorn quesadillas, with vanilla ice cream on top as the "sour cream"
To be fair I was 17. My friends thought I was a culinary genius.
you madman
A bullet.
Look man I smoke weed. A lot of people here do. But please take this shit elsewhere.
/nom/ on 420chan perhaps
Were talking about food not weed ;((
that sounds fucking amazing
>Be drunk
>it's 3 AM
>try to make soup
>black out
>wake up at 2PM the next day
>walk to stove and look into the pot
>shredded carrot
>a cucumber cut in half
>a whole apple
>a whole pork chop
>a melted popsicle still in the wrapper
>soggy tortilla ripped apart
>a fork
im str8 fag
I don't think anyone asked.
I cook "Large" eggs, maybe 6 at a time. bring to a boil in the water, don't add to boiling water. boil for 10 minutes. immediately drain and set in a bowl of water with a couple ice cubes
but i like my eggs solid boiled, so I can shred them with a cheese grater
What's that? are you trying to extract hooch from a sourdough mixture?
i separated egg yolks and whites and beat the shit out of them. they got foamy as hell when i cooked them so i threw some cheese on that bitch and fried it in a tortilla. it tasted like a car.
Peanut butter and chocolate sauce on a bagel cooked in butter
Took some kielbasa, fried it up with serranos and onion, then took a couple slices of sourdough, made french toast (just milk and egg, no cinnamon or anything like that) and used them as buns.
Man, I felt like a total greaseball afterwards. Worth it.
okay maybe not the weirdest thing but definitely the grossest, I once tried to make a combo of like, a tuna melt but with ramen, first few bites were awesome, then I could only get through half of it before I started feeling kinda sick and threw the rest away
Bacon cheeseburger. With chocolate chip waffles for buns
Drunken cooking abortions are definitely worse than stoned ones.
The stoner food is most often consumed, while the drunken attempts are often abandoned, burned, or spilled.
Stoned or not that is actually quite delicious.
>cuts the cucumber in half
>not the apple
I was borderline falling down drunk one night and decided to make boxed mac n cheese. got all the way to the point of adding milk and butter to the powdered cheese when I realized that I didn't actually have any milk. So I used sour cream instead. It was pretty good at the time, but the thought of it makes me feel ill now.
I tried making love ;^)
chicken leftovers and cheddar cheese lasagna.
Apparently it was delicious somehow according to my friends
I smashed two fiber one soft baked lemon bars into a pint of vanilla bean.
Fucking astounding. I think I'll do it again tonight