Why do Americans pray before eating meals?
Why do Americans pray before eating meals?
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>why do christians practice their customs
Who knows, dumbass.
Because we're not godless commies.
How silly, right my fellow gentlemen? God doesn't exist!
because we might get bombed by muslims if we don't or something idk
Do they clap when they get the food?
Speak for yourself, christfag. There are plenty of us and growing day by day. Not only commies, either. Religion is declining precipitately in 'murrica, and will continue to decline. The hypocrisy of christfags will not stand in the post-modern world.
Of course, they're Americlaps.
Real Americans pledge to the flag.
>only person in religious family that doesn't give a shit about Christianity
>at thanksgiving dinner last year, I volunteer to say grace
>"Allah, Buddha, Jesus too. Who loves ya baby? Time to chew."
>whole extended family hates me now
> not a single fuck given
>Why do Americans pray before eating meals?
Ever since Trump was elected, 75% of us are just praying for the sweet release of death.
fyi me and my atheist brethren don't bother with that praying bullshit. we just pause for a moment before digging in and get
Why do Americans hold family values?
You gotta thank the Good Lord for your grub or y'aint worthy to eat it
Why do Europeans pray to Allah before bombing a bus?
Americans are so stupid.
Thank Clinton
stay deluded lefty piece of shit
I pulled something like this, this past Christmas.
It did not go over well.
This and not getting my daughter be baptised, leading my mother to proclaim that my 6 month old would "burn in hell for all of eternity," has really caused a rift in the family.
It's for the best. I don't want my daughter hanging out with delusional mystics, even if they are family.
Whew lad.
>american family values
>divorce rate 40-50%
>average length of marriage 8.8 years
Christian, thy name be hypocrite.
Looks like they just want to make as many families as they can. :)
Country is 300 million people.
60 million voted for king orange fuck face.
30 million of those now regret it.
30 left out of 300 is 10 percent.
>mfw i realize, again, that trump supporters can't do math
kek. Me likes.
Get played you famine riddle degenerate.
>have a high divorce rate
>don't care though as Europeans will be extinct in 25 years as they don't even have sex anymore let alone get married
I got visit Europe before it becomes haram for me to even be there.
sensible chuckle
Why do Americans shart in the church?
It's Good Friday, heretic, repent.
it's polite
I don't and whenever I am with people who do, I like to look around at the people at the table since their eyes are all closed.