Bout to cook me some fajitas Veeky Forums

Bout to cook me some fajitas Veeky Forums

Why did you glue meat to the wall next to your washing machine

oh great, an aussie cooking thread.

Shit I forgot it does that.

>tfw not coking in 4D
I-I'm not gonna make it, am I?

Now you're in China. Keep going.

Turned out pretty good desu

Just open up your pictures in paint and save them before posting, it stops them from being rotated.

Or you're a literal phone poster and should leave.


If you edit your pictures in any way and save them, they won't flip

did you marinate the beef?

Just a brine and some lime juice overnight in a ziploc

No shit I'm on a phone I don't keep a computer in my kitchen


>read post
>take off glasses
>laugh ass off
underrated post

should have put some green stuff in it.

Wouldn't have hurt but I didn't feel like cutting up any peppers. I did put some pico de gallo on them though.

Good luck, Aussie bro

Houston actually

Is that in new zeland?
